6 months off testosterone.


New Member
I've been 5 months and 2 weeks off testosterone now.

My T levels have dropped back to their old levels (slightly below normal) and I feel OK.

My libido still hasn't come back, but I figure there is some delay or lagtime in my body and eventually it will come back.

I figure on a long enough timeline, even a year, my libido HAS to come back.

I can still have sex, but the desire isn't there. I have decided to be patient with it, and not think about it too much.

Aside from libido, my life is back to normal now. I dont read health message boards everyday worrying about estrogen levels, and gyno, and infertility, and hcg doseage, and libido, and infertility and all the other crap involved with trt.

That to me, is a huge relief.

One of the reasons i stopped TRT, is because I didn't want to spend my entire god damn life on health message boards reading about this sh*t. I didn't want to do lab tests every few weeks, and then rely on my doctor to help me if i have an issue. And the headaches of getting an appointment, and getting in to see him.

I have chosen to be "natural" because the quality of my life (in my opinion) is better this way.

I am optimistic that my libido will come back eventually, and I am happy with my decision to come off testosterone treatment :)

All the best,
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My T levels have dropped back to their old levels (slightly below normal)

Slightly below normal old values or slightly below normal leves as in reference range.

I am trying to workout whether using TRT or steroids reduces normal hormone levels when you come off.

Did you have sex drive before TRT?

I have test levels of 16nmol, i have no libido either, but i feel okay overall, can function energy, i can have sex but no libido. I want to find underlying cause but everybody on internet says TRT. 16nmol is not too bad so their must be something else....adrenals perhaps, liver issues. I am wanting to fly out and see dr maraino i am fortunate i can afford this, thanks to god.
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i case you are wondering Tyler, i have been lurking for a long time and have read your posts and your story and i have been following your case. Good luck and good recovery.
Slightly below the reference range. Just like before treatment.

Lack of libido could be from neurotransmitter imbalance in your case. But i'm not sure. 16.0nmol/L is a decent level, it's infact double my level of 8.0nmol/L which is my natural level.

Yes I had a sex drive before trt ... which is why i am optimistic it will eventually come back. Even if it takes a year, i will be patient.

My T levels have dropped back to their old levels (slightly below normal)

Slightly below normal old values or slightly below normal leves as in reference range.

I am trying to workout whether using TRT or steroids reduces normal hormone levels when you come off.

Did you have sex drive before TRT?

I have test levels of 16nmol, i have no libido either, but i feel okay overall, can function energy, i can have sex but no libido. I want to find underlying cause but everybody on internet says TRT. 16nmol is not too bad so their must be something else....adrenals perhaps, liver issues. I am wanting to fly out and see dr maraino i am fortunate i can afford this, thanks to god.
if you dont mind me asking, when you were natural, how many times a week did you get the urge to do it or release?
Are you on anything besides T?
What were and what are your levels now...not TT, but Free T, Estrogen levels..etc?
How much are you injecting a week, frequency?
I have chosen to be "natural" because the quality of my life (in my opinion) is better this way.

I am optimistic that my libido will come back eventually, and I am happy with my decision to come off testosterone treatment :)

All the best,

Good, I wish You all the best man :)

I respect Your choice, but You must remember that low testosterone means increased risk for heart failure, Alzheimer and potentially Parkinson, bone problems etc. I have read some article about a few days ago - I will try to find the link. Our body just need T to work properly..
Good, I wish You all the best man

I respect Your choice, but You must remember that low testosterone means increased risk for heart failure, Alzheimer and potentially Parkinson, bone problems etc. I have read some article about a few days ago - I will try to find the link. Our body just need T to work properly..

I think a lot of this is new research and it is being used as a blanket statement. I am sure in time they may find that its all individual and some peopel actually do okay on lower testosterone levels.
Remeber all this is new and developing field at the moment, they said cigarettes are not harmful for you once, maybe they will discover testosterone injections, hcg injections cause all sorts of other problems.

So i think Tyler has made the right decision, science is not always right, the foundation of science is a theory which only exists as right until its disproven. Maybe in future they will find the testosterone you inject is actually more harmful for you than lower test levels, who knows what sorts of cancers may pop up, cos cancers are manmade diseases and its all linked to modern unnatural lifestyles, whats more unatural than injecting oil based esters into your butt.
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good luck, not sure what ur age is? but as you know T doesnt come back as we get older. I know at 50 without T I wouldnt be who I am today.
if you dont mind me asking, when you were natural, how many times a week did you get the urge to do it or release?

I had the urge to "do it" at least a few times a week. I could go everyday if I wanted, but at least 2-3 times a week.
Good, I wish You all the best man :)

I respect Your choice, but You must remember that low testosterone means increased risk for heart failure, Alzheimer and potentially Parkinson, bone problems etc. I have read some article about a few days ago - I will try to find the link. Our body just need T to work properly..

I understand, yeah.

I can't be natural forever, because my testosterone levels will continue to fall as I age. But in 10 years maybe there will be new advancements in testosterone treatment. Maybe there will be a "pill" that you can take, just like other medications. And hopefully "andropause" will be a mainstream treatment just like menopause. Plus, in 10 years i won't need to worry about fertility, because if i'm gonna have kids, i'm gonna have them before 40.

I want to be "natural" for as long as I am able, but I understand that testosterone is important for a male body to function properly. At the same time, i gave all the available testosterone treatments a try (literally all of them- cream, patch, gel, clomid, injections, hcg) and I prefer how I feel natural.

So for the time being i'm gonna work with what i got, and re evaluate in about 10 years, and maybe at that point there will be further advancements in testosterone treatment, and i wont need to worry about fertility and maintaining my "boys" and all that jazz.

Thanks for all your feedback man, you were very helpful this year with all the advice and suggestions you gave me.
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Remeber all this is new and developing field at the moment, they said cigarettes are not harmful for you once, maybe they will discover testosterone injections, hcg injections cause all sorts of other problems.

So i think Tyler has made the right decision, science is not always right, the foundation of science is a theory which only exists as right until its disproven. Maybe in future they will find the testosterone you inject is actually more harmful for you than lower test levels, who knows what sorts of cancers may pop up, cos cancers are manmade diseases and its all linked to modern unnatural lifestyles, whats more unatural than injecting oil based esters into your butt.

Yeah man. The way I see it, maybe I won't be a huge alpha male ceo/body builder/competitive athlete, but you know what? I'm alright with that. I can still function and be happy and live a pretty good life.

I prefer being natural, and I prefer dealing with the cards life has dealt me. I thought that testosterone would make my life better, but if I could have a time machine, I would go back to february of this year, and tell myself: "Dude, don't go down this road. I am the future version of you, and I am telling you its not worth it"

That's just me tho. I am sure some guys feel a lot of benefits from testosterone treatment.

For me, I feel better natural, and i am happy with my decision to live with my natty levels, and enjoy life with what i got :)

If you had the urge to do it almost everyday then your test level is fine for you, why the hell did you ever go on TRT?

Its not about numbers, its about how you feel and sex is a big indicator oif everything is okay.

I am 35 and back before i had my issues some 4 years ago i too could go everyday if needed but would have the urge at least 2 - 3 times a week. Yet i guarantee my T levels were a lot higher than they are now, i estimate i was easily 20+ nmol because that 16nmol level is after depression, sleeping issues for 4 years and stress, i did not sleep the night before more than 3 - 4 hours light sleep. I used to gain muscle easy, gain good strength feel good have energy. I just wish i could feel like that again.

I am sure sex drive is goverened by stuff other than testosterone cos you with your 8nmol had as much libido as i did with what was my estimated level at 20+nmol. Maybe for you your level is perfect and it works for you. Remember James toney (heavyweight boxer) had a test level of 137 ng dl.
I've been 5 months and 2 weeks off testosterone now.
Aside from libido, my life is back to normal now. I dont read health message boards everyday worrying about estrogen levels, and gyno, and infertility, and hcg doseage, and libido, and infertility and all the other crap involved with trt.

That to me, is a huge relief.

One of the reasons i stopped TRT, is because I didn't want to spend my entire god damn life on health message boards reading about this sh*t. I didn't want to do lab tests every few weeks, and then rely on my doctor to help me if i have an issue. ,

same feelings here

TRT - only the last resort for me

if one got hypogonadal by a total lack of exercise, bad diet, being overweight and lots of stress, (such as in my case) then reversing these conditions should be the first step to recovery and not just jumping on TRT and staying on it for life

it might not lead to a total cure but an improvement is to be expected

TRT should be considered only if such drastic lifestyle changes (+ taking supplemenets) fail

I know there are guys who are otherwise healthy and in great shape, who have low testosterone, in their case, it's a different situation, obviously