7.5 Week Progress


New Member
Pre Cycle (6'0 183lb):

7.5 Weeks into Test-E Only 500MG per week (6'0 204lb):

How is my progress thus far? I'm not really using weight as a huge indicator, due to water and glycogen factor of test. My body dysmorphia also makes it pretty hard to judge my progress, lmao
Pre Cycle (6'0 183lb):

7.5 Weeks into Test-E Only 500MG per week (6'0 204lb):

How is my progress thus far? I'm not really using weight as a huge indicator, due to water and glycogen factor of test. My body dysmorphia also makes it pretty hard to judge my progress, lmao

Lmfao...I too suffer from body dysmorphia...ain't she a bitch? Makes it real hard to stick to a bulking cycle
Pre Cycle (6'0 183lb):

7.5 Weeks into Test-E Only 500MG per week (6'0 204lb):

How is my progress thus far? I'm not really using weight as a huge indicator, due to water and glycogen factor of test. My body dysmorphia also makes it pretty hard to judge my progress, lmao

You have to be trolling.

You don't even look like you lift in the first place. And you don't state what you want to achieve with that cycle.

The only thing it's going to do is bring you close to what you would have reached if you ate correctly and worked your ass in the gym.

Are you deficient in testosterone to begin with?
You have to be trolling.

You don't even look like you lift in the first place. And you don't state what you want to achieve with that cycle.

The only thing it's going to do is bring you close to what you would have reached if you ate correctly and worked your ass in the gym.

Are you deficient in testosterone to begin with?

Are you referring to both sets of photos? I'm bulking right now.
you look like you just started lifting and got some natty gains
Well, I lifted Natty seriously for two years. Went from like 130 to 195, cut to 180, then hopped on.

My goal is to reach my genetic limit faster. Don't hit me with the arbitrary bullshit of where I "should" be at before starting. Different goals.
You're not even at a stage where the terms "bulking" or "cutting" would make any sense.
You're just normal looking.

Get off the gear, PCT, and work out
Would rather make faster progress on gear. Thanks for your opinion though. I hit the gym hard as hell and track everything to a T. Just because I had a different starting point and didn't progress as fast as you might've doesn't mean anything.
Well, I lifted Natty seriously for two years. Went from like 130 to 195, cut to 180, then hopped on.

My goal is to reach my genetic limit faster. Don't hit me with the arbitrary bullshit of where I "should" be at before starting. Different goals.

unless you're like 6'4... you dont even look that weight. and yeah you should of waited to jump on because what I see is a guy that just started lifting doesnt eat enough food so he's small and compact, but you've accomplished that taking gear, closer to your genetic limit congrats... like seriously their are highschoolers that get your gains just through puberty, so bullshit you've been training for 2years
To me your back looks thicker than before, not the greatest pics to compare considering the different viewpoints and flexing but I can see gains made. Sure, ya coulda made some more gains b4 hopping on but I could tell ya lift a bit... Idk why anyone would suggest ceasing and starting pct once you're 8 weeks on. Finish cycle, train hard thru pct and then see where ya go from there.
unless you're like 6'4... you dont even look that weight. and yeah you should of waited to jump on because what I see is a guy that just started lifting doesnt eat enough food so he's small and compact, but you've accomplished that taking gear, closer to your genetic limit congrats... like seriously their are highschoolers that get your gains just through puberty, so bullshit you've been training for 2years

I started off at a very lo stating point. I'm 6ft, 204. I track and hit 4K cals a day.
Dude you had zero base before you started. If you were lifting for 2 years you were Doing EVERYTHING wrong! Your before looks like you never stepped foot in a gym. Your after is not much different. You asked the question. I'm just answering honestly. You just wasted a good cycle. Learn how to eat and train. And don't come on here expecting anyone to be "impressed" by your results. Or lack of results.
unless you're like 6'4... you dont even look that weight. and yeah you should of waited to jump on because what I see is a guy that just started lifting doesnt eat enough food so he's small and compact, but you've accomplished that taking gear, closer to your genetic limit congrats... like seriously their are highschoolers that get your gains just through puberty, so bullshit you've been training for 2years
Agree. His ass is not 204. Not even close.
Pre Cycle (6'0 183lb):

7.5 Weeks into Test-E Only 500MG per week (6'0 204lb):

How is my progress thus far? I'm not really using weight as a huge indicator, due to water and glycogen factor of test. My body dysmorphia also makes it pretty hard to judge my progress, lmao

first picture = you look like you don't lift
second picture= you look like you don't juice

honest opinion.
A lot of brutal comments in here jeez, but they are honest. Can you outline your routine and macros if you don't mind. 2 years of lifting should have yielded more mass then what you have.