56 labs busted

I have took a few days to think about this bullshit. IMO nothing can be said or done to change there minds that AAS is an evil drug and almost as bad as the people that push and use it.:rolleyes:
I seen this coming since 2004 and shouldnt be shocked but i am. I could care less about the bussiness side of AAS, it never was nothing more for myself than something to laugh at how stupid that greed can make a person. I am not scared for myself but more scared about how much contol the g'ment has over your personal life and whats good and bad in there eyes. This pisses me off about my country and the people who let it become this way. Clusterfucked is the first word that comes to mind.

Ive read this story almost 6-7 times now and would like to see this kinda crackdown done on coke, herion and shit like that but...Steroids is the root of all evil and we all know that.:rolleyes:

"Operation Raw Deal uncovered a clandestine web of international drug dealers who lurk on the Internet for young adults craving the artificial advantage of anabolic steroids," Karen P. Tandy, the DEA administrator, said in a statement.
I had to laugh about this while i had a image of Freaky_Freddy.:eek:

DEA officials said they launched the operation in large part because of health risks in taking drugs that often are mislabeled. The potential side effects include strokes, liver damage and heart disease, experts say.
They may be right about this and a person may need to find a safer drug like coke, heroin, booze, smokes,....Blah blah blah

For the world of sports, it represents both the best- and worst-case scenarios in the fight against drug cheats. It is a potential historic breakthrough toward busting the offenders and cleaning up the games, but also a possible Armageddon of worst fears realized considering the scope of what might be discovered. The DEA says that due to the massive amount of evidence collected, they will be able to compile a centralized list and database of all the people linked to the case.

Not just the dealers and distributors, but everyone who purchased or received even a single shipment of some kind of performance-enhancing drug linked to this investigation in the United States in the last two years.

The list, a DEA spokesperson said, should contain "hundreds of thousands of names."

While the majority of the names on the federal list will have nothing to do with professional sports amateur body builders or doctors catering to the elderly common sense says some will be professional athletes.
Common sense also says they may be in shock when they find out some are cops, fireman , military, medics, lawyers , politicians and any average Joe that wants to better thereself or try and cheat old age.

Never before has so much evidence been collected. The list is exponentially longer than anything ever previously compiled. While, undoubtedly, it isn't the complete tally of every American involved in this, it is significant. And since the feds aren't even remotely done with the investigation, the list should grow in time.
Even more reason why to stay out of the bussiness side of things.

Look at all those labs posted! It kinda looks like overkill to me on the dealers end. That many people hungry for money to where they put there own freedom on the line. Was it worth the risk?
I would think not then nor in the future, if this story says anything its they have took the gloves off and everybody now has a fair warning.

If i did give two shits about the business side of AAS then i woulda folded the house of cards and never posted again.

TRT/HRT is the only way i would go in the future.

Stay Safe Brothers!!!

Nobody is forcing UG labs to buy from Chinese....If there is , better, safer or cheaper powder anywhere in the world....They would buy it from there, but since there isn't, don't trash Chinese for your stupid government...

Oh hell no,,, the Chinese are great friends that will lend a hand to help you up the mountain ,,,but push you off the ledge as soon as your back is turned.

Nope sure cant have enough friends like that.:rolleyes:

IMO i think China has been trying to one up Japan ever since Pearl Harbor.[}:)]
I have 2 sources left that are still in bizness...

I guess Im lucky.

Im still a lil nervous about ordering anything...

what do yall think I should do?

wait is out untill things cool down?

Im not in need of anything right now but I want to order some China blue..191

I can get the blue tops for 1.3$/iu... So I want to get them while i still can..

Id apreciate it if some vets sent me a PM advising me on what to do...

it would all depend on how much i trusted the source. How do you know they are still safe? Some of these sources were busted and LE took over their emails and continued receiving money.
How much do you have to lose if you get caught? I think each individual must decide for themselves.. W/o knowing your details, i would say hold off b/c they arent done making arrests. Your 2 sources could very well be the next ones to go
I have 2 sources left that are still in bizness...

I guess Im lucky.

Im still a lil nervous about ordering anything...

what do yall think I should do?

wait is out untill things cool down?

Im not in need of anything right now but I want to order some China blue..191

I can get the blue tops for 1.3$/iu... So I want to get them while i still can..

Id apreciate it if some vets sent me a PM advising me on what to do...

EDITED: Guys, take it down a couple levels. We're all on the same side here. No reason to have a simple discussion turn into name calling.

***************** It is quite obvious that myself and others know that wasnt the only reason they got the olympics. *******************************

edit: LMAO i didnt even read your last paragraph. Wonder why china is turning on its own lmao. Dense SOB... China will go back to being the non cooperative fucks they normally are. Let it sink in. Not arguing with you on this. COmmon sense prevails **************

Thick... this is your response to my post. It is you who indicated that China got the Olympics for "cooperating" with the US and our allies. It is not I who believes that it was even a reason. It was your stated reason and I refuted it correctly. The only reason China is "cooperating", has "cooperated", or will in the future "cooperate", is for their gain. YOU indicated in the above post that China cooperated in return for the Olympics, which is simply not true. This makes you the mental midget who fails to investigate properly before posting.

I have no idea why they (China) would begin to roll on it's own businesses, black market or legit other than cash incentives or trade incentives, and fear of further embarrassment due to horrific quality control of anything they manufacture for export.
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Yeah, i am not very good with sarcasm.....especially because people now-days blame everyone else, instead to look in their own back yard...

Didn't do too well in Common Sense/Logic 101 either did ya'?:D

Just fucking with ya' big guy.
This is so outlandish that its still not sunk in all the way.

I wonder how the world would react if this was done to cocaine and all sells come to a stand still?:confused:

What am i thinking? The DEA dont have the balls to do that.
If its not money and peoples health that they say there are worried about then maybe they should get McDonalds to co-operate and stake out fast food restaurants.
I can picture that stake out now IE. Ok we got a fat kid in the parking lot and it looks like he didnt get a happy meal but has 3 Big Mac extra value meals! And for the love of God THERE SUPER SIZED!!!!


We just seen a mini-van full of stoners pull up to the drive threw and it looks like it could get nasty,,,we best wait for back up!

The people that want to stay in shape are crimnals but its perfectly ok to be fat and out of shape.
What is the major malfunction there? This has went far past fucked up!
it would all depend on how much i trusted the source. How do you know they are still safe? Some of these sources were busted and LE took over their emails and continued receiving money.
How much do you have to lose if you get caught? I think each individual must decide for themselves.. W/o knowing your details, i would say hold off b/c they arent done making arrests. Your 2 sources could very well be the next ones to go

I think he is claiming that he has two raw material sources labs in China not two Domestic UG labs here.
I think he is claiming that he has two raw material sources labs in China not two Domestic UG labs here.

One of them is out of china the other is not. The other I am yet to order from but I have talked to a friend who has been in the game awhile..Mr.Nitro and he told me that they are good to go and have many people who have used them and they are good to go.

So just b/c of the recent events I think I will wait.

Thanks for the advice guys.
you would be insane to order anything at the moment IMO...

I wasn't stating anyone should order now. I was stating what I think a lot of UG labs will do in the future.

Second I don't think that it will ever get better or safer to order when it involves "ABC" authorities. Right now it is politically safer and operationally safer to go after users and sellers of "Performance Enhancing Compounds" then to go after major drug dealers.

Plus every agent, politician, sports writer wants to be the one that brings down and operation or seller of "PEC's" that is link to a major athlete right now.

So will waiting 12months help you become safer then if you order now? Perhaps but will the "ABC" authorities stop going after athletes or private citizens that are using AAS- no!
it will be safer b/c sources will be much smarter. Safer than right now anyways lol. AAS is top of the foodchain right now. They will have a new hardon after awhile.
Here is a link stating the olympics have been an influence fueling this. Seems like 11 countries mightve put pressure on china. wonder if any of them had votes also[:eek:)]:rolleyes:
here is a quote "
With the Beijing Olympics looming, the United States led a sting operation ...

Operation Kasha: Australia's Operation Raw Deal

I wasn't stating anyone should order now. I was stating what I think a lot of UG labs will do in the future.

Second I don't think that it will ever get better or safer to order when it involves "ABC" authorities. Right now it is politically safer and operationally safer to go after users and sellers of "Performance Enhancing Compounds" then to go after major drug dealers.

Plus every agent, politician, sports writer wants to be the one that brings down and operation or seller of "PEC's" that is link to a major athlete right now.

So will waiting 12months help you become safer then if you order now? Perhaps but will the "ABC" authorities stop going after athletes or private citizens that are using AAS- no!
here is the paragraph for those that dont want to read it all. This shows that several countries were putting pressure on China. It is common sense but there are people that dont think barry bonds used steroids so doesnt surprise me the same class of people dont think the olympics had anything to do with china cooperating[:eek:)]

With the Beijing Olympics looming, the United States led a sting operation involving Australia, Germany, Denmark, Mexico, Canada, Belgium, Sweden and Thailand. It centred on the distribution of bulk raw drugs from three Chinese locations. The Chinese Government co-operated with

the investigation, allowing US officers to infiltrate one laboratory that was producing human growth hormone.

The focus w
another quote. Is it sinking in yet lmao!

to see if any sportspeople are involved.

The chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, Dick Pound, said he hoped authorities could turn over a list of names in time for the agency to take action against any athletes before the Beijing Olympics, which start next August.

Rusty Payne, a spokesman for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, said: "Everybody recognised the timing. We don't work with our heads in the sand. Olympic officials have been very interested in this and are obviously very pleased.

Wow wonder if olympic officials have a vote or can put pressure on a gov??? I doubt it though:rolleyes:
there are still a few sources I know that didnt get busted but are laying real, real real low....advised them not to take on new orders....

I'm actually glad they cracked down on aas users.....shit my car got broken into because of a tren user trying to get his fix....and there was a test user that got into a steroid rage that busted up a convience store...how about the dbol user that stole from his employer from staples that took some pencils just to sell them on the street to support his habit....My next door neighbor borrowed my lawn mower and never returned it....he actually confessed he sold it to buy some ancillaries for his current cycle....heard on the news that a powerlifter went on a rampage because he couldnt get his nolva from a reseach company and was thinking he got gyno.....then how about the bodybuilder that forgot to shoot his daily prop..he went bizark.....busted up a china shop like a bull...I even heard that a person using fina/test/and var cycle stole a police car cause he got so high from the prop he didnt know what the hell he was doing....you know its a fast acting esther..beware..it can make you do fast acting stuff.....I feel so safe now that they got all those violent criminals off the street.....now my children can go play in the local park...
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LMAO BigKarch, I do to Bro. I was even beginning to fear leaving the house to go to the gym. I was contemplating getting a BowFlex so I could safely train at home without walking in to someone in Test Withdrawal at the our local Golds!

To many gym rats I know been having an "everything must go sale" to support their AAS habits. What has this come to? Bodybuilders and Powerlifters panhandling in the Parking lots of gyms, cant even get in the door without being harrassed. Told one the other day I would not give him anymore money to support his AAS habit, but I would walk him in the gym and pay for a Protien shake for him! F er turned me down! Knew he just wanted AAS! Saw a sign the other day that said "Will spot you for a shot of Test"
another quote. Is it sinking in yet lmao!

to see if any sportspeople are involved.

The chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, Dick Pound, said he hoped authorities could turn over a list of names in time for the agency to take action against any athletes before the Beijing Olympics, which start next August.

Rusty Payne, a spokesman for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, said: "Everybody recognised the timing. We don't work with our heads in the sand. Olympic officials have been very interested in this and are obviously very pleased.

Wow wonder if olympic officials have a vote or can put pressure on a gov??? I doubt it though:rolleyes:

It fiugures.. We are being ass raped by guys that have names like DICK POUND and RUSTY PAYNE.:rolleyes:

Is this the real names or there gay porno names?
Funny post Big Karch. I wish I could understand why the gov't/DEA deems steroids and GH to be such a danger to society. I wonder if the DEA agents and others involved in arresting these people truly believe in what they are doing, because you would think most of them got into the job to help eradicate drugs that do cause societal problems, not go after meathead bodybuilders wanting to put on some more muscle while doing no harm to anyone else in the process.

I wonder how much money was spent on this 18 month investigation, and how much more will be spent prosecuting and imprisoning those who were caught? Are there not still schools in the U.S. without air conditioning? Are there not elderly people who have to decide between getting their blood pressure medication and turning on the heat in the winter? I can come up with 1,000 scenarios where this money and these resources could have been put to better use. In fact, how about using those DEA agents to help alleviate the explosion in opium production that has occurred since we "liberated" Afghanistan? I guess some things make better news stories and help ambitious prosecutors' careers better than others.

I am out of the game and have been for a while, but all of this makes me sick to my stomach.