2nd Blast(Test/Mast/Var) +possible NPP 10-12 weeks?

You do you bro! I might try the M/W/F schedule myself tbh. Didn't know NPP had 2.7 day halflife.
Yea. Ideally it would eod. I didnt want to try deca because I was afraid of the mental sides of nandrolone and wanted to pull back just in case
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Blood work came pretty much back within normal limits other than the platelets at 500 which is expected and my hdl at 29. My hdl/ldl cholesterol ratio is still within normal limits though. I was a little surprised with how solid it is tbh.

E2 is at 55 too on aromasin 12.5mg twice a week.

The NPP is giving me crazy sexual thoughts. Like thoughts you would assume from tren.

My wife likes me crazy libido though. She thinks it's fun. If we weren't swingers it would probably be bad.
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My wife and I kind of lost a single girl, or almost like a not as serious girlfriend we would fuck around with. so it magnified some of the sadness involved in it.

We would go out and spend the night together and have threesomes of me going back and forth between their pussies. I know that's a little crazy but it was hot as hell.

This is such a low key OP comment lol The deal you had going on sounded legit af, kudos
This is such a low key OP comment lol The deal you had going on sounded legit af, kudos
We are over it tbh. It sucks that it happened. We are still gonna be friends but probably only not here the same kind of sex like that. The deep connection is broken.
We are over it tbh. It sucks that it happened. We are still gonna be friends but probably only not here the same kind of sex like that. The deep connection is broken.

The "going back and forth between their pussies" ... is sticking in my head bro ...
Gave me something to aspire to
I have done it with my wife and other women (twice).

The last one I was blowing my load into each of them. It is such a hot thing to do. It goes back to instincts. Spreading your seed into as many vagina as possible to keep your lineage

My wife used to be jealous so she was comfortable sharing me with this girl, on top of that. letting me raw dog her.

That's why it was such a large hit.
Was this something you pushed or did she wanted it from the start? It's hard finding women that would want something like this.

What would you say is the most important thing on your behalf that you must do in order for it to work? I presume that making sure that she feels like she is the #1 is crucial eh?
Was this something you pushed or did she wanted it from the start? It's hard finding women that would want something like this.

What would you say is the most important thing on your behalf that you must do in order for it to work? I presume that making sure that she feels like she is the #1 is crucial eh?
I always wanted to. But thought it was so fucked up I would never meet someone that was stable to do so.

I think most swingers are people sexually deprived when they are younger and then when they are older with jobs, money, then they go nuts. My wife came from a conservative family where men made decisions and can do whatever they want.
Alot of medical, law enforcements, military, and teachers are swingers.

Communication is key. Alot of arguing at the start and alot of jealousy on her part.

Even with wives.

Now she is ok with me fucking single girls if they know their place in our relationship and show my wife respect. Same goes with single men.

She has seen me tell single girls off that I enjoy fucking so she knows she is number one.
I always wanted to. But thought it was so fucked up I would never meet someone that was stable to do so.

I think most swingers are people sexually deprived when they are younger and then when they are older with jobs, money, then they go nuts. My wife came from a conservative family where men made decisions and can do whatever they want.
Alot of medical, law enforcements, military, and teachers are swingers.

Communication is key. Alot of arguing at the start and alot of jealousy on her part.

Even with wives.

Now she is ok with me fucking single girls if they know their place in our relationship and show my wife respect. Same goes with single men.

She has seen me tell single girls off that I enjoy fucking so she knows she is number one.

"Even with wives" lmao

Yeah, I can imagine, you need a very stable person to be able to pull this of. I remember one gf that we were very passionate, but were also arguing all the time, she mentioned something like this once, but I couldn't imagine a scenario where it wouldn't lead to even more shit storms down the way, so I didn't react to the proposal.

Yeah, that respect part is very crucial, I can imagine. And all is probably a very finely tuned mind/emotional game on your part. You must be really empathic and passionate at the same time, reading other people and connecting with them which must lead girls to be really into you. Not a small feat at all.
But the being in a love triangle sort of thing is what's fascinating to me. It's one thing just fucking some girl in a threesome with your girl/wife, but it's a whole other thing having another girl as a kinda second girlfriend ... That's what intrigued me. I wonder, why the other girl went for it ...
Yeah, that respect part is very crucial, I can imagine. And all is probably a very finely tuned mind/emotional game on your part. You must be really empathic and passionate at the same time, reading other people and connecting with them which must lead girls to be really into you. Not a small feat at all.
But the being in a love triangle sort of thing is what's fascinating to me. It's one thing just fucking some girl in a threesome with your girl/wife, but it's a whole other thing having another girl as a kinda second girlfriend ... That's what intrigued me. I wonder, why the other girl went for it ...

Some of these girls are a little crazy and they see how I treat my wife.

I think it turned them on that I take care of my wife. We only had one that we got really close with.

The other ones were just a night of banging and a continued(typically distant) friendship.

I am very empathetic but I let my anger out online. The NPP magnifying my empathy is a reason why I like it because it's a trait I have regardless of steroids
Some of these girls are a little crazy and they see how I treat my wife.

I think it turned them on that I take care of my wife. We only had one that we got really close with.

The other ones were just a night of banging and a continued(typically distant) friendship.

I am very empathetic but I let my anger out online. The NPP magnifying my empathy is a reason why I like it because it's a trait I have regardless of steroids

That's very interesting. I'm also empathic, need to be for my work too, but aas vector me in to jerk territory. Npp is no exception. But yes, it's very androgenic and dopaminergic. It's similar to dbol but much better. If I preferred my balls functional, I'd keep a small dose in a trt regime ...
I cranked up my semaglutide to 1.5mg every week.

Currently 221 lbs.
400 test c
300 npp
400 mast
50mg var ED but Saturday.
6-8 out of hgh.(no more sides)
BG in control.
1.5mg of semaglutide.

My weight hasn't changed in the past few weeks but I am having abs under proper lighting which is shocking to me. I have never seen this look on my body.

I recorded an only fans vid with my wife and was shocked.

Since I'm extending this cycle by 4 weeks. I will recheck this in one month. It will be interesting to see how useful it is to run a cycle for 16 weeks vs simply 12 and if growth will continue.

Decided to crank hgh to 10iu nightly. I will back off the dosing of I get sides. I feel like since I'm hypocaloric it is not as likely. Running optis right now.

I have been having less night sweats lately. Been trying to cut down night time carbs. I am assuming this has something to do with insulin release.
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