7.5 Week Progress

You did ask, actually.

If you don't like hearing it don't ask, you whiny little bitch. Or you could just continue to stomp your feet when people don't say what you want to hear...
Yes, my progress so far, from the first set of pictures to 7.5 weeks in. I didn't ask whether or not I should be on juice, yet you felt obligated to provide your opinion of such.

Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit.
Yes, my progress so far, from the first set of pictures to 7.5 weeks in. I didn't ask whether or not I should be on juice, yet you felt obligated to provide your opinion of such.

Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit.

You're trying to replace proper training with juice. Why would you ever consider juice before you're even remotely close to your genetic potential, otherwise?

You'd have to be either retarded, intellectually dishonest or both to fail to see the relation between a lack of natural results and being told not to juice yet.

But I'm done arguing at you. Blast all of the gear that you want. You won't get results until you change your shitty approach.
Yet another thread turning into a pissing match...

@foxace36 I think your questions have been answered, maybe not the way you want to hear, but answers and opinions have been given.

Your progress is fine.
Finish your cycle, see what you can gain or even maintain while natty, cut your bf down low and then, when you have the ability to gain natty, and know how to get the best response from your body, run another cycle.

You do need a solid base to build on.. If you can maintain these gains, then maybe you'll have a base, but again you won't really know if it was from your diet, your training or the gear. Until you know that, you're spinning your wheels
I read first page. Jumped to comment, if I have time will go back and read.

Sure you may have had a different starting point and that is two years of good progress if you were excessively small. So going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but guessing you still could have sped things up with just adding more food and altered training routine.

But with that in mind you still weren't in a good position to start juicing. So you have a different starting point? Then you should have spent another two-three years getting to a strong base to juice. Just my opinion on steroids.

There really isn't a big point in judging your progress and making recommendations. Keep lifting hard and to be honest I think it would be done better off cycle so you can see what it takes to make progress, and be better at learning your body and what it really takes to get results from diet and training. Better off in the long run.
Yeah Zack, you waste yours scamming in video games at a shitty community college.
Real productive for a 20 year-old.

Bro, you shouldn't link a members real personal info to a steroid forum no matter how stupid they are for making it that easy to do so in the first place.
It's not in cleartext and can't be indexed by search engines.

He's got court cases and news articles about them all over the internet.
It's not in cleartext and can't be indexed by search engines.

He's got court cases and news articles about them all over the internet.
You're missing the point, it's entirely unnecessary. If you can't see that, which you obviously can't, you're a risk to the community as a whole. You have NOTHING to gain, nor does the community, but revealing an ounce of someone's personal life. I don't care how easy, or hard, it might be to turn up... It's just not okay.
It's not in cleartext and can't be indexed by search engines.

He's got court cases and news articles about them all over the internet.

Actually, you made it very clear who he is, where he lives, and where he goes to school with those links. Not cool. Hopefully Millard will fix this as soon as he can.
You're missing the point, it's entirely unnecessary. If you can't see that, which you obviously can't, you're a risk to the community as a whole. You have NOTHING to gain, nor does the community, but revealing an ounce of someone's personal life. I don't care how easy, or hard, it might be to turn up... It's just not okay.

I think having an account hacker here (not to mention a kid insistent on abusing AAS), is a liability.
But, I can appreciate your points.
Well I wish OP the best. Just because I disagree with his premature juicing doesn't mean I want him to fail. I hope he tweaks his routine and diet and makes some serious gains. Some IFBB pro's juiced from day one. So good luck
I heard Flex wheeler juiced from day one. No proof obviously, but not hard to believe. I'm sure others did the same. I wish I could recall where I read this. Edit: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/23174-anti-steroid-flex-wheeler.html says he started at 18 seems he wrote a book