7.5 Week Progress

workout routine looks good but try to have 2 rest days some weeks regarding the macros
I personally would suggest 2g of protein per lb ,everything else looks good
I am 204 lb. Don't know what to say lol. Also, I went from 130 to 185 in 2 years. Don't know how that's "horrible" progress and an indicator that I "don't know what I'm doing"

As for my routine and macros. I was on a PPL routine before hopping on. For my cycle, I was suggested (by rather experienced folks) to hop on a GVT program. This was the one I was pointed to:

My current macros:

4K Cals
250g Protein
500g Carbs
110g Fat

Any suggestions are welcome. I'm here to learn, not to listen to any of you "elitists" that think you need to weigh 250 LB, have 10 years of prior experience before hopping on, and be able to lift X amount for each compound. Fuck off. Thanks to those who are actually helpful.

THE fact that you're doing this dumbass routine you've taken off the internet says it all, you want advice? Well over the course of 2 years you should of tried out a number of excercises and found out what works for you. Don't be following some clowns routine that got them gains, trial and error, figure out what gets you gains. My 2 cents isolate muscle groups, train random dont follow some set schedule each week, take advantage of rest days, and lift heavy, up the carbs, cut cardio. You need to pack on muscle, if your cutting I don't see why you are tiny. And your "4k" cals a massgainer should not be included in that. Count the cals you eat with food, and then the shakes you drink are just extra.

Now here's why I think you're an idiot, you jumped on steroids got gains that look natty, now you will go into PCT with your shit gains, you won't be able to make gains till your recovered so you wasted days you could be making gains, not to mention you will lose some of the little gains you have. So was it worth It? When you could just trained natty for 15weeks and got gains you'll keep without shutting your hpta down?
Not to mention if you got a lady, or are out and about your libido is going to be in the toilet for a minimum of a month, so you gave up sex maybe even have a little ED... all for what, too look like you've lifted naturally for 2 years...
THE fact that you're doing this dumbass routine you've taken off the internet says it all, you want advice? Well over the course of 2 years you should of tried out a number of excercises and found out what works for you. Don't be following some clowns routine that got them gains, trial and error, figure out what gets you gains. My 2 cents isolate muscle groups, train random dont follow some set schedule each week, take advantage of rest days, and lift heavy, up the carbs, cut cardio. You need to pack on muscle, if your cutting I don't see why you are tiny. And your "4k" cals a massgainer should not be included in that. Count the cals you eat with food, and then the shakes you drink are just extra.

Now here's why I think you're an idiot, you jumped on steroids got gains that look natty, now you will go into PCT with your shit gains, you won't be able to make gains till your recovered so you wasted days you could be making gains, not to mention you will lose some of the little gains you have. So was it worth It? When you could just trained natty for 15weeks and got gains you'll keep without shutting your hpta down?
Not to mention if you got a lady, or are out and about your libido is going to be in the toilet for a minimum of a month, so you gave up sex maybe even have a little ED... all for what, too look like you've lifted naturally for 2 years...

High volume routines work for me, and this routine was suggested to me by a multitude of very experienced folks. Why would I train randomly? That seems very counter-intuitive and not at all what is suggested by lifters with many years of experience under their belt. Care to elaborate a bit further on your training suggestion?

I don't drink shakes. Lmfao. I weigh out and cook everything myself. Don't assume things. The only cardio I hit is 20min of LISS a day, to help keep my BP under control whilst on cycle.
High volume routines work for me, and this routine was suggested to me by a multitude of very experienced folks. Why would I train randomly? That seems very counter-intuitive and not at all what is suggested by lifters with many years of experience under their belt. Care to elaborate a bit further on your training suggestion?

I don't drink shakes. Lmfao. I weigh out and cook everything myself. Don't assume things. The only cardio I hit is 20min of LISS a day, to help keep my BP under control whilst on cycle.

ya do random stuff bro, that way you confuse the muscle! Lol

Progressive overload bro, that's the key to gains. Find a program you really enjoy, do it, then do it better. Ideally you would tailor your program to your own strength and weaknesses. Have you read the muscle pyramid series? Pretty decent info with references included which is great. Heres a link to free pdf. https://www.docdroid.net/7MtyPKE/eric-helms-tmasp-training-v104.pdf.html

In the end you have to recognise your own strength weakness and goals but I believe this ebook can give you a great base for doing your own programming.
ya do random stuff bro, that way you confuse the muscle! Lol

Progressive overload bro, that's the key to gains. Find a program you really enjoy, do it, then do it better. Ideally you would tailor your program to your own strength and weaknesses. Have you read the muscle pyramid series? Pretty decent info with references included which is great. Heres a link to free pdf. https://www.docdroid.net/7MtyPKE/eric-helms-tmasp-training-v104.pdf.html

In the end you have to recognise your own strength weakness and goals but I believe this ebook can give you a great base for doing your own programming.
I'll give it a read; thank you!
Well your routine doesn't seem to be working at all, you're preventing yourself from building muscle training to many days. And what did I say fuck what those "experienced" folks tell you, everyones body reacts differently. You want to follow infomercials be my guest... as far as my routine, random, I hit chest Friday, and since it's recovered today, and I did triceps and shoulders yesterday, today will be the perfect day to isolate my pecs. What I'm telling you is fuck the brosplit, you need to do things as you please if you want to grow.
Problem is so many guys now use gear as a way to "get in shape" I hear guys all the time talk how they are going to start training again and take this or that.
For me gear is to put you over the edge once you've reached your potential. It's not a diet pill or a supplement
Problem is so many guys now use gear as a way to "get in shape" I hear guys all the time talk how they are going to start training again and take this or that.
For me gear is to put you over the edge once you've reached your potential. It's not a diet pill or a supplement
Different strokes for different folks.
Different strokes for different folks.
Right. I see alot of guys complain about the government cause it won't let them take gear legally, saying who are they to tell me what to do or that the government shouldn't decide what is best for them but come here and belittle people for doing what they want to do and tell them they shouldn't do it because it's not best for them lol
You were spot on with your elitist comment.
Right. I see alot of guys complain about the government cause it won't let them take gear legally, saying who are they to tell me what to do or that the government shouldn't decide what is best for them but come here and belittle people for doing what they want to do and tell them they shouldn't do it because it's not best for them lol
You were spot on with your elitist comment.

Who's comment was elitist? Giving advice or your opinion when someone asks for it isn't telling them what to do. But to ask people who have knowledge their input then come back with a "well different strokes" reply when they say what you don't want to hear makes no sense
Who's comment was elitist? Giving advice or your opinion when someone asks for it isn't telling them what to do. But to ask people who have knowledge their input then come back with a "well different strokes" reply when they say what you don't want to hear makes no sense
Have you read this thread? People telling to him stop taking gear till he's met some standard set by a bunch of anonymous people behind keyboard? He asked how is progress was, not for an opinion on if he was right to take gear yet. He doesn't care what your accepted uses for gear are, if you wanna use it to exceed your potential once youve plateued then go right the fuck ahead but if a dude wants to hop on after 3 weeks of training who gives a shit? Had he asked if people thought he shoild take gear i would tell him no, I think you should work out for at least 5 years b4 hopping on but that's not what he asked. It's elitist to inject your opinion on a subject when it wasn't sought, you think your opinion is so valuable that it must be said , must be heard. That's elitist as it gets, I'm sorry you don't understand the word.
Have you read this thread? People telling to him stop taking gear till he's met some standard set by a bunch of anonymous people behind keyboard? He asked how is progress was, not for an opinion on if he was right to take gear yet. He doesn't care what your accepted uses for gear are, if you wanna use it to exceed your potential once youve plateued then go right the fuck ahead but if a dude wants to hop on after 3 weeks of training who gives a shit? Had he asked if people thought he shoild take gear i would tell him no, I think you should work out for at least 5 years b4 hopping on but that's not what he asked. It's elitist to inject your opinion on a subject when it wasn't sought, you think your opinion is so valuable that it must be said , must be heard. That's elitist as it gets, I'm sorry you don't understand the word.

Yes imagine posting to a forum and getting all different types of opinions?!?!?
Yes plenty of guys answered his question and told him he didn't look good then stated their reasons why they feel this way. It's the internet, you really are shocked that people give their opinions. Instead of being on a forum you may need a safe space
Yes imagine posting to a forum and getting all different types of opinions?!?!?
Yes plenty of guys answered his question and told him he didn't look good then stated their reasons why they feel this way. It's the internet, you really are shocked that people give their opinions. Instead of being on a forum you may need a safe space
Idk what that has to do with anything. I'm not so fragile as to be hurt by words especially over some insignicant twat on the net. I'm not shocked people are giving their opinions, I know most people are idiots. I would just like to see opinions presented in a more conducive manner. Cutting people down when they've done nothing to deserve it is what weak people do
Yes imagine posting to a forum and getting all different types of opinions?!?!?
Yes plenty of guys answered his question and told him he didn't look good then stated their reasons why they feel this way. It's the internet, you really are shocked that people give their opinions. Instead of being on a forum you may need a safe space
To be fair, I never asked if I looked good. I asked whether my progress was decent or not from the starting pics to the 7.5 week pics. That's all I wanted to know.

I posted my macros and routine afterwards so I could get a proper critique and advice. I come here for knowledge, not to get shit on by a bunch of "elite" juicers.
Idk what that has to do with anything. I'm not so fragile as to be hurt by words especially over some insignicant twat on the net. I'm not shocked people are giving their opinions, I know most people are idiots. I would just like to see opinions presented in a more conducive manner. Cutting people down when they've done nothing to deserve it is what weak people do

Much like calling someone a twat and an idiot? [emoji848] cool story
To be fair, I never asked if I looked good. I asked whether my progress was decent or not from the starting pics to the 7.5 week pics. That's all I wanted to know.

I posted my macros and routine afterwards so I could get a proper critique and advice. I come here for knowledge, not to get shit on by a bunch of "elite" juicers.

So you want advice and critique from the internet but don't want people to be too harsh or say anything you disagree with? Sounds like what you want is to hear people agree with you and tell you your doing great and keep it up
You have to be trolling.

You don't even look like you lift in the first place. And you don't state what you want to achieve with that cycle.

The only thing it's going to do is bring you close to what you would have reached if you ate correctly and worked your ass in the gym.

Are you deficient in testosterone to begin with?

Kind of like you trolling us with your clomid thread lolol
So you want advice and critique from the internet but don't want people to be too harsh or say anything you disagree with? Sounds like what you want is to hear people agree with you and tell you your doing great and keep it up
Agree with me how? I asked a question, almost no one answered it. I couldn't give less of a shit as to whether or not I should be juicing, yet that's all this thread has been filled with.

There is nothing to "disagree" with. I asked if my progress was decent or not for the 7.5 weeks so far. That necessitates a simple yes or no. From there, I post what I'm currently doing and you guys can tell me how it can be improved, thus fixing my apparent lack of quality progression. Is that so hard to understand?
Much like calling someone a twat and an idiot? [emoji848] cool story
I didn't call you a twat or an idiot, did I? No cause I didn't think what you said was deserving. Someone who treats people like some of the others in this thread are twats and idiots. Most people are inherently shit, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove me otherwise. You seem okay except for you thinking I need a safe space lol I'm the least safe space liberal leftist beta cultural Marxist on this board.