4 Week Tren A/test Prop/various Pct

Leroy Brown

New Member
Fourth cycle... haven't ran one in about a year. Testing out Tren for first time. Critiques on pct welcome.

1-4 100mg test prop 5 x wk
1-4 100 mg tren a 5xwk
1-4 100mg var ed

Pct plan.

2-4 500mcg hcg 2 x wk
Aromas in 25g e3d
CLOMID 100/50/50/25 3 days after last shot
Nolvadex 60/40/20/20

Do I need caber?
Fourth cycle... haven't ran one in about a year. Testing out Tren for first time. Critiques on pct welcome.

1-4 100mg test prop 5 x wk
1-4 100 mg tren a 5xwk
1-4 100mg var ed

Pct plan.

2-4 500mcg hcg 2 x wk
Aromas in 25g e3d
CLOMID 100/50/50/25 3 days after last shot
Nolvadex 60/40/20/20

Do I need caber?

Cycle is a little short for my liking, but do as you please.

Hcg is fine IMO

You don't NEED caber, as if you control estrogen in the first place progest sides won't be a problem.

I've never understood why people run PCT for 4 weeks? or even lower the dosage. I run PCT 5-6 weeks at clomid 50mg and torem at 120mg the whole time.
A little bit of cutting and to test my body with tren and see how I like it. I know it's short, just a little blast before I leave the country looking to run a little longer in the spring. @boxcar you like torem over Nolvadex I have ran it before....

Forgot to state I'm on growth 4iu/day
A little bit of cutting and to test my body with tren and see how I like it. I know it's short, just a little blast before I leave the country looking to run a little longer in the spring. @boxcar you like torem over Nolvadex I have ran it before....

Forgot to state I'm on growth 4iu/day
I have? or haven't man?

Dude, nolva sucks a fat cock compared to torem. 4 yes 4 days at 120mg my balls dropped all the way down. That shit gets my balls swole and big again fast. I love torem dude. I run nolva at 15mg during cycle, and switch to torem, clomid, DAA pct.
@boxcar do you have a recommended research Chem supplier for torem? I was just going to use cem-meso but wanted your opinion
Honestly man, hits a hit or miss with RC sites.

Cem-meso is well...a board sponsor, so think for yourself on that.

I have had my best products from purity solutions man. Madison james research is OKAY. Purity solutions has never failed me unlike madison james.