56 labs busted

The names of the busted labs are great but I'd love to see that full list of clients that they have formulated. I'd pay anything to search through those hundred thousand names. I wonder now just how safe some of these encrypted messages from those "secure" mailboxes really are!!!!
Encrypted e-mail is entirely overrated, which I have believed to be the case for a while. Reason being, if a source gets popped and is shi**ing his pants while DEA agents round up his wife and kids and are throwing his stuff everywhere and one of them asks him his hushmail PW, he is going to give it to them. Unless he deleted every e-mail he ever sent/received, the feds then have access to all that info very easily, no need to decrypt e-mails. This is how they got all this info, not from cracking encrypted e-mail or going to hushmail, keptprivate, etc.
Encrypted e-mail is entirely overrated, which I have believed to be the case for a while. Reason being, if a source gets popped and is shi**ing his pants while DEA agents round up his wife and kids and are throwing his stuff everywhere and one of them asks him his hushmail PW, he is going to give it to them. Unless he deleted every e-mail he ever sent/received, the feds then have access to all that info very easily, no need to decrypt e-mails. This is how they got all this info, not from cracking encrypted e-mail or going to hushmail, keptprivate, etc.

I don't agree with that. Now I don't know how secure or strong these encrypted emails are but I know it is stronger when communcation are between two parties that have encrypted email addresses.

BUt I don't agree if some LE came in your house and arrested you and accused you of commiting crimes that you can get a minimal of 5 years for and even more if they decide to throw in other charges, that you would just say "Yeah, my pw is HGH191IGF1LR3". If you are accuse then you tell them you don't know what they are talking about till you speak with legal representation.

If a cop pulls you over with the suspicion of driving under the influence and ask you sir are you driving drunk, who is going to say "Yes Officer I was driving drunk and oh by the way take me to jail"?
I don't agree with that. Now I don't know how secure or strong these encrypted emails are but I know it is stronger when communcation are between two parties that have encrypted email addresses.

BUt I don't agree if some LE came in your house and arrested you and accused you of commiting crimes that you can get a minimal of 5 years for and even more if they decide to throw in other charges, that you would just say "Yeah, my pw is HGH191IGF1LR3". If you are accuse then you tell them you don't know what they are talking about till you speak with legal representation.

If a cop pulls you over with the suspicion of driving under the influence and ask you sir are you driving drunk, who is going to say "Yes Officer I was driving drunk and oh by the way take me to jail"?

If LE gos to the point of kicking in your door your pretty much fried anyway, since you've been watched for quite some time if they do that. Also, more than likely you will have stock in your house so your done.

I agree with J dub when he says "Your not getting busted from LE cracking encrypted e-mail"
That ain't happening!
Personally I think many many Western Union transfers are a much bigger tipoff and danger to expose yourself. Almost to the point of cash in the mail being safer. JMHO
Nothing is completely safe if your advertising on websites.
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If LE gos to the point of kicking in your door your pretty much fried anyway, since you've been watched for quite some time if they do that. Also, more than likely you will have stock in your house so your done.

I agree with J dub when he says "Your not getting busted from LE cracking encrypted e-mail"
That ain't happening!
Personally I think many many Western Union transfers are a much bigger tipoff and danger to expose yourself. Almost to the point of cash in the mail being safer. JMHO
Nothing is completely safe if your advertising on websites.

Yeah nothing is completely safe if you are involved in this whole culture period whether you are a buyer or the seller.

Many sources need to be more careful and try to not have items stocked in your home. Yes you never know who is watching you but I have several camera's with infrared settings strategically placed around my home in a wi-fi set up so I can even see what is going on on the web.

If you are a source and you are dealing with a legitimate buyer then yes cash in the mail is always the top choice. But overall if you do things correctly, Monetary wire transfers are relatively safe. I say this because with Western Union for example you are not static or stationary. Many Western Union locations are open 24 hours and there locations you can search for on the internet and get the directions using map quest.

So you could go to a location that is say 20miles away at 3am in the morning, another location 2miles away at 5am in the morning, another one at 10am and because they are all over the place you are not stationary and you are not staying long enough for anyone to remember you.
I would bet that even some of the DEA agents were juicing!!! Im a fireman....I juice, my police buddy juices, my Army bro's juice. This country is really going to Hell in a hand bag. It comes down to this...somewhere somebody is trying to make a name for themselves and are willing to DICK anybody allong the way. Why this government even made AAS illegal is beyond me.
I don't agree with that. Now I don't know how secure or strong these encrypted emails are but I know it is stronger when communcation are between two parties that have encrypted email addresses.

BUt I don't agree if some LE came in your house and arrested you and accused you of commiting crimes that you can get a minimal of 5 years for and even more if they decide to throw in other charges, that you would just say "Yeah, my pw is HGH191IGF1LR3". If you are accuse then you tell them you don't know what they are talking about till you speak with legal representation.

If a cop pulls you over with the suspicion of driving under the influence and ask you sir are you driving drunk, who is going to say "Yes Officer I was driving drunk and oh by the way take me to jail"?

I have to agree with that statement.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a scare when I saw LE near my apartment and lurking throughout the area. They never approached me or even asked me any questions but simply because their unmarked Chevy Suburban was parked across from my apartment, I was still scared shitless. I mentioned this to my girl and told her that, luckily, I already deleted my entire secured mailed transmissions and files. But she informed me that the only way to be safe would be to unplug the computer and leave it sit for hours, possibly 24 hours, before plugging it back in. I suggested just rebooting the hard drive but she explained that some of my files may still be there since all I'd have to do is log onto them.