56 labs busted

From EF :eek:

Genera Pharms
huma labs
the professor
Vizion Pharms
Pro Pharm
Titan supply
Southern Labs
US Pharma
usp pharma
aka pitbull
gym ace aka Supersteroid Board
Joe Gold
Gavin Kane
Titan Med Supply
Bodyz by Desgin
vision aka phoenix pharm
it is easy money. What is worse is that they spent almost 2 years focusing on this. The U.S. should really be ashamed of themselves and their prioritiesQUOTE=deathgrip07;561432]Role playing or not... this is terrible news. Upwards of 15 million illegal immigrants in the country, economy is slipping, soldiers are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, the ethics of the politicians is questionable at best, scandels everywhere you look, terrorism is rampant throughout the world, the Chinese and Russian are stepping up their military spending and ramping up spy programs, and the US Government is concerned with???? Of course something totally unrelated...the use of Anabolic steroids in sports etc. Goes to show you where the priorities are and who's actually running the show. It's a shame.[/QUOTE]
you would be insane to order anything at the moment IMO...
An list will be floating around somewhere soon I am sure of it. I bet prices are going to go through the roof.

Guys get your online monetary accounts up and running. I bet many UG will not accept any more cash in mail or the chances of them accepting cash in mail and western union payments anymore. Mostly just e-gold I bet. Much safer. Or transfer of money too an off shore account.
CHINA GOT THE OLYMPICS! China is what really fucked the sources. China gave the U.S. access to all of their order and money wiring info. and correspondence b/n the powder suppliers and the Domestic sources. They got the sournces info and was able to raid the hell out of them. THey got this info over the last couple of years.

A couple of years ago the U.S. put tremendous pressure on China to cooperate with black market stuff and china got rewarded with hosting the olympics. This isnt all fact but is pretty obvious if you ask me
It's another example of US Imperialistic pressure on foreign nations as well. I wonder what China, Canada, and Mexico got in return for their "cooperation". Because I'm sure they willingly cooperated with the US Government out of the goodness of their hearts. They got goodies/promises in return I assure you. The US is exerting so much pressure on China due to their recent quality control issues with dog food, toothpaste, and toys it's ridiculous, so I'm sure they'll bend over backwards so we keep buying their useless disposable trinkets.
Fucking Chinese. Why don't they stick to making poisonous dog food, tainted tooth paste, and baby cribs made from lead-based paint????
Fucking Chinese. Why don't they stick to making poisonous dog food, tainted tooth paste, and baby cribs made from lead-based paint????

Nobody is forcing UG labs to buy from Chinese....If there is , better, safer or cheaper powder anywhere in the world....They would buy it from there, but since there isn't, don't trash Chinese for your stupid government...
Nobody is forcing UG labs to buy from Chinese....If there is , better, safer or cheaper powder anywhere in the world....They would buy it from there, but since there isn't, don't trash Chinese for your stupid government...

Somebody failed Sarcasm 101.
I know were not sposed to talk about source names..

but leo got arrested along time ago way before these steroid busts.
I know were not sposed to talk about source names..

but leo got arrested along time ago way before these steroid busts.

Yeah, that appears to be one of the primary factors that has precipitated all of this. He was supplying all of these UG's that have recently went down. Some others on that list were popped a while back as well.
I could talk about that source but it would be stupid of me to do so.

All i have to say is the powder leo had is still coming out of china in full force. Its the same stuff from the same lab...

But thats all I have to say about that.
CHINA GOT THE OLYMPICS! China is what really fucked the sources. China gave the U.S. access to all of their order and money wiring info. and correspondence b/n the powder suppliers and the Domestic sources. They got the sournces info and was able to raid the hell out of them. THey got this info over the last couple of years.

A couple of years ago the U.S. put tremendous pressure on China to cooperate with black market stuff and china got rewarded with hosting the olympics. This isnt all fact but is pretty obvious if you ask me

China did not get the Olympics in exchange for giving the US info about blackmarket drug supply and manufacture. China got the Olympics due to it's Government's massive pressure on the IOC. That...most likely coupled with a big time pay off. It's a way for them to be thrust onto the geo-political scene and be taken more seriously, not a result of a deal with the US which nothing to do with the selection of a host city. Nice try though;)
nice try for you but china needed U.S. approval as well as our allies. They were not going to get that w/o cooperating in areas of concern for the U.S. Keep telling yourself whatever you want though[:eek:)]
afterall, china is well known for helping the U.S. and being such a good player in the world scene:rolleyes: And THE U.S. doesnt have any weight in choosing a city [:eek:)]
China did not get the Olympics in exchange for giving the US info about blackmarket drug supply and manufacture. China got the Olympics due to it's Government's massive pressure on the IOC. That...most likely coupled with a big time pay off. It's a way for them to be thrust onto the geo-political scene and be taken more seriously, not a result of a deal with the US which nothing to do with the selection of a host city. Nice try though;)
nice try for you but china needed U.S. approval as well as our allies. They were not going to get that w/o cooperating in areas of concern for the U.S. Keep telling yourself whatever you want though[:eek:)]
afterall, china is well known for helping the U.S. and being such a good player in the world scene:rolleyes: And THE U.S. doesnt have any weight in choosing a city [:eek:)]

I will definitely keep telling myself and uneducated buffoons on the internet, that China did not get the Olympics due to a backroom deal that required China to roll on "blackmarket" steroid industry. The original poster would have people believe that Beijing was selected to host the 08 Olympics as payment rendered for helping the US Government. It's just not true, there is no apparent evidence of quid pro quo. The vote happened over 7 years ago, not last week, or even two years ago.

The 112th session of the IOC held in Moscow in 2001, selected Beijing China as the host city. There were a total of 105 members eligible to vote, 14 abstained (none from the US). China was voted in decisively in the second round of voting. The US had three votes by secret ballot. So is everyone to believe that those 3 US members on the IOC had the power to persuade the better part of 88 other votes????

I suggest you spend more time reading and learning, than trying to find underlying reasons why cities are chosen to host the Olympics.
only you think that was stated as the only reason. Take shit out of context like a mental midget lol. I think your death grip was around your throat , robbing your brain of oxygen ;), relax and let common sense enter your life

p.s. china sure does have a great history of cooperation[:eek:)]
I will definitely keep telling myself and uneducated buffoons on the internet, that China did not get the Olympics due to a backroom deal that required China to roll on "blackmarket" steroid industry. The original poster would have people believe that Beijing was selected to host the 08 Olympics as payment rendered for helping the US Government. It's just not true, there is no apparent evidence of quid pro quo. The vote happened over 7 years ago, not last week, or even two years ago.

The 112th session of the IOC held in Moscow in 2001, selected Beijing China as the host city. There were a total of 105 members eligible to vote, 14 abstained (none from the US). China was voted in decisively in the second round of voting. The US had three votes by secret ballot. So is everyone to believe that those 3 US members on the IOC had the power to persuade the better part of 88 other votes????

I suggest you spend more time reading and learning, than trying to find underlying reasons why cities are chosen to host the Olympics.
CHINA GOT THE OLYMPICS! China is what really fucked the sources. China gave the U.S. access to all of their order and money wiring info. and correspondence b/n the powder suppliers and the Domestic sources. They got the sournces info and was able to raid the hell out of them. THey got this info over the last couple of years.

A couple of years ago the U.S. put tremendous pressure on China to cooperate with black market stuff and china got rewarded with hosting the olympics. This isnt all fact but is pretty obvious if you ask me

Thick... this is your response to my post. It is you who indicated that China got the Olympics for "cooperating" with the US and our allies. It is not I who believes that it was even a reason. It was your stated reason and I refuted it correctly. The only reason China is "cooperating", has "cooperated", or will in the future "cooperate", is for their gain. YOU indicated in the above post that China cooperated in return for the Olympics, which is simply not true. This makes you the mental midget who fails to investigate properly before posting.

I have no idea why they (China) would begin to roll on it's own businesses, black market or legit other than cash incentives or trade incentives, and fear of further embarrassment due to horrific quality control of anything they manufacture for export.
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