2nd Blast(Test/Mast/Var) +possible NPP 10-12 weeks?


So this is my 2nd blast.
my first one started with this

1st cycle: Start of 1st cycle was 5'10 lbs. 209 lbs 22.7% BF(Dexa)
300 test C/ 300 primo E -> 600 test C->300 primo E+25 var -> 600 test C/600 mast E+25 var
3-7.2 IU of HGH along the way
L Carnitine. 500-700 MG half way
Metformin XR 500mg 1-2 times a day
Vitamin D
No AI used
Nolvadex for bloating
Somewhere along the lines I did interrupt the var and tried anadrol for 2 weeks.

What I learned from my first cycle: Ended at 222 lbs 16.8% BF.(Dexa)
It is that primo does not agree with me. Libido/irritability issues.
mast is preferred. I also do not lose much hair from it.
I do like Var, althought 50 can give me some heart burn
Anadrol 25-50 for a week feels pretty solid. it doesnt affect my liver as much
I love HGH.
I also got shingles
Dexa Scan says I overall have gained 23 lbs of muscle and lost 10 lbs of fat.

I stopped my cycle short (13 weeks).
Ending weight was 227. 2 weeks after the cycle ended I dropped to 222. I am assuming 4 lbs of it was water.

I transitioned to a cutting cruise with mostly strength/size retention. It kind of shocked me.

180 test C/ Mast E
4.8 IU of hgh. whether split or once a night
ramped up to semaglutide weekly(Dropped metformin due to hypoglycemia combined with semaglutide)
500mg of L Carnitine.
I did this for 8 weeks.
My weight is now 216 after the intentional cut. I now plan to do a recomp blast. Estimating 15% BF right now

3rd cycle plans Starting weight 216 lbs. Estimating 14-15% bf.
W 180 of Test U every(Comparing to 150 of test C)
- Loading dose of 400mg x 2 the first week
M/ F 125 of test C(250 total)
M/F 200 of Mast E(400 total)
(Estimating equivalency of 400mg of Test C because of the lowered test availability of test U)
last 6 weeks may do a ramp up of 50 of Var daily as a finisher.
5-6iu of HGH whether nightly or split.

Possible changes
I may start NPP in a week after the test/mast is loaded up to not do everything at once. I am still unsure of it. If I do start it, I may just keep it at 240 mg a week. M W F at 80mg. Hopefully any negative effects the mast will negate it. I am choosing NPP as I can bounce off of it if necessary.
If NPP does not work out, I may plan to up the mast to 600, or start var sooner.

So the reason I reduced the test is cause during my cruise I realized I was still putting on mass. It still felt like a recomp. This is why I decided to reduce the testosterone dosage and higher wasn't needed.

L Carnitine IM 400-600mg daily
50,000 iu of vitamin D one time a week
10mg of pregnenolone daily
25mg of dhea daily
81mg of aspirin(I get a high platelet count from testosterone)
500mg of metformin xr 1-2 times a day depending on A1C. Starting 1 week after semaglutide washes out.
I consume chia seeds so I am not too worried about omega 3.
Obviously I have AIs/SERM/ARB on hand if needed
pt141 as needed


I will be consuming atleast 200g of protein a day. split among 3-4 meals. Targeting 3000-3500 calories a day.
again, if I was going on a direct bulk I would look at my daily consumption but I am pretty good at eyeballing my caloric intake and my first cycle did help show it. Same with my cut. I consume probably atleast a lb of meat, shakes, etc.

My labs were on point during the first cycle. my HDL was slightly lower, but so was my LDL. Ratio was solid. I do plan on labs at 4 weeks but I am not too concerned about how they will be. I will also be monitoring my blood pressure which hasn't been an issue

I am still hitting a push pull leg split. I aim for 8-20 reps depending on the length of each rep(bench press vs calf raises)
Mix of compound lifts and isolations. I do like to change it up depending on what is available.

Post cycle TRT cruise. I will keep the Test U going. I also plan do use aromasin 12.5mg twice a week x3 and use 500mg azithromycin 3x a week x 4 for acne control when I get transition . Yes the azithromycin can be treatment for acne vulgaris.

I plan on this being a solid 2nd cycle and I am looking for it. If you have any questions, please ask away.
Sounds like a good plan.

I did not know that about azithromycin. Good info. Just did a little research and found that Cephalexin (which I have) can also be used to treat hormonal acne with a 70% effective rate.
I’m running almost the exact same doses of test e (300)and npp (225) with (475) of primo instead of mast right now
Sounds like a good plan.

I did not know that about azithromycin. Good info. Just did a little research and found that Cephalexin (which I have) can also be used to treat hormonal acne with a 70% effective rate.
I’m running almost the exact same doses of test e (300)and npp (225) with (475) of primo instead of mast right now
for every antibiotic regimen there are alternatives. that treatment regimen is also nearly a prophylactic STD regimen lol.

good stuff, your e2 holding up ok?
for every antibiotic regimen there are alternatives. that treatment regimen is also nearly a prophylactic STD regimen lol.

good stuff, your e2 holding up ok?
I saw that…might come in handy lol
Yeah, seems to be doing well at these doses so far. Plan to get bloods in 2-3 weeks
Like you said, the transition from trt to blast esp. at a gram a week can trigger some mild bloating and backne but everything seems to have stabilized well and no bloating now at all. My first time running npp so far and I like it and no negative effects noticed yet. Keeping the dose low, same as you. I actually started at 175 and bumped once to 225. Going to leave everything there and only change based on bloodwork
I have definitely noticed joint pain relief in my shoulders since adding npp and I like it. Mid 40’s and gym 5-6 days a week so that’s a huge plus for me. Hope you like it as well
How long you planning on running npp 8-12?
I saw that…might come in handy lol
Yeah, seems to be doing well at these doses so far. Plan to get bloods in 2-3 weeks
Like you said, the transition from trt to blast esp. at a gram a week can trigger some mild bloating and backne but everything seems to have stabilized well and no bloating now at all. My first time running npp so far and I like it and no negative effects noticed yet. Keeping the dose low, same as you. I actually started at 175 and bumped once to 225. Going to leave everything there and only change based on bloodwork
I have definitely noticed joint pain relief in my shoulders since adding npp and I like it. Mid 40’s and gym 5-6 days a week so that’s a huge plus for me. Hope you like it as well
How long you planning on running npp 8-12?
I am not sure about the npp. I even considered it as a "finisher" so I know if I need to abort the cycle. But I am assuming 240 is mild enough for it to not be an issue. I was gonna start it next week on Monday after a swinger party (srs). I was thinking if I do run it. To run it for 8 weeks. I may even go up to 300
I decided to run
350 test Rough equivalent
240 npp
400 mast
5IU of HGH

maybe 10 weeks max starting this week
I decided to run
350 test Rough equivalent
240 npp
400 mast
5IU of HGH

maybe 10 weeks max starting this week
Sounds like a good cycle

Have you run mast before?
If so, have you found it lowers E2 less than Primo? Reason why I ask is I’ve heard conflicting views and one of the reasons I run Primo is for AI control
Sounds like a good cycle

Have you run mast before?
If so, have you found it lowers E2 less than Primo? Reason why I ask is I’ve heard conflicting views and one of the reasons I run Primo is for AI control
Yes. Last cycle I moved from 300 primo to 600 mast.

my e2 went from 39 to 142.

Some people will use mast for E2 receptor control but it may not work as an AI.
its closer to nolvadex(Serm) than it is to an AI. Even then, it isnt a SERM.
Yes. Last cycle I moved from 300 primo to 600 mast.

my e2 went from 39 to 142.

Some people will use mast for E2 receptor control but it may not work as an AI.
its closer to nolvadex(Serm) than it is to an AI. Even then, it isnt a SERM.
That’s excellent info
Thank you

I’m getting blood work done soon with sensitive E2 and also prolactin
Since it’s my first time running NPP I’m curious to see the effect on prolactin
That’s excellent info
Thank you

I’m getting blood work done soon with sensitive E2 and also prolactin
Since it’s my first time running NPP I’m curious to see the effect on prolactin
im not too sure. some people say its pointless to test for it. I think we are running a low enough dose it shouldnt be an issue. There is also some reports of mast inhibiting prolactin secretion in the original studies of it.
So far I have 8 days into my cycle.

I have done 3 injections of NPP and still feel good, if anything... VERY GOOD. I am just wondering when the negative sides.

my tennis elbow is still annoying but the nandrolone seems to be improving it I ordered tb500 to make sure it heals well.

I still feel like myself if anything euphoric like when TRT began for myself. libido still works for sure.

I hope it stays smooth like this. Even things that would piss me off before when I was on primo dont apply now.
So far I have 8 days into my cycle.

I have done 3 injections of NPP and still feel good, if anything... VERY GOOD. I am just wondering when the negative sides.

my tennis elbow is still annoying but the nandrolone seems to be improving it I ordered tb500 to make sure it heals well.

I still feel like myself if anything euphoric like when TRT began for myself. libido still works for sure.

I hope it stays smooth like this. Even things that would piss me off before when I was on primo dont apply now.
That’s some good news. Hopefully it keeps rollin just like that

BPC-157 and TB-500 is the shit for healing injuries. My go too also
I really am enjoying this cycle compared to last time.

Equivalent of 350 test c a week(180 test U and 200 of Test C)
240 npp
400 mast.
6iu of hgh. May drop down to 5 cause I'm loading it all at night. I am noticing some cts

I prematurely came with a girl the other night. My dick was super sensitive...

Libido is stronger than my cruise and I have a strong sense of overall well being. I'm still counting down for when I may get nandrolone depression, just am concerned. We shall see... maybe it won't come at all.

I think I may just run this same cycle for the next cycle too I'd anything. Little to no acne,.no anger issues. I am really enjoying it.

Fasting blood sugar is 110. But 1 hour after eating is 107. Which is a little interesting. I am restarting metformin now 500mg Sr.

My recovery does seem a bit slower but I'm hitting weights harder than before. I wanted to give my joints time to catch up. That's why I'm hitting the weights harder than cycle one.
I'll grab bloods next week.
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A1C: 5.2%

i still have leftover heart burn from the semaglutide... unless its from NPP? I dont see that as a normal side effect.