As just "dudes who lift weights to look bigger when standing in line at Lowe's" who really have ZERO income potential from bodybuilding, who will never be paying our bills from bodybuilding, the last thing we need to be doing is mimicking the lifestyle of a pro bodybuilder. In fact, I would go so far as to say that many of us, with kids and significant others depending upon us to provide for them, need to get FARTHER AWAY from the weight lifter lifestyle we already live, let alone closer to the lifestyle lived by a pro.
The amounts of drugs those guys have to take, the extremes that they put themselves through leading up to shows, GH, insulin, all of the BP and cholesterol meds, etc etc, the enlarged organs, on and on.... trust me, like I said above, unless you are one of the very very few who will ever make a living in bodybuilding, there is no good reason to take it to that extreme.
Now, granted, you may wonder why in the world Bickel's negative view should matter on this topic, so if that is the case, just go research the topic and you'll read the very same opinion by the guys who are living it. Too many of us minimize the negative effects that this stuff has on us. Taking it to pro-bodybuilder levels is absolutely ludicrous, unless you truly have the potential to be one.