2nd Cycle Advice Recomp


Hello Meso,

So I finished my first cycle and been on cruise for 10 weeks at 200mg test cyp. Going to start my next cycle in a few weeks. My first cycle was 500mg test cyp/wk and the last 6 weeks I added anavar, started at 25mg/day but didn’t feel it so upped to 50mg which was a little better. I did DEXA a few weeks before cycle and again 5 weeks after cycle, 23 lbs more lbm and 16lbs fat loss. Ate 400 calories in surplus, PPL so trained 6 days per week. Took all my supplements. Did light bike cardio 3 days per week for 30 mins 110-120bpm heart rate.

Had to take 40mg/day of telmisartan and arimidex 0.5/wk. I did way to much volume because I felt like I could lift max weight all day and got elbow tendinitis in both elbows by the end.

My goal next cycle is to try to get close to the same result. Was thinking either repeat the same cycle or mixing it up. Same clean diet as before.
Option 1: 500-600 test, anavar last 6-8 weeks
Option 2: 400 test, 300 eq, anavar last 6 weeks
Option 3: 350-400 test, 300 eq, 200 Deca, anavar last 6 maybe?
Option 4: I also have dbol on hand and open to other variations and dosages of the above 3 options

Any input is appreciated.
Of the options you provided, option 1 makes most sense
Open to other options as well those are options of what I have on hand. I also have Primo although a little nervous to use too much dht since I once tried mast and front loaded with 600mg/wk and started shedding 3 weeks in.
Open to other options as well those are options of what I have on hand. I also have Primo although a little nervous to use too much dht since I once tried mast and front loaded with 600mg/wk and started shedding 3 weeks in.
I heard primo doesn't cause as much shedding with some people.

Think if varies from person to person.

I think 400 test, 300 (NPP, deca, or EQ), and 50 var(last 8 weeks) might be good.

How long is this upcoming cycle though?
I heard primo doesn't cause as much shedding with some people.

Think if varies from person to person.

I think 400 test, 300 (NPP, deca, or EQ), and 50 var(last 8 weeks) might be good.

How long is this upcoming cycle though?
Thanks Cridi, that’s what I was thinking coming in. I think I’ll try Primo at some point for sure, I was on 50mg/day of anavar when i front loaded mast too so that probably didn’t help either.

Planning 16 weeks for the cycle. I love the idea of the leanness eq can give but I know Deca could make the joints feel good.
Option one is make sense.
For EQ you'll need minimum 12 weeks cycle.

Anavar is better than Dbol, but make sure you have real anavar in your hands.Don't take them together.
dont worry. Its real anavar.

lets say a capping source wanted to rip a customer off.

going from dbol to anavar would save maybe a few dollars per bag,

it isnt worth it to rip someone off, tarnish your rep, and lose future customers.

It's more cost effective to stay legit, even for greedy people.
dont worry. Its real anavar.

lets say a capping source wanted to rip a customer off.

going from dbol to anavar would save maybe a few dollars per bag,

it isnt worth it to rip someone off, tarnish your rep, and lose future customers.

It's more cost effective to stay legit, even for greedy people.
Yes always smart to get a reliable source. So far I’ve been lucky and have found the best around so my stuff is legit. All of it tested and verified.
10 weeks is not very long after a cycle before starting your 2nd. Have you even had post cycle bloodwork at all?
Nice callout, actually just got it done Monday. Planned to start cycle first week of September so it will be 14-15 weeks off cycle total. Bloodwork looks good all in normal range. Cholesterol and hematocrit were the only ones in the higher end of normal. Hematocrit being 49 and total cholesterol 195 when usually I am around 178.
Nice callout, actually just got it done Monday. Planned to start cycle first week of September so it will be 14-15 weeks off cycle total. Bloodwork looks good all in normal range. Cholesterol and hematocrit were the only ones in the higher end of normal. Hematocrit being 49 and total cholesterol 195 when usually I am around 178.
I don't and never will use 19nors so I can't really advise you in regards to those. I only stick to primo, mast, and var...despite those making me lose a lot of hair.

I'm more for option 1, 600 test with 50 to 75mg var. I'd entertain others opinions with deca and dbol too.
I watched the same video, dont be a perma bulker lol, for me I think if your constantly tryin to recomp ur lazy dont know what your doing, and dont have your diet and training on point. Mabe a recomp after a injury or serious life change is another story. I did a recomp naturally before getting on gear a few years ago , lost about 50 pounds of fat and put on 5-10 pounds of muscle and added around 100 pounds to my bench,.I think it does have its place in certain situations.
I’ve watched that video before also. I mostly agree with it as well. I think the big caveats he touched on briefly are important: it depends on where you are in your lifting and gear experience and also genetics. I call it recomp anytime there is fat loss which my last cycle I put on a lot of muscle but also lost a good amount of fat. Mainly because my diet was very clean and at a very modest surplus and I had enough body fat my body could pull for energy from since my calories we only 300-400 in surplus and the gear putting me in an anabolic state. I trained high intensity 5-6 days per week with some cardio mixed in. Im sure genetics helped too.

The past 10 weeks I have been cutting and dropped 13 pounds so far through increased cardio same lifting and a 600 calorie deficit.

So I agree as im really doing a strict clean bulk followed by a short maintenance then a moderate cut. But anytime there’s fat loss and that is a part of my goal i call it a recomp. Once im under 15% bf im sure I’ll have no fat loss or a slight gain no matter how dialed in my bulk is.
When I got back to lifting after almost a decade of hiatus, I recomped nicely since muscle memory set in while I'm eating almost at maintenance. Did that for almost a year. Earlier this year, I botched my cut by eating like an asshole on the rebound phase, gained unwanted weight back.

Now I'm on my last leg of the 16week cut. Made considerable progress in body composition as well as getting my nutrition and discipline back on track. The real challenge would be the maintenance or holding phase after.

I think you should follow your plan and learn if it works well for you, document your journey so you can have something to compare with if you plan to go another route in the future.

Good luck bud.
I appreciate the great conversation and the support bros! I’ll keep a log of this cycle again. I’ll start with the test and eq, finish with var added if my body doesn’t like EQ I’ll just stop using it. If anyone has any experience front loading eq let me know that part I’m still debating on.
I appreciate the great conversation and the support bros! I’ll keep a log of this cycle again. I’ll start with the test and eq, finish with var added if my body doesn’t like EQ I’ll just stop using it. If anyone has any experience front loading eq let me know that part I’m still debating on.
I've asked the same question to guys here more experienced than myself. In the search bar type in front loading eq. Use that search bar as tool to answer certain questions, because I'm sure most have been asked and answered already just have to do a little digging around.