2nd Blast(Test/Mast/Var) +possible NPP 10-12 weeks?

@Cridi887 yeah, yesterday I was just thinking maybe you think us younger guys don't know anything lol... no, I understand what you're saying and it's fine. It's not language barrier I think.

You just seem to be stubborn sometimes :D but that's personality trait I guess and it's not bad or anything, we all have our little flaws.

Type II is walking knowledge lol, but I don't like him anyway, too much alien language and acting like a true German :D Don't tell him lol, no but it's good that he puts in work and it's sometimes useful to read his stuff.

As for 19 nors, especially deca it makes me insane, I become obsessed with myself and become perfectionist or else I get depression. On tren, idk, I'm just out of realm too. So I avoid them. Dht's like winstrol makes me super aggressive and proviron too. Anavar is okay. Masteron I have not yet tried it and primobolan too. But I don't think they're that good honestly.

I usually express myself better speaking, but here I actually do it better typing, cuz English while very simple language, it's still hard to to speak on the fluent level cuz I don't speak it everyday.
You have mede visible progress but as you said before i think food is your week link .
I read that you don't track calories is it true for protein also?

I wouldn't say food is my weakest link but tracking calories is.

My protein is a minimum of 150g(I think it's closer to 200g a day). I know because of my meat intake daily. I just drank a 30g protein shake earlier for breakfast. Everything that I take in is high protein, even my milk is 13g of protein 6g of carbs. 0 fat

The thing is that I genuinely feel that my lifestyle is sustainable and is a reason why I get so many scans. If my progress stops then maybe I will have to have an overall lifestyle adjustment.

I have been happy with this and still able to go out, enjoy regular meals at restaurants, and have a normal dinner with my wife.

If I go out for drinks/food. I will order a burger, no fries. Avoid sugary drinks. Alot of people would be surprised on my food consumption here.

I don't want to be that person to only be able to lose weight because I tracked calories to the T.
I want to be the person that can sustain it because it's my lifestyle.

Even for dinner I may consume 90g+ of protein in one sitting. This is with meats and fats to slow the digestion and allow proper absorption of protein.

If I want to shred up or enter a competition then that is different.
I wouldn't say food is my weakest link but tracking calories is.

My protein is a minimum of 150g(I think it's closer to 200g a day). I know because of my meat intake daily. I just drank a 30g protein shake earlier for breakfast. Everything that I take in is high protein, even my milk is 13g of protein 6g of carbs. 0 fat

The thing is that I genuinely feel that my lifestyle is sustainable and is a reason why I get so many scans. If my progress stops then maybe I will have to have an overall lifestyle adjustment.

I have been happy with this and still able to go out, enjoy regular meals at restaurants, and have a normal dinner with my wife.

If I go out for drinks/food. I will order a burger, no fries. Avoid sugary drinks. Alot of people would be surprised on my food consumption here.

I don't want to be that person to only be able to lose weight because I tracked calories to the T.
I want to be the person that can sustain it because it's my lifestyle.

Even for dinner I may consume 90g+ of protein in one sitting. This is with meats and fats to slow the digestion and allow proper absorption of protein.

If I want to shred up or enter a competition then that is different.
Going just by looks i would say you would benefit from higher calories.
I understand your view point and you are right until you are satisfied with your results and health there is no need to change course just pointing out what i see could be of benefit .
Weighing at 216. Dexa scan in 2 days

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14% but no abs, are you holding all the fat over them?? Or are you just not flexing them or something?

Funky how your pec is popping out below the clavicule and at the delt haha Idk if I've ever seen it like that. You seem to have very low fat levels on chest?
Going just by looks i would say you would benefit from higher calories.
I understand your view point and you are right until you are satisfied with your results and health there is no need to change course just pointing out what i see could be of benefit .
I agree. I probably should increase calories. I wanted to drop my bodyfat for once in my life. This is the leanest I have been since I was 22 and 5 always sat above 18 percent bodyfat other than those 2 instances. Oh my next blast I plan on increasing calories and going for a true bulk.

I appreciate your input for sure
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14% but no abs, are you holding all the fat over them?? Or are you just not flexing them or something?

Funky how your pec is popping out below the clavicule and at the delt haha Idk if I've ever seen it like that. You seem to have very low fat levels on chest?
I guess most definitely flexing my whole front. I hold alot of fat on my stomach. I wonder if it is will change when I get leaner.

I have definitely have low fat on my chest. Striations are coming out that I have never seen before. I never had fatty tits either. I guess that works out for gyno? Idk.

Either that or my bodyfat is actually higher. But I feel like it would only be as high as 15%
It would be interesting to see another dexa scan to see what they say about abdominal fat %

Specific to trunk. It says the region is 15.5 percent
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I guess most definitely flexing my whole front. I hold alot of fat on my stomach. I wonder if it is will change when I get leaner.

I have definitely have low fat on my chest. Striations are coming out that I have never seen before. I never had fatty tits either. I guess that works out for gyno? Idk.

Either that or my bodyfat is actually higher. But I feel like it would only be as high as 15%
It would be interesting to see another dexa scan to see what they say about abdominal fat %

Specific to trunk. It says the region is 15.5 percent

Interesting. You have very low bf levels on chest. I haven't seen such low levels on chest in congruence with 15% on abdomen. On chest levels look like they are stage ready imho but abdomen is so far off. Your extremities are also very lean. They look under 10%. What about back? Front lats are looking high in bf, so I presume you're holding bf on back to?
Ohhh you had a torn peck? Then I suppose the other side doesn't look like that huh?
No. There is more fat between the pectoralis and the clavicle on my tattoo side. If you look at the visible pec, you can see the indention from the tear/surgery

Interesting. You have very low bf levels on chest. I haven't seen such low levels on chest in congruence with 15% on abdomen. On chest levels look like they are stage ready imho but abdomen is so far off. Your extremities are also very lean. They look under 10%. What about back? Front lats are looking high in bf, so I presume you're holding bf on back to?
But yea. My back is not as lean.

The dexa scan could possibly be higher in bodyfat. I always wondered about using a different machine. Or hydrostatic weighing within days apart to compare. Maybe I'll do that next time.

Im happy with the progress but like everyone here.... There's always work to be done.
No. There is more fat between the pectoralis and the clavicle on my tattoo side. If you look at the visible pec, you can see the indention from the tear/surgery

View attachment 170593

But yea. My back is not as lean.

The dexa scan could possibly be higher in bodyfat. I always wondered about using a different machine. Or hydrostatic weighing within days apart to compare. Maybe I'll do that next time.

Im happy with the progress but like everyone here.... There's always work to be done.
Oh I see, ok. I meant the line of the upper peck area ... You do seem to have some gyno though ... ? Anyway, yeah, for sure, good progress. I was just taken by the no abs thing ...
Oh I see, ok. I meant the line of the upper peck area ... You do seem to have some gyno though ... ? Anyway, yeah, for sure, good progress. I was just taken by the no abs thing ...
Yea i know the fat(Between the clavicle and the pecs) feels like its gone on the visible side, it is present on the tatted side. Idk what was removed during the surgery. the area feels alot leaner on the surgical side.

really? doesnt feel that way. oh well. maybe one day I will be lucky enough to have it lactate to see what titty milk tastes like.
Yea i know the fat(Between the clavicle and the pecs) feels like its gone on the visible side, it is present on the tatted side. Idk what was removed during the surgery. the area feels alot leaner on the surgical side.

really? doesnt feel that way. oh well. maybe one day I will be lucky enough to have it lactate to see what titty milk tastes like.
Do you feel a lump under the nipple ?
If you don’t than it might not be gyno…..
I also have this weird level of body fat between 12-15% where the skin is a little loose there as i have lost weight maybe also some fat but once i get leaner it straightens out and does not look like that.
If you don't have a hard lump its not gyno.
So this is my 2nd blast.
my first one started with this

1st cycle: Start of 1st cycle was 5'10 lbs. 209 lbs 22.7% BF(Dexa)
300 test C/ 300 primo E -> 600 test C->300 primo E+25 var -> 600 test C/600 mast E+25 var
3-7.2 IU of HGH along the way
L Carnitine. 500-700 MG half way
Metformin XR 500mg 1-2 times a day
Vitamin D
No AI used
Nolvadex for bloating
Somewhere along the lines I did interrupt the var and tried anadrol for 2 weeks.

What I learned from my first cycle: Ended at 222 lbs 16.8% BF.(Dexa)
It is that primo does not agree with me. Libido/irritability issues.
mast is preferred. I also do not lose much hair from it.
I do like Var, althought 50 can give me some heart burn
Anadrol 25-50 for a week feels pretty solid. it doesnt affect my liver as much
I love HGH.
I also got shingles
Dexa Scan says I overall have gained 23 lbs of muscle and lost 10 lbs of fat.

I stopped my cycle short (13 weeks).
Ending weight was 227. 2 weeks after the cycle ended I dropped to 222. I am assuming 4 lbs of it was water.

I transitioned to a cutting cruise with mostly strength/size retention. It kind of shocked me.
180 test C/ Mast E
4.8 IU of hgh. whether split or once a night
ramped up to semaglutide weekly(Dropped metformin due to hypoglycemia combined with semaglutide)
500mg of L Carnitine.
I did this for 8 weeks.
My weight is now 216 after the intentional cut. I now plan to do a recomp blast. Estimating 15% BF right now

3rd cycle plans Starting weight 216 lbs. Estimating 14-15% bf.
W 180 of Test U every(Comparing to 150 of test C)
- Loading dose of 400mg x 2 the first week
M/ F 125 of test C(250 total)
M/F 200 of Mast E(400 total)
(Estimating equivalency of 400mg of Test C because of the lowered test availability of test U)
last 6 weeks may do a ramp up of 50 of Var daily as a finisher.
5-6iu of HGH whether nightly or split.

Possible changes
I may start NPP in a week after the test/mast is loaded up to not do everything at once. I am still unsure of it. If I do start it, I may just keep it at 240 mg a week. M W F at 80mg. Hopefully any negative effects the mast will negate it. I am choosing NPP as I can bounce off of it if necessary.
If NPP does not work out, I may plan to up the mast to 600, or start var sooner.

So the reason I reduced the test is cause during my cruise I realized I was still putting on mass. It still felt like a recomp. This is why I decided to reduce the testosterone dosage and higher wasn't needed.

L Carnitine IM 400-600mg daily
50,000 iu of vitamin D one time a week
10mg of pregnenolone daily
25mg of dhea daily
81mg of aspirin(I get a high platelet count from testosterone)
500mg of metformin xr 1-2 times a day depending on A1C. Starting 1 week after semaglutide washes out.
I consume chia seeds so I am not too worried about omega 3.
Obviously I have AIs/SERM/ARB on hand if needed
pt141 as needed

I will be consuming atleast 200g of protein a day. split among 3-4 meals. Targeting 3000-3500 calories a day.
again, if I was going on a direct bulk I would look at my daily consumption but I am pretty good at eyeballing my caloric intake and my first cycle did help show it. Same with my cut. I consume probably atleast a lb of meat, shakes, etc.

My labs were on point during the first cycle. my HDL was slightly lower, but so was my LDL. Ratio was solid. I do plan on labs at 4 weeks but I am not too concerned about how they will be. I will also be monitoring my blood pressure which hasn't been an issue

I am still hitting a push pull leg split. I aim for 8-20 reps depending on the length of each rep(bench press vs calf raises)
Mix of compound lifts and isolations. I do like to change it up depending on what is available.

Post cycle TRT cruise. I will keep the Test U going. I also plan do use aromasin 12.5mg twice a week x3 and use 500mg azithromycin 3x a week x 4 for acne control when I get transition . Yes the azithromycin can be treatment for acne vulgaris.

I plan on this being a solid 2nd cycle and I am looking for it. If you have any questions, please ask away.
Why did you use high doses of 4 different PEDs + T4 on your first cycle?

That’s way too many mg and way too many different drugs.

How much are you going to be taking on your 4th or 5th cycle?

That’s a recipe for health problems hitting quite soon and having to stop PEDs quite soon, so not getting very far in the medium term.

I’m not being nasty, this is sensible feedback.

How long had you been weight training before this cycle?
Why did you use high doses of 4 different PEDs + T4 on your first cycle?

That’s way too many mg and way too many different drugs.

How much are you going to be taking on your 4th or 5th cycle?

That’s a recipe for health problems hitting quite soon and having to stop PEDs quite soon, so not getting very far in the medium term.

I’m not being nasty, this is sensible feedback.

How long had you been weight training before this cycle?
T4 was for the HGH. which was not needed and dropped it after reviewing blood work. My first cycle I did do blood work atleast 6 times during cycle 1 to evaluate the changes and everything has been looking great!

25mg of var is a high dose? yes 600 test is considered high dose, but its not too far off from the "Cookie cutter 1st cycle" the mast definitely was for sure for most. I dont plan on going that high for those 2 drugs.

am I worried about the hgh? not really.

I was too stubborn to wanna pull back my dose on cycle 1 to be quite honest. In hind sight, knowing what I know now. I should have just dropped the primo instead of trying to chase libido by upping the test.

THEN I left the test up after dropping the primo and added 600mg of mast for the estrogen receptors.
It was stupid, I am admitting this fault for cycle 1 because people should not be afraid to pull back a dose/drop a drug.

I pulled by dose back of NPP of cycle 2 from 400 to 300 because I was feeling a little bit more down emotionally.

I even went down on total MG for cycle 2. I am actually going down on dosing to be quite honest. I plan to reduce it for cycle 3. I kind of plan to be staying around 10mg/kg for my goals. I was thinking about 300 test/ 300 npp/ 300 mast for cycle 3. around this dosing feels like a sweet spot with minimal sides. I was going to rely more on weight training and food intake for my goals than the drug portion.

I think you are giving sensible feed back. the only thing is, my cycle 1 log has everything listed. including blood work. I dont have any regrets, did things a little bit in reverse. I did learn alot.

I have a total of 6 years of weight training. I am on TRT because my natural test was already so low.
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Do you feel a lump under the nipple ?
If you don’t than it might not be gyno…..
I also have this weird level of body fat between 12-15% where the skin is a little loose there as i have lost weight maybe also some fat but once i get leaner it straightens out and does not look like that.
If you don't have a hard lump its not gyno.
there is a small lump that has always been there, never had itchy nips or anything. No sensitivity.

My friend who is a healthcare provider says everyone has a small lump right under the nipple.
T4 was for the HGH. which was not needed and dropped it after reviewing blood work. My first cycle I did do blood work atleast 6 times during cycle 1 to evaluate the changes and everything has been looking great!

25mg of var is a high dose? yes 600 test is considered high dose, but its not too far off from the "Cookie cutter 1st cycle" the mast definitely was for sure for most. I dont plan on going that high for those 2 drugs.

am I worried about the hgh? not really.

I was too stubborn to wanna pull back my dose on cycle 1 to be quite honest. In hind sight, knowing what I know now. I should have just dropped the primo instead of trying to chase libido by upping the test.

THEN I left the test up after dropping the primo and added 600mg of mast for the estrogen receptors.
It was stupid, I am admitting this fault for cycle 1 because people should not be afraid to pull back a dose/drop a drug.

I pulled by dose back of NPP of cycle 2 from 400 to 300 because I was feeling a little bit more down emotionally.

I even went down on total MG for cycle 2. I am actually going down on dosing to be quite honest. I plan to reduce it for cycle 3. I kind of plan to be staying around 10mg/kg for my goals. I was thinking about 300 test/ 300 npp/ 300 mast for cycle 3. around this dosing feels like a sweet spot with minimal sides. I was going to rely more on weight training and food intake for my goals than the drug portion.

I think you are giving sensible feed back. the only thing is, my cycle 1 log has everything listed. including blood work. I dont have any regrets, did things a little bit in reverse. I did learn alot.

I have a total of 6 years of weight training. I am on TRT because my natural test was already so low.
I appreciate your calm and open response

I do firmly believe it’s very hard to tell what drugs are causing feeling X or side effect Y unless someone has experience of just trying one drug with testosterone for each cycle.

I can understand why you’d not do just testosterone on the first cycle because you wanted to recomp a lot.

As for the mg, 500mg testosterone per week as the standard first cycle is a lot of testosterone. 250mg per week is plenty unless someone’s bloods show not very high levels on 250mg (an accurately dosed 250mg).