24k Pharma US Domestic Source

24k, would you like to donate

Help fund the next round of testing for June 2016.

  • 7donations
  • $236.09 USDpledged of $5,000.00 USD goal
  • 48:22:28:44to go
This project will be funded on May 30, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

Just FYI 24k has been communicating really good via email - fast responses. It seems to be the way to go. I made an order recently and will update in the future

I'll be making a log running 24k and pharmacomstore products (along with a buddy who's still deciding lol) in the next couple months as well.
Just FYI 24k has been communicating really good via email - fast responses. It seems to be the way to go. I made an order recently and will update in the future

I'll be making a log running 24k and pharmacomstore products (along with a buddy who's still deciding lol) in the next couple months as well.
If you're domestic and supplier is domestic sometimes it ain't the best idea to tell everyone your entire business. Just sayin stay safe.
Congratulations man! Bet you were in shock!

Thanks! With how quickly my wife got pregnant the first time, I immediately went to my doctor when she didn't this time. I figured I would need to start HCG or clomid, but he told me to try a few more months before we went down that path.
Did the whole masteron thing ever get worked out, I just found a thread on that from back in August of last year where someone thought it was masteron e instead of p.
Are you hoping the doc will prescribe the meds for you? I've been wondering the same since I've been cruising I know my girl is going to want a baby and I know I'm going to have to start taking hcg and other meds.
Yes I'm hoping not only to be put on trt but to get some info on keeping fertility while on... I know it's possible but I think there's a pretty strict dosing protocol and if u don't follow it to a t your wasting ur time.... I run hcg du ring my cycles at low dose... 250 iu every 4 days just to keep my boys normal size.... I know running high levels of test and hcg is basically pointless for anything other than keeping them from shrinking but for me it's worth it
I hear 150-300 should be enough with deca. 300 was my sweet spot for joint support. I'm guessing about 150-200 for npp per week?
Thanks guys.... 150 is what I aas thinking but the research I've done said every 3 days so I was just trying to figure out dosing.... surely not 150 every 3 days..... that's 300 mg a week ... seems like a lot

