2nd Blast(Test/Mast/Var) +possible NPP 10-12 weeks?

I got blood work yesterday.
HGB is 14.8
PLT is 497

Total cholesterol is 148
My Cholesterol/DL ratio is 3.8
LDL/HDL ratio is 2.1(Good)
Fasting Glucose is 101
creatinine is 1.11

e2 is 95. I am noticing some less sensation in my dick this go around. I am going to start Aromasin 12.5mg every 3 days to see if that alleviates it.

Im waiitng for my test/IGF levels to come back as well
Trough Test is 1319. Which is a little bit lower than I expected but I am assuming my peak is around 1800.

Regardless I feel good which is the important thing. I am throwing on 12.5mg of aromasin every 3 days to assist with the e2 levels. its a small enough dose but I feel like my libido is better with this.
Trough Test is 1319. Which is a little bit lower than I expected but I am assuming my peak is around 1800.

Regardless I feel good which is the important thing. I am throwing on 12.5mg of aromasin every 3 days to assist with the e2 levels. its a small enough dose but I feel like my libido is better with this.
Trough? Wouldn't phenylprop call for ED injections? Or do you keep separate pinning protocols?

Also how do you like mast with nand?
Trough? Wouldn't phenylprop call for ED injections? Or do you keep separate pinning protocols?

Also how do you like mast with nand?
Trough means bottom level. Lowest point.

Quick google search shows NPP half life is 2.7 days. Some people still inject just twice a week. M W F I feel fine.

I was scared of doing nandrolone to be honest(for mental side effects), but I am loving this combo. I am even considering not doing VAR at all to finish the cycle. I don't want to fuck with what I have going on
Trough means bottom level. Lowest point.

Quick google search shows NPP half life is 2.7 days. Some people still inject just twice a week. M W F I feel fine.

I was scared of doing nandrolone to be honest(for mental side effects), but I am loving this combo. I am even considering not doing VAR at all to finish the cycle. I don't want to fuck with what I have going on
Yes thanks I know wtf trough is. I was asking because I assumed most people did phenylprop ED
Yes thanks I know wtf trough is. I was asking because I assumed most people did phenylprop ED
I guess I dont know why you would ask about trough testosterone levels(From Test C) and NPP in one question.

Either way I believe for Nandrolone Phenylprop it varies. some people do ED, EOD, or every 3 days.

If I was on Test PP I would probably do everyday. Just cause I would rather have more stable levels of test
I guess I dont know why you would ask about trough testosterone levels(From Test C) and NPP in one question.

Either way I believe for Nandrolone Phenylprop it varies. some people do ED, EOD, or every 3 days.

If I was on Test PP I would probably do everyday. Just cause I would rather have more stable levels of test
Hence why I clarified that I assumed you did ED because of the short ester.
IGF is now 487 on 6-7 units. My carb/food intake is also alot higher this go around vs cycle 1
I'm now 4 weeks in. Weight is around 225-226. Starting weight was 216.
Planning for last injection on 6/27. I thought about starting semaglutide around 6/20 again too to start the weight loss process over again.

I am also nothing increases cts. Clearly hgh is more effective on a caloric surplus. I am bringing my nightly injection down to 5iu
350 test C equivalent a week
300mg of NPP
400mg of Mast.
5 IU of HGH
500 iu of hcg twice a week
aromasin 12.5mg every 3-4 days.

still feeling good!

CTS I think is related also to water retention
I am still enjoying this cycle. I still feel like I am packing on size and slowly leaning out. I am bouncing between 225 and 227 and am still noticing progress. I will get a DEXA scan probably next week to see how things are coming along.

Currently at 6iu of hgh every night.
400 test
375 NPP
400 mast.

still will most likely repeat this for the next cycle. I will spend my time inbetween cycles cutting still. probably will be at 150 test and 150 mast.
so I am entering week 9 of the cycle .. I feel like I have had some personal issues in my life that is affecting me more than it should. I think it may be the NPP and I may have to pull the dose back a bit to 300mg a week if it gets worse. if it doesnt go away sooner I may drop the NPP and continue the cycle as a cut.

I noticed I become fixated on things. whether its good or bad. and I guess it has gotten me feeling a little bit more depressed which is a side effect I was concerned about. I would rather be this way than the way I was on the first cycle being snappy and being rude to the people I care about.

2/15/2022 was 2 weeks before ending my first blast.

I think I will end this blast in 2 weeks as well to make it a 12 week cycle.
so I am entering week 9 of the cycle .. I feel like I have had some personal issues in my life that is affecting me more than it should. I think it may be the NPP and I may have to pull the dose back a bit to 300mg a week if it gets worse. if it doesnt go away sooner I may drop the NPP and continue the cycle as a cut.

I noticed I become fixated on things. whether its good or bad. and I guess it has gotten me feeling a little bit more depressed which is a side effect I was concerned about. I would rather be this way than the way I was on the first cycle being snappy and being rude to the people I care about.
Do you think it’s the cycle or the ebbs and flows of life? We all have highs and lows, some more frequent than others.
Do you think it’s the cycle or the ebbs and flows of life? We all have highs and lows, some more frequent than others.
it probably was a combination.

My wife and I kind of lost a single girl, or almost like a not as serious girlfriend we would fuck around with. so it magnified some of the sadness involved in it.

We would go out and spend the night together and have threesomes of me going back and forth between their pussies. I know that's a little crazy but it was hot as hell.

Turned out she is kind of an idiot and hanging out with people that are going to cause some drama in her life. I'm fine now but when it hit me, I was feeling the sadness

I do noticed the NPP does magnify emotional affects. which is fine. Id rather have that happen, than be a dick like cycle 1
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it probably was a combination.

My wife and I kind of lost a single girl, or almost like a not as serious girlfriend we would fuck around with. so it magnified some of the sadness involved in it.

We would go out and spend the night together and have threesomes of me going back and forth between their pussies. I know that's a little crazy but it was hot as hell.

Turned out she is kind of an idiot and hanging out with people that are going to cause some drama in her life. I'm fine now but when it hit me, I was feeling the sadness

I do noticed the NPP does magnify emotional affects. which is fine. Id rather have that happen, than be a dick like cycle 1
You know what man, I’d be depressed af. Sorry for your loss brother