400-500mg test c with lgd?


I wanted to do a testC only cycle to see how I respond. I'd want to start low with 100mg 2xW. Then eventually moving up to 250mg 2xW. I don't know why but I have lgd oil stuck in my head. I was thinking of having it and probably add it in after seeing what test does fir me. I probably wouldn't go past 5mg ed.

I've looked and couldn't find any reports on injectable lgd with test. Yes I know about the youtube videos but would like to hear your opinions. For pct I wanted to get enclomiphene and tamoxifen or aromasin.

Ps. Hairloss is a concern. I understand the risks of aas and hairloss but I will try and mitigate loss as much as possible with fin or dut and ru58841. I'm also on oral minoxidil.

Any input is greatly appreciated!
5mg LGD on top of 500mg test cycle is just a drop of water in the ocean, so it's a waste of time. And it can actually cause unwanted side effects that are harder to combat.

Why not just stick to the true and tried first cycle of 400-500mg test with an AI and see how you react to one compound only first?
Right on, I have read that 5mg im lgd is considered a "high" dose as opposed to oral, not arguing I'm just stating why I chose 5mg. I didn't realize 5mg was that insignificant.


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