2nd Blast(Test/Mast/Var) +possible NPP 10-12 weeks?

I am not gonna lie. I think I will have to pull back to 8iu of HGH. I have 23 days left of this cycle and I can feel the fatigue hitting me a little rough.

my weight is at 219-220 but I am leaning out faster. the recomp is sitll going on I think. Will get a Dexa scan at the end to confirm
You should be proud of your results from your first cycle. Quite a drastic change.

I never understood the NPP hype if you are going for a low BF look (not just permabulking). It caused heavy bloat and as somebody who doesn't fuck with nandrolones at all anymore, I noticed it had an effect on my mood. Even more then tren does.

For your next cycle I would consider low dose tren E at 200mg alongside mast. I think that would really take your physique to the next level.
You should be proud of your results from your first cycle. Quite a drastic change.

I never understood the NPP hype if you are going for a low BF look (not just permabulking). It caused heavy bloat and as somebody who doesn't fuck with nandrolones at all anymore, I noticed it had an effect on my mood. Even more then tren does.

For your next cycle I would consider low dose tren E at 200mg alongside mast. I think that would really take your physique to the next level.
Thanks man, I am really happy about it. I am not gonna lie. the size increase makes me feel a little uncomfortable at work because some of the people can clearly tell I am on something. I work at a highly drug free environment lol.
Outside of work IDC, but I can always say "TRT".

The NPP was had a great positive effect on my mood but if I would still run it with semaglutide. unless I went on a massive bulk. I thought about repeating this for my cycle 2 for my cycle. (same regimen)

I will use tren early to mid next year for Cycle 4. I was thinking about your dosing recommendation but I wanted to use Tren A just in case it didnt agree with me
I tried to stick the 10iu a little longer to see if lethargy wouldn't Improve but it didn't.
Today is my last high dose and I'll go back to 5-6 iu nightly. I will also be doing my last test c/npp/mast injection on August 5th.

I'll schedule a dexa scan that same day

I feel like my body needs to rest.
I am giving my muscles a week break from the last workout. I feel like my body needs a little deload.

I would rather do this with anabolics in my system than afterwards when I am just on TRT.

Dropping HGH to 4 iu nightly.

I keep telling myself I cant wait to get off the cycle lol.

I dont know if anyone feels this way but I just feel overall fatigued. Tired of the night sweats from NPP.

I think next Cycle 3 I will keep it 8-10 weeks. Planning to restart in late december or early january
My fatigue seems to be resolving now. I may just had to take a few extra days off the gym. I feel pumped up to lift again.
I dropped 5 lbs on Friday... It is still off. I am a little shocked but my weight has been on a stand still.
So how much do you weight man? In other thread we discussed and you said you want to be 230 at 10-12%. How far away are you now?

Also how much steroids do you currently take and what is your planned cruise?
So how much do you weight man? In other thread we discussed and you said you want to be 230 at 10-12%. How far away are you now?

Also how much steroids do you currently take and what is your planned cruise?
I dropped to 215/216 lbs, dropped 5 lbs out of nowhere. Still slowly recomping. I think I am 14% bodyfat. the dexa scan will show it.

I am probably 1-2 years away from my goal.(I think)

Currently on 400 test/300 npp/ 400 mast/350 var Weekly. 5-6 iu of HGH.

my cruise will be a around a
170mg Test U(Compareable to 150-160 Test C)
4IU of HGH
continuing semaglutide.
400mg of carnitine three times a week.

I am contemplating 25mg of anavar ED when I do start to cut. I was considering doing blood work at the start and 10 weeks into the cut to see what its doing to my lipids

I cut on my cruise.

next cycle I thought about just running 300 test/300 npp/ 300 mast/350 var for 10 weeks. 5-6 iu of hgh.

Ill send you a faceless comparison when I take 1 year progress pics after this weekend.

my last Cycle 2 injection is Friday.
I dropped to 215/216 lbs, dropped 5 lbs out of nowhere. Still slowly recomping. I think I am 14% bodyfat. the dexa scan will show it.

I am probably 1-2 years away from my goal.(I think)

Currently on 400 test/300 npp/ 400 mast/350 var Weekly. 5-6 iu of HGH.

my cruise will be a around a
170mg Test U(Compareable to 150-160 Test C)
4IU of HGH
continuing semaglutide.
400mg of carnitine three times a week.

I am contemplating 25mg of anavar ED when I do start to cut. I was considering doing blood work at the start and 10 weeks into the cut to see what its doing to my lipids

I cut on my cruise.

next cycle I thought about just running 300 test/300 npp/ 300 mast/350 var for 10 weeks. 5-6 iu of hgh.

Ill send you a faceless comparison when I take 1 year progress pics after this weekend.

my last Cycle 2 injection is Friday.
I don't know your height and forgot to ask, but yeah I think if you're around 6ft then it's more like athletic look.

I would not cut on a cruise, cut now when esters are still clearing out and a bit more aggressively so you don't have to spin your wheels. Most important factor is consider that your body composition will change at least slightly on cruise, not instantly.

So the weight of course should go down like 5-7 pounds, I always say imagine the worst scenario so you won't be disappointed. I think at 12-13% or so percent you should be happy to maintain 210 pounds and strive to do so. Be moderate with your goals for now.

Look at each cycle and phase as an improvement, rather than chase the number, I know you want that 230 and it's fine. But just be happy in the moment, you're now gonna be ~210 pretty lean. Next time maybe it's 215 and maybe after sometime 220 or so.

Just don't get disappointed again, maybe you will only get to 220 at 12-14% and that is still good.

My initial goal was 250 pounds at 12-14% lol, not anymore, I have decided that for me 220-230 pounds is my sweet spot given my height. I feel athletic and like a fish in the water, I like swimming :)

Though in public I'm still quite big guy, in pictures I look smaller, but I look more impressive and have way more presence in real life.

But I was bigger and was 245 at sub 15% but I felt quite heavy and cardio took a hit. Now I have stretch marks (lats, armpits, legs, ass, biceps and forearms)

So all I'm saying is yes have a goal and achieve it, but just understand that things might change and that you may settle somewhere in the middle.

Good luck and I will wait for pics :)
I don't know your height and forgot to ask, but yeah I think if you're around 6ft then it's more like athletic look.

I would not cut on a cruise, cut now when esters are still clearing out and a bit more aggressively so you don't have to spin your wheels. Most important factor is consider that your body composition will change at least slightly on cruise, not instantly.

So the weight of course should go down like 5-7 pounds, I always say imagine the worst scenario so you won't be disappointed. I think at 12-13% or so percent you should be happy to maintain 210 pounds and strive to do so. Be moderate with your goals for now.

Look at each cycle and phase as an improvement, rather than chase the number, I know you want that 230 and it's fine. But just be happy in the moment, you're now gonna be ~210 pretty lean. Next time maybe it's 215 and maybe after sometime 220 or so.

Just don't get disappointed again, maybe you will only get to 220 at 12-14% and that is still good.

My initial goal was 250 pounds at 12-14% lol, not anymore, I have decided that for me 220-230 pounds is my sweet spot given my height. I feel athletic and like a fish in the water, I like swimming :)

Though in public I'm still quite big guy, in pictures I look smaller, but I look more impressive and have way more presence in real life.

But I was bigger and was 245 at sub 15% but I felt quite heavy and cardio took a hit. Now I have stretch marks (lats, armpits, legs, ass, biceps and forearms)

So all I'm saying is yes have a goal and achieve it, but just understand that things might change and that you may settle somewhere in the middle.

Good luck and I will wait for pics :)
I am 5'10. I have actually a very large chest frame and wide hips.

I think some bodybuilding coaches say to cut on a cruise because and save cycles to grow/recomp as it makes is the main time to do so(unless you are doing contest prep).

I am honestly happy with the way things are going. I dont think I will ever be 100% happy physically with my physique, but I am most definitely happy with the direction it is going.

I agree with you. In the bodybuilding gym I go to, for the enhanced users there I am probably on the smaller side. Have a decent amount of IFBB competitors there. I am talking about 240 lb 10-14% bf guys around me. Maybe its their height, but its a no bullshit gym and everyone is very friendly, but fast and efficient in their workouts.

However in public I am considered a big guy.

I do wonder if I do not take pictures properly. and I wonder if lighting would play a better role. I am not one to use filters or maximize lighting to lie to myself/other people.

I agree with you though on things may change. I would want to find a size/frame that I could stay on TRT for the rest of my life. I feel awkward being at work towering over people and they see my veins popping out with a polo shirt on.

in public IDGAF.
I am 5'10. I have actually a very large chest frame and wide hips.

I think some bodybuilding coaches say to cut on a cruise because and save cycles to grow/recomp as it makes is the main time to do so(unless you are doing contest prep).

I am honestly happy with the way things are going. I dont think I will ever be 100% happy physically with my physique, but I am most definitely happy with the direction it is going.

I agree with you. In the bodybuilding gym I go to, for the enhanced users there I am probably on the smaller side. Have a decent amount of IFBB competitors there. I am talking about 240 lb 10-14% bf guys around me. Maybe its their height, but its a no bullshit gym and everyone is very friendly, but fast and efficient in their workouts.

However in public I am considered a big guy.

I do wonder if I do not take pictures properly. and I wonder if lighting would play a better role. I am not one to use filters or maximize lighting to lie to myself/other people.

I agree with you though on things may change. I would want to find a size/frame that I could stay on TRT for the rest of my life. I feel awkward being at work towering over people and they see my veins popping out with a polo shirt on.

in public IDGAF.
I wouldn't worry so much about work. Lots of regular folks think The Rock is natty. Haha .
I am 5'10. I have actually a very large chest frame and wide hips.

I think some bodybuilding coaches say to cut on a cruise because and save cycles to grow/recomp as it makes is the main time to do so(unless you are doing contest prep).

I am honestly happy with the way things are going. I dont think I will ever be 100% happy physically with my physique, but I am most definitely happy with the direction it is going.

I agree with you. In the bodybuilding gym I go to, for the enhanced users there I am probably on the smaller side. Have a decent amount of IFBB competitors there. I am talking about 240 lb 10-14% bf guys around me. Maybe its their height, but its a no bullshit gym and everyone is very friendly, but fast and efficient in their workouts.

However in public I am considered a big guy.

I do wonder if I do not take pictures properly. and I wonder if lighting would play a better role. I am not one to use filters or maximize lighting to lie to myself/other people.

I agree with you though on things may change. I would want to find a size/frame that I could stay on TRT for the rest of my life. I feel awkward being at work towering over people and they see my veins popping out with a polo shirt on.

in public IDGAF.
I see, so at 5'10 which is 178cm I think that's actually big, at 220 you would be very big <15%.

I think some bodybuilding coaches say to cut on a cruise because and save cycles to grow/recomp as it makes is the main time to do so(unless you are doing contest prep).
Yes, but doing it at the end of your cycle is pretty smart idea and probably the best scenario. I don't understand why they would advise doing that on a cut when you can do mini cut 1-2 weeks before ending your cycle and while esters still clearing you will be more "protected".

I do wonder if I do not take pictures properly. and I wonder if lighting would play a better role. I am not one to use filters or maximize lighting to lie to myself/other people.
It's not like I don't understand lighting and angles and all that things, I do take pics depending who I'm sending them to lol... for sluts I do the best lighting I can find and I don't flex so my veins pop I'm rather relaxed pose and look for the best angle to look good for them and I'm usually naked :D here I have to be more careful not to look too small lol, I can make myself look even smaller and everyone will say fuck you dyel :D but I don't try too hard either so... I get some dyel comments from no pic idiots.

agree with you though on things may change. I would want to find a size/frame that I could stay on TRT for the rest of my life. I feel awkward being at work towering over people and they see my veins popping out with a polo shirt on.
Yeah on 150-200mg I think you might be able to hold something like 215 at that bf %. I for example did hold sub 220 ~13% on 150mg sustanon no problem. Now I'm mostly 5-10 pounds bigger at same +- bf% on my mini blast. (700mg mild steroids)

So, I'll put pic of myself when I was ~247 at around 16% I assume, so you don't think I lie about when I was bigger stories. Pretty fat. But quite a bit bigger, still factor in that height is almost 6'2 and it's not beast big lol...

I see, so at 5'10 which is 178cm I think that's actually big, at 220 you would be very big <15%.

Yes, but doing it at the end of your cycle is pretty smart idea and probably the best scenario. I don't understand why they would advise doing that on a cut when you can do mini cut 1-2 weeks before ending your cycle and while esters still clearing you will be more "protected".

It's not like I don't understand lighting and angles and all that things, I do take pics depending who I'm sending them to lol... for sluts I do the best lighting I can find and I don't flex so my veins pop I'm rather relaxed pose and look for the best angle to look good for them and I'm usually naked :D here I have to be more careful not to look too small lol, I can make myself look even smaller and everyone will say fuck you dyel :D but I don't try too hard either so... I get some dyel comments from no pic idiots.

Yeah on 150-200mg I think you might be able to hold something like 215 at that bf %. I for example did hold sub 220 ~13% on 150mg sustanon no problem. Now I'm mostly 5-10 pounds bigger at same +- bf% on my mini blast. (700mg mild steroids)

So, I'll put pic of myself when I was ~247 at around 16% I assume, so you don't think I lie about when I was bigger stories. Pretty fat. But quite a bit bigger, still factor in that height is almost 6'2 and it's not beast big lol...

View attachment 170300
I have a 44 inch chest and 16.5 inch arms(I had tennis elbow at the start of the cycle) it fucked with my arm exercises . I still feel like most of my weight is in my chest/frame than actual muscle. maybe I am just having more doubts on myself than anything else.

Even then, my arms dont grow as big. This next cycle I will have an exclusive arms day to aid with the growth. push pull legs arms. if I have a rest day it wont be planned. .

I think some would say you could cut to 12% BF on a cruise. when you go further than that, then you need to be cautious for heavy size loss.

meh, you don't have to prove anything to me. whether or not you were that big i don't care. I mainly care about factual information.

I will say I feel like for a beginner, my strong point is health indicators and learning the history of the drugs. I have intermediate knowledge on lifting and nutrition.

I choose to not count calories and that will be a downfall for me in the future. I go off of feel and high meat intake. this is a hobby and I enjoy having regular meals with my wife. If I ever decide to enter a competition. That would obviously change.

I am a little curious how much water weight I will lose at the end of this cycle. Last cycle I only lost 4 lbs.
I have a 44 inch chest and 16.5 inch arms(I had tennis elbow at the start of the cycle) it fucked with my arm exercises . I still feel like most of my weight is in my chest/frame than actual muscle. maybe I am just having more doubts on myself than anything else.
Yeah, I think at your height it looks definitely different. Cuz now I have 18 inch arms and 48+ inch chest and I get called dyel here lol... (real fucking measurements I can record myself measuring lol)

Even then, my arms dont grow as big. This next cycle I will have an exclusive arms day to aid with the growth. push pull legs arms. if I have a rest day it wont be planned. .
Weighted chins and dips ftw.

I think some would say you could cut to 12% BF on a cruise. when you go further than that, then you need to be cautious for heavy size loss.
Interesting who are "some", but otherwise it's totally up to you. I would use that opportunity to cut up while finishing cycle to maintain fuller look and not deplete as fast, while also cutting more aggressively. Still makes no sense to me why not? Appetite?

meh, you don't have to prove anything to me. whether or not you were that big i don't care. I mainly care about factual information.
No point to bs you, I don't even chase numbers anymore.

I choose to not count calories and that will be a downfall for me in the future.
Honestly? That's totally not optimal way to go about it. Considering you were former fatty (not an insult, but a fact) this is gonna be it most likely.

I will say I feel like for a beginner, my strong point is health indicators and learning the history of the drugs. I have intermediate knowledge on lifting and nutrition.
That's why you shouldn't be ashamed to ask or discuss about the matter, it's maybe your ego that is not allowing you to do so?

I am a little curious how much water weight I will lose at the end of this cycle. Last cycle I only lost 4 lbs.
Well, I have predicted that for you it's gonna be 5-7 given the amount of steroids you take. Maybe less, but expect more so you can better prepare.
For me it's always 7-10 pounds depends on how low I cruise on. So I get back to 220 from 230 on cruise. I don't blast crazy amounts either my max is 400mg testosterone plus light steroid like equipoise.

You're in a bad mood or something? For some reason you sound not very optimistic :)
Yeah, I think at your height it looks definitely different. Cuz now I have 18 inch arms and 48+ inch chest and I get called dyel here lol... (real fucking measurements I can record myself measuring lol)

Weighted chins and dips ftw.

Interesting who are "some", but otherwise it's totally up to you. I would use that opportunity to cut up while finishing cycle to maintain fuller look and not deplete as fast, while also cutting more aggressively. Still makes no sense to me why not? Appetite?

No point to bs you, I don't even chase numbers anymore.

Honestly? That's totally not optimal way to go about it. Considering you were former fatty (not an insult, but a fact) this is gonna be it most likely.

That's why you shouldn't be ashamed to ask or discuss about the matter, it's maybe your ego that is not allowing you to do so?

Well, I have predicted that for you it's gonna be 5-7 given the amount of steroids you take. Maybe less, but expect more so you can better prepare.
For me it's always 7-10 pounds depends on how low I cruise on. So I get back to 220 from 230 on cruise. I don't blast crazy amounts either my max is 400mg testosterone plus light steroid like equipoise.

You're in a bad mood or something? For some reason you sound not very optimistic :)
Victor black is one that says best to cut on a cruise and use your full blown "on," time to focus on growth since that the only time you can fill grow. They discuss how muscle memory will allow you to grow rapidly to your previous best during the first few weeks of a cycle granted you weren't off that long.

I want to say some people like Broderick will advise for this. 3mg/kg max to maintain. Current physique.
My appetite on semaglutide reduced it quit a bit. I feel like when I go more into advanced weight that goes further last my "trt limits" then I need to worry about muscle loss. Hgh seemed strong anti catabolic we well. Allowed more fat to be utilized as a primary source of energy

Heaviest was 25-30% bodyfat. My best control former fattiness was 18 percent bodyfat which I could be comfortably with low natural test and working out twice a week. Being on exogenous testosterine changes the game for sure. Even without counting calories I have a strong estimate of what I take in everyday. And I will pull back if I am gaining weight. I probably weigh myself too much keep myself in check.

I feel like I have the information I need for my cycles. The information I would need to know is based off of experience. There is a lot of data out there and alot of typical cycle builds. Some wierd questions would be deca water retention even with mast in it. Or onset of tren symtoms. 19nor effects on libido long term even on a blast and cruise.

I have yet to find a topic I cannot search for or if someone else had some issues. Most of my newer questions would be over mysostatin inhibitors but I need to do more reading on the topic before I can ask questions. Even then, no one other than a few members here could possibly answer it. Some people spit out weird information with no strong scientific basis. Like "mast isn't anabolic, or dhts do not build muscle" because you don't see instant water results. Alot of bullshit information out there and is the reason why I don't listen to everything I hear.

Oh I'm not in a bad mood. I just question, most thigns. Even myself. I am a little bit more of a realist and I don't not like living in a delusion. I would rather be safe than sorry for most things.

I also know as there further I get past my "TRT limit " it will be harder to maintain what I have. I also do not know what that limit is. I wouldn't expect much muscle loss until cycle 4 from a cut on a cruise
That's why you shouldn't be ashamed to ask or discuss about the matter, it's maybe your ego that is not allowing you to do so?
I want to put a little more emphasis on this response. I do think I know more than the average steroid user of one that has been doing this stuff 2-3 years. I think my professional background has enhanced everything because I look at it from a medical perspective. I do like input on dosing to make sure I am not going overboard. I also do not see myself every running more than 600mg of test again or 500mg+ of nandrolone.
@Cridi887 I think you overreacting a bit. Nobody is trying lecture you...

And as far as dosages and use of steroids there are no rules. Who ever decided what mg to take to achieve desired results? The only ones are testosterone and maybe deca since there are studies, but for others not so much.

When it comes to steroids it's mostly bro science and personal experience. Also just because a person is younger doesn't mean that in this game he must not really be experienced. If anything younger guys are willing to take more risks and be more head first in general.

I'm pretty sure even David, has a lot more experience than most here.

Just because you read online doesn't mean anything until you try it out yourself.
@Cridi887 I think you overreacting a bit. Nobody is trying lecture you...

And as far as dosages and use of steroids there are no rules. Who ever decided what mg to take to achieve desired results? The only ones are testosterone and maybe deca since there are studies, but for others not so much.

When it comes to steroids it's mostly bro science and personal experience. Also just because a person is younger doesn't mean that in this game he must not really be experienced. If anything younger guys are willing to take more risks and be more head first in general.

I'm pretty sure even David, has a lot more experience than most here.

Just because you read online doesn't mean anything until you try it out yourself.
I just wanted input from others to make sure I am not going crazy lol.

There is some hard science between steroids like mast and some hormonal receptors. I am particularly applying this to 19nors. alot of it hasnt been confirmed with follow up studies but has been discussed about it in the original studies. Things that affect progesterone/estrogen receptors and prolactin secretion. Masteron has been the steroid that has intrigued me more than any other one.

There are people like type II and green anime, While we know that having that level of knowledge isnt necessary to get big. I am the person that likes to understand.

Yea, I am not sure if its a language barrier but I wasn't basing it around age. When I stated years, I simply meant for steroid experience and understanding it. Even then, applying steroid experience while undergoing real life events.

Work, travel, family. external stressors can play a huge role on every day life. Shit, even having a significant other can play a role.

Yes David has experience but I would be skeptical because it appears he has been on a minimum 500mg of test for over 6 years. or atleast 75% of that time. to me, he is still a kid. I dont feel like people truly mature(especially men) until they are atleast 25.

But yes, you are right. There are alot of things one must experience to understand.