7.5 Week Progress

It's just silly to do gear, which can do damage to your body, as we all know, just to have a "dad bod... That's all these guys are getting at. If you put on 60lbs in two years natty, if it was even fifty percent muscle you'd look much more jacked. That's what we're struggling to understand. That much muscle creates a huge physical change.

Look at some of the pics on this forum. Even 15lbs of solid muscle completely transforms people... You just don't look it, which doesn't jive with your story...
It's just silly to do gear, which can do damage to your body, as we all know, just to have a "dad bod... That's all these guys are getting at. If you put on 60lbs in two years natty, if it was even fifty percent muscle you'd look much more jacked. That's what we're struggling to understand. That much muscle creates a huge physical change.

Look at some of the pics on this forum. Even 15lbs of solid muscle completely transforms people... You just don't look it, which doesn't jive with your story...
Well then clearly I am doing something wrong in regards to my training. So, instead of preaching "abstinence," help me do it right.

EDIT: I am not here to argue the use of gear. I 100% am not going to listen to anything in regards to hopping off. Not at all. I plan on running more cycles, not just this one. Nothing you, or anybody else, says will sway my judgement in regards to juicing. Stop bringing it up; stop trying to convince me otherwise. That is not why I joined this board; that is not why I made this thread.
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Well then clearly I am doing something wrong in regards to my training. So, instead of preaching "abstinence," help me do it right.

EDIT: I am not here to argue the use of gear. I 100% am not going to listen to anything in regards to hopping off. Not at all. I plan on running more cycles, not just this one. Nothing you, or anybody else, says will sway my judgement in regards to juicing. Stop bringing it up; stop trying to convince me otherwise. That is not why I joined this board; that is not why I made this thread.

Completely understand what you're saying about not wanting to hop off. I think what most of us are saying is that if you aren't sure of how to train your body natty in order to elicit results, then doing gear would in essence be a waste for you.
Where an experienced or as you say "elitist" lifter may be able to get 20lbs of serious mass from your cycle, you may only get 10. No one will deny that gear screws up your body... It's an inherent and accepted risk. I for one wouldn't do the damage for 10 lbs, which on your frame, you could easily gain with proper natty training and diet.

It seems to be a general consensus that you need to learn what works for your body. That comes through trial and error, which takes years sometimes, which is also why us vets always try and dissuade the young ones from starting a cycle unless they've clearly got the knowledge and abilities to get the best response from their cycle.

Figure out what works for you natty, then run a true cycle. Until then you're just wasting your money and health. Gear isn't magic, in fact you need to work twice as hard to get the real benefits of it.
Completely understand what you're saying about not wanting to hop off. I think what most of us are saying is that if you aren't sure of how to train your body natty in order to elicit results, then doing gear would in essence be a waste for you.
Where an experienced or as you say "elitist" lifter may be able to get 20lbs of serious mass from your cycle, you may only get 10. No one will deny that gear screws up your body... It's an inherent and accepted risk. I for one wouldn't do the damage for 10 lbs, which on your frame, you could easily gain with proper natty training and diet.

It seems to be a general consensus that you need to learn what works for your body. That comes through trial and error, which takes years sometimes, which is also why us vets always try and dissuade the young ones from starting a cycle unless they've clearly got the knowledge and abilities to get the best response from their cycle.

Figure out what works for you natty, then run a true cycle. Until then you're just wasting your money and health. Gear isn't magic, in fact you need to work twice as hard to get the real benefits of it.

Do you think that my progress I posted is pretty bad for 7.5 weeks in? I heard Test-E didn't really kick in til week 6 anyways.

You seem like a knowledgeable guy. I thought I had a decent idea of what worked for my body. I never responded well to low volume routines. I found out that I always seemed to make decent progress when I went for real high volume, hence why I am currently on a GVT program. What do you think I am doing wrong? I am tracking my diet. I ask experienced people in the gym to watch my form on occasion, just to make sure I'm doing an exercise perfectly (and not creating muscular imbalances through incorrect form), and I've been progressing both in bodyweight and strength every week.

I could post my current progress for all of my lifts on the GVT routine as of current.
Do you think that my progress I posted is pretty bad for 7.5 weeks in? I heard Test-E didn't really kick in til week 6 anyways.

You seem like a knowledgeable guy. I thought I had a decent idea of what worked for my body. I never responded well to low volume routines. I found out that I always seemed to make decent progress when I went for real high volume, hence why I am currently on a GVT program. What do you think I am doing wrong? I am tracking my diet. I ask experienced people in the gym to watch my form on occasion, just to make sure I'm doing an exercise perfectly (and not creating muscular imbalances through incorrect form), and I've been progressing both in bodyweight and strength every week.

I could post my current progress for all of my lifts on the GVT routine as of current.

Your progress is fine. Most of us are saying that judging by your before pic, you could have achieved that look natty. Maybe not in 7.5 weeks, but remember you're going to lose a decent chunk of that...

Imagine if you were your current size, and then got this 20lb gain on top of it... You'd look pretty great.

The thing is that to continue to make gains on gear, you almost always have to increase dosages, which creates more toxicity in your body, and generally results in fewer gains each cycle.

This is why you want to run a cycle when you're near peak condition, as you'll get better gains for less gear, and less damage.

Your before pic just doesn't represent peak condition do that's what has everybody responding the way they are.

We don't want to see others wasting time, money, and health when they could wait and do better.
Your progress is fine. Most of us are saying that judging by your before pic, you could have achieved that look natty. Maybe not in 7.5 weeks, but remember you're going to lose a decent chunk of that...

Imagine if you were your current size, and then got this 20lb gain on top of it... You'd look pretty great.

The thing is that to continue to make gains on gear, you almost always have to increase dosages, which creates more toxicity in your body, and generally results in fewer gains each cycle.

This is why you want to run a cycle when you're near peak condition, as you'll get better gains for less gear, and less damage.

Your before pic just doesn't represent peak condition do that's what has everybody responding the way they are.

We don't want to see others wasting time, money, and health when they could wait and do better.
I understand that what I want could have been achieved Natty. That is fully understood. I just wanted to know if my progress was good so far, for having been on cycle for 7.5 weeks. I'm already on, so I want to make the most out of it.

As for money and time, I have too much of both to blow.
You don't look like you've ever set foot in a gym. What have you been doing for those two years? I see your routine, but have you been actually doing it?

Juicing with no base to build on is stupid. Learn to eat and train properly first.

I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm trying to save you the money you're going to waste on gear.
You don't look like you've ever set foot in a gym. What have you been doing for those two years? I see your routine, but have you been actually doing it?

Juicing with no base to build on is stupid. Learn to eat and train properly first.

I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm trying to save you the money you're going to waste on gear.
I wasted a lot of time learning which kind of routines I actually made progress on. I also started from a far low point.

As for money, I have plenty to waste.
I wasted a lot of time learning which kind of routines I actually made progress on. I also started from a far low point.

As for money, I have plenty to waste.

Waste away then. You're clearly not here for advice. All you've done is defend your diet and routine (if you have been following both, I don't even know what to say) and then you say things like,

100% am not going to listen to anything in regards to hopping off. Not at all. I plan on running more cycles, not just this one. Nothing you, or anybody else, says will sway my judgement in regards to juicing. Stop bringing it up; stop trying to convince me otherwise. That is not why I joined this board; that is not why I made this thread.

That reeks of angsty teenager.

Go blast a gram of tren a week for all I care. I tried.
Waste away then. You're clearly not here for advice. All you've done is defend your diet and routine (if you have been following both, I don't even know what to say) and then you say things like,

That reeks of angsty teenager.

Go blast a gram of tren for all I care. I tried.

I haven't been defending anything. Rofl. Quote one example of where I did that. I asked for a critique of the routine and advice/suggestions plenty of times throughout this thread.

I made that second post because people like you keep barging in here, telling me why I shouldn't be using gear. I don't give a damn whether you think I should be using it or not. That's not what I came here to discuss or why I made the thread.
You'd think that maybe, just maybe, that should tell you something?

But it won't.
It tells me that a bunch of forum members care more about someone meeting their arbitrary standards for juicing than actually giving them advice on how to effectively utilize it. Great community.
It tells me that a bunch of forum members care more about someone meeting ylthwue arbitrary standards for juicing than actually giving them advice on how to effectively utilize it. Great community.

People are giving you advice. You just don't like it.

Juicing before you build a base is like putting fuel in your car before fixing the hole in the gas tank.
Ok so you don't want to be told lay off gear.... but there's really no other way to help you try to reach goals without that advice.
What I would do is figure out what style of training works best for me to grow without any other assistance. I'd also learn what diet works best. But if your trying to put it all together with the addiction of gear how will you know what's working?
Is the new style of training working? Or is the new diet working? Or is it the gear?
This is why so many are saying get off the gear. It's hard to put the whole program together without knowing what each element is doing for you.
People are giving you advice. You just don't like it.
Advice I never asked for. You sound like a Christian barging into a 15 year old's "How to have safe sex" thread and imposing your opinion of abstinence on them. Lmfao. Great job. You're a saint. Thanks. You can show yourself out now.