@24kpharma you already made a post similar to this on the past stating why cso could potentially change the outcome of a labmax, so far I believe that you have good intentions, but by saying that! you are somewhat discrediting any positive or bad labmax performed on your line. I think the best way to go about this is to produce 3 different samples of masteron-p with the following three oils, cso, gso, and mct, perform three individual labmaxes and bring some sort of credibility to your theory. Otherwise it seems like you are trying to disregard any results about your line, when they fail labmax. This is the best way that you can potentially go about things unless you are planning to have your mast-p mass spec.
Thank you for reading this long ass post lol
I understand where you are coming from, and I see how it comes off. My intentions were not to go in that direction, I was simply trying to make an observation of MCT vs GSO/CSO and how the violet/blue color seen in Vial A could be due to the inherent florescence of Vial A and GSO/CSO being mixed.
In regards to the Mast P labmax, we're still unsure what it is. I have stopped selling it but still have it in stock, I will eventually have it tested if this testing avenue works out, but first we want to have raws tested. However, I believe I had worked to make right everyone who had Mast P from the recent batch. I take customer's complaints very seriously and do not disregard them unless their is blatant evidence against the contrary.
I can purchase some more Mast P results and happy to do a little experiment with different carrier oils. The only issue would be how to make it seem as un-bias as possible, seeing as it would be me doing the labmaxing.