16 Week Recomp/Cut Cycle - Thoughts?


New Member
Looking to lock down and begin a 16 week cut.

16+ Years Lifting
7 Years experimenting, 3 B&C

In the younger days, I’ve gotten fairly wild with cycles and doses. I’ve tried countless compounds at rather absurd doses I won’t get into. Not proud of the fact, but it’s happened and I’ve here to tell the tale as well as learn from my mistakes.

I understand diet and cardio are clearly the most important factors, but these will be handled.

Compounds I’ve tried and my experiences:

Tren: No go. Too sweaty, too much hair loss. Have dabbled with tren 4-5 times. Doesn’t fair well with my personal life.

Mast: Love it and the feel, but trying to avoid due to hairloss issues I’ve had from it in my more recent cycles.

EQ: Didn’t notice much from this. Certainly experienced elevated anxiety, but the quantity of oil I had to previously pin for 16+ week stints didn’t seem to have much impact.

Ment: No go. Gyno nightmare. Loved the results, got up to 100mg a day on this.

Test: Have dabbled with doses from 300-2g weekly. Sweet spot at 600-700 for me without massive facial bloating and high water retention.

DHB: Ouch. Left me crippled to the point where I could barely walk. Tried brewing myself, tried reputable sources, just doesn’t agree with me. Did notice increased anxiety as well.

Deca: Did notice joints were more healthy, but found it to hold substantial water in my lower back and chest as well as face.

HGH: Ran a year ranging from 3 IU’s to 10. Sweet spot was around 5 IU for me, but hard to actual say I noticed much in the way of fat loss. I understand there are a lot of factors in this. No major side effects besides some carpal tunnel that subsided and I could practically fall asleep standing up by 10pm. (not a bad thing)

Anavar: Don’t notice too much from this honestly, have played with doses from 30mg-100mg over the years. Do notice that it tends to dry up my chest and lower back when paired with cardio. Does anyone experience hair loss with this?

Dbol: Not for me. Bloats me out, gyno flair ups.

Proviron: give me my hair back from the last run please… Can’t do it again, but loved the effects.

Current Stats
5’11", 214lbs.

Currently running (past two weeks)
400MG Test
12.5mg Aromasin Every Two days
25mcg T3
P5P 50 Mg Daily
Fish Oils/Vitamins
Topical Dutasteride/Minoxidil Combo

Looking for some inputs on what to add into this next 16 week cycle. I’m not looking to get hit by a freight train like train, looking moreso to have a feel good cycle, up the reps, drop the weight, improve athletic functionality, and maintain strength while beginning a descent to ~205lbs.

Have pre existing gyno. I’ve tried all the tricks in the book from crashing e2 with letro, caber, ralox, nolva, aromasin, and arimidex. It’s been here since childhood.

Open to suggestions here with the ultimate goal of cutting down, drying up, and feeling good at the same time.

Hair Loss is a rather serious concern for me in recent months.

Option 1:
600MG Test
12.5mg Aromasin Every Two days
40mcg T3
Anavar last 6 weeks @ 100mg/day
P5P 50mg Daily
Fish Oils/Vitamins
Topical Dutasteride/Minoxidil Combo

Option 2:
600MG Test
400MG Primo
12.5mg Aromasin Every Two days
40mcg T3
Anavar last 6 weeks @ 50mg/day
P5P 50mg Daily
Fish Oils/Vitamins
Topical Dutasteride/Minoxidil Combo

Option 3:
600MG Test
12.5mg Aromasin Every Two days
40mcg T3
Anavar 25mg/day 16 weeks
P5P 50 Mg Daily
Fish Oils/Vitamins
Topical Dutasteride/Minoxidil Combo

**will be running Ralox on and off in 4 week bursts**
Open to additional compound ideas here to keep me dry. Any advice would be appreciated.
If you're really paranoid on hair loss, I would be careful with the dht derivatives as you mentioned Mast and Provi messed up your hair. So I wouldn't be surprised if Primo did the same for you. Again trying to be super careful with your hair really limits your options, and you're already running topical dutasteride, so I would probably just go with the bio-identical hormone route, so basically what you're doing right now, maybe just up your doses and see how you feel.

Also how is the topical dutasteride working for you in general? You ever used oral dut or fin?
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why is your test so high for a cut? drop the ai's and lower your test to trt dose 200-250 a week is plenty lower dht conversion also.
Curious what you come up with. I had bad hair loss on primo, and primo plus mast. I was younger when I took anavar and don’t remember any hair loss but yes, Anavar is often harsh on hair.

Tren wasn’t super bad on my hair, but I noticed more shedding than normal. I reckon for guys like us That value hair test is one of the only real options. I don’t wanna fuck with fin and dut
I pick option 3... primo might make your hair fall out, however likely less then tren or mast.

Also maybe add Clen? 2weeks on 2 weeks off for duration

Also the var I would double the dose and do it weeks 1-4 and 12-16... should require same amount of tabs.

Good luck and let us know how it goes! ;)
Also the hgh inject it into your stubborn fat areas eg tummy or love handles in the AM and do 30m-60m of fasted cardio

That should help you notice the fat loss of hgh better... you can split up your injects 3iu per love handle

Also how is your diet and training?
I would drink some green tea everyday... it’s a good natural fat burner
Exactly I bulk on high test for example and when I change to low test and tren equi etc I can clearly see that I did not only gained mass but burned fat as well
As for the topical dut, I’m using the Tret/dut/minoxidil combo from strut. I can say that it didn’t do shit for me for months until I started derma rolling 2-3x a week. Currently, I’m using caffeinated shampoos/conditioners with hair loss additives. Using the topical dut in the morning and night, derma rolling at night. In addition, I’m adding a low dose minoxidil with argan oil in the morning. This combo seems to be helping. While I’m critical, I’m in a much better place this year than last in regards to my hair.

Anavar will be added weeks 1-4 low dose, 12-16 at 100mg a day.

GH is currently at 4 IU. Beneficial to go to 6iu 2x/day?

Im worried about primo and hair. How about a low dose EQ? DHB made me crippled to the point where I thought I had an infection.

Clen will be added in at weeks 6-7, then 9-10, and ultimately once more at week 14
I don’t think you will notice low dose eq.. how low dose are you talking? I would add more var before adding eq... takes long to kick in anyways.

Or tren... but then again your hair so I’m Leary to recommend it

And hgh 4-6iu is good, what ever your budget can afford. You won’t notice a huge difference going from 4-6.
I don’t think you will notice low dose eq.. how low dose are you talking? I would add more var before adding eq... takes long to kick in anyways.

Or tren... but then again your hair so I’m Leary to recommend it

And hgh 4-6iu is good, what ever your budget can afford. You won’t notice a huge difference going from 4-6.
say 600 EQ for 14 weeks?

If only I could get domestic raws to run anavar longer
Why not run var longer Dont some people run 40mg for 12 weeks or so?

Thats unfortunate you are concerned about your hair. The primo didnt affect my hair but that's my genetics in play.
thats so individual, nobody can tell you.
I know. I know how high it makes mine, I just want to see if there are patterns with guys who know they need to use around 50mg of exemestane and high e2 with average test dosages. He's using 50mg/week of exemestane for 400mg/week of test. I'm pretty sure that's what I need to dose my ai at if I were to run 400mg/week of test. So I wanted to see if his e2 without any ai is close to mine at the same dosage.