6', 170 pounds, 12% self estimated
In your three years of research, what sort of diet plan did you put together? Not the future. What did you eat yesterday? Just list the foods, amounts, and the macros for the full day. If it is not a representative day, let us know, post it, anyway, and perhaps add another day that is more usual.
Just cut and paste it off your tracking app.
If you do not track your food, then start.
Then report your diet (actual, not hopeful) here. You need to do this whether you decide to inject hormones, or not, and you need to start before you start any hormones.
Once you figure out diet, your natty gains are better, and your on cycle gains and transformations become superhuman.
If you do not figure out diet, well, let's just say that there are a lot of puffy steroid users in the gym. You'll never hit your potential without proper nutrition.