A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

They can exit the testing pool to my knowledge as they don't compete (think Conor McGregor) and once healed they re enter the testing pool .
Also hgh is hard to detect many athletes have admired using it while tested and not failed tests(Mirko Crocop)
Edit: does wada or usada really want to catch them?
I don't think so….

View: https://youtu.be/p6H7aRlosmE

There are stipulations to reentering the testing pool that McGregor will never meet, because he's not an athlete anymore. He might continue teasing a "comeback" though to continue driving brand interest in his other ventures; but nobody in their right minds believes that McGregor will ever fight in the UFC again.
There are stipulations to reentering the testing pool that McGregor will never meet, because he's not an athlete anymore. He might continue teasing a "comeback" though to continue driving brand interest in his other ventures; but nobody in their right minds believes that McGregor will ever fight in the UFC again.
You will be surprised the whole organization turned into a shit show .
And its not just the UFC just take a look a Cristiano Ronaldo one of the most tested athletes if you think he is natural you don't really understand the human body and sports.
I wont even insist on Armstrong that would be to easy to prove my point .
You will be surprised the whole organization turned into a shit show .
And its not just the UFC just take a look a Cristiano Ronaldo one of the most tested athletes if you think he is natural you don't really understand the human body and sports.
I wont even insist on Armstrong that would be to easy to prove my point .
What's your point, that because testing is imperfect all top athletes dope? Well, that's a myth, and it's not in any way relevant to the topic of the thread, nor to whether you are positioned to know fuck all about what professional athletes do or have done for injury rehabilitation.
he has a fight booked though, but ya, maybe u have a point as that fight is supposed to be less than 6 months away. BUT mcgregor thinks 2 tests and he is good to go(he prob shouldn't of said that on TV as USADA cant be shown to give breaks)... had a whole tv series of him vs chandler, I dunno, they will fight, would be a HUGE flop for UFC if they didn't. perhaps will go to Dubai to fight. DANA has repeatedly said in the last couple weeks "he has nothing to do with testing knows nothing about it anymore" lol maybe his underling will get blamed... I dunno, maybe your on to something. I just figured after the series was filmed its 100% happening, maybe chandler will have to wait another 4 months though.
What's your point, that because testing is imperfect all top athletes dope? Well, that's a myth, and it's not in any way relevant to the topic of the thread, nor to whether you are positioned to know fuck all about what professional athletes do or have done for injury rehabilitation.
Yep that was it that they all dope and use hgh to heal injuries based on athletes testimonies after passing drug tests .Like the ones i mentioned .
In my opinion of course .
Here is a study on its effectiveness i know you like these
Human Growth Hormone Treatment After ACL Injury May Prevent Loss of Muscle Strength
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On that point, how beneficial would HIIT type conditioning still be for oxidizing the liberated FFA from HGH administration? 15s sprint-60s rest for 15-20-ish minutes for example.

And you probably covered it but is there an upper limit to HGH dose for this purpose? Maybe realistic upper limit if not theoretical? And in case it doesn't get said enough, we always appreciate your contributions.

HIT would be glycotic in nature. You’d be burning muscle glycogen, while the free fatty acids just kept floating the fuck around.

Well, per se…you’re never truly burning all fat or all glycogen, it’s like messing with the treble and bass knobs on your old cd player deck. Zone 2 will use a higher percentage of fat for energy compared to higher intensity.

Also, if you’re bound damned determined to burn every last lipid you liberated, just fast for a few more hours post LISS, or just eat a protein meal with zero energy substrate.

Although a protein meal will create an insulin response, you will quickly return to a negative energy balance…which the body will somehow try to resolve by continued lipolysis or dumping glucose from the liver. But we just trained and/or did cardio, glycogen reserves should be nil
At first thank you for this huge thread.

I have a question regarding the peak time and the serum level also refering to fat oxidation.

You have written that i.s. the maximum in the serum is 4-6 hours after injection. The literature write that the fat oxidation starts 1-2 hours after the injection.

So to sum up:
HGH peak 30 minutes after injection
Serum peak 2-3/4-6 hours after injection
Fat oxidation peak = serum peak?


The effects of a physiological iv GH bolus injection (•) vs. saline (○) in healthy subjects after an overnight fast. A, Circulating concentrations of GH (top), insulin (middle), and glucagon (bottom). B, Interstitial levels of glycerol in abdominal (top) and femoral (bottom) fat assessed by microdialysis

The most striking effect of a single exogenous GH pulse is a marked increase in circulating levels of FFA and ketone bodies (55), reflecting stimulation of lipolysis and ketogenesis (Fig. 7). Baseline FFA values usually more than double with peak values of approximately 1 mmol/liter recorded after 2–3 h. The increase in FFA levels is also robust and lasts for 1–8 h

Second question:
You have written that it's important that the HGH is taken without food because in insulin level had to be low.

That's what I don't get. Why is eating not a problem after the HGH injection regarding the maximum of fat oxidation?

Do you mean because of the insulin resistance the fat oxidation would stil be on max?


GH has acute and chronic metabolic effects. As outlined below the acute actions include stimulation of lipolysis and increased FFA levels in the blood. More prolonged GH exposure, e.g., repetitive GH pulses in the presence of adequate nutrient supply and subsequent elevations in systemic and portal insulin levels, induces hepatic IGF-I production (23). This is accompanied by suppression of IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-1, which may act to increase free IGF-I. Eventually protein stores, lean body mass (LBM), and a majority of body organs grow, and body fat mass decreases (Fig. 3).

The order and time sequence of events are of importance. GH stimulates lipolysis and causes insulin resistance within 1–2 h, and these effects disappear after approximately 8 h (35, 36).

The stimulating effect of GH on IGF-I production and action is a more chronic process, which, as previously discussed, depends on a positive energy balance and ensuing elevations in insulin. Thus, during prolonged sc GH administration, the actions of IGF-I and insulin prevail 8–10 h after each injection
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interesting there is 2 separate ideas here from my understanding. some body builder folks fast and think they are getting higher GH and higher IGF, however longevity folks fast because it LOWERS IGF... would assume its a bit more complicated just interesting that folks promote fasting for 2 exact opposite reasons... and of course eating more increases insulin which according to this graph also increase IGF...(although I had thought exact opposite more insulin decreases IGF, or perhaps the graph is actually saying once insulin lowers the IGF goes up)

my understanding is its that IGF is lower when loose weight, fasting makes you loose weight and so test results will show it "lowers" IGF, but perhaps more of a long game. and as perhaps what above is trying to explain its a super fine line and having more spikes and drops of insulin per day would be the best way to increase IGF. So really depends on the person and what they eat vs certain time of fasting be optimal for everyone for increase IGF... as of course if goal is lower IGF for anti aging than too much fasting would increase GH and therefore IGF.

ie anti gaining folks prob have it kinda wrong about fasting as an approach to anti-aging and decreasing IGF as technically only happens once loose weight and plenty of other ways to loose weight. Could be out to lunch on this and endocrinology is non binary...
interesting there is 2 separate ideas here from my understanding. some body builder folks fast and think they are getting higher GH and higher IGF, however longevity folks fast because it LOWERS IGF... would assume its a bit more complicated just interesting that folks promote fasting for 2 exact opposite reasons.
Bodybuilders take gh fasted so their insulin response from food is not impaired but they still produce igf because they have glucose in their body stored.
Longevity folks fast until glucose is all used up in the body so igf is not produced .
This is the raw version you can read up on it to get a more complex answer this things have been discussed before
I was NOT talking about exogenous HGH use, rather just using fasting to increase natural GH production.

yes I understand complex and don't know what I don't know about the topic. just was pointing out that on surface someone has to be wrong about what's happening, or I am misunderstanding their goals re fasting decreasing IGF(in anti aging folks), or fasting to increase GH to increase IGF in body building, and perhaps has more to do with GH itself rather than IGF..

yes I will need to read more of whats already discussed. thanks man!
I was NOT talking about exogenous HGH use, rather just using fasting to increase natural GH production.

yes I understand complex and don't know what I don't know about the topic. just was pointing out that on surface someone has to be wrong about what's happening, or I am misunderstanding their goals re fasting decreasing IGF(in anti aging folks), or fasting to increase GH to increase IGF in body building, and perhaps has more to do with GH itself rather than IGF..

yes I will need to read more of whats already discussed. thanks man!
Its the same as exogenous they fast just enough to release GH and after that they eat carbs and produce igf.
There is even an super compensation with igf1 after fasting.
If you keep fasting and eat more a keto diet your igf stays low .
Knowing this facts you can manipulate igf1.
Gh has longevity and healing effects even without it turning to igf so nobody is wrong.
right, so by fasting you would still get higher IGF which is what longevity folks are trying to avoid. so if didn't fast would have lower GH and IGF. so the fasting for longevity may actually come once loose weight and have lower IGF because of weight loss rather than fasting in and of itself..
right, so by fasting you would still get higher IGF which is what longevity folks are trying to avoid. so if didn't fast would have lower GH and IGF. so the fasting for longevity may actually come once loose weight and have lower IGF because of weight loss rather than fasting in and of itself..
No you can do both.
If you fast longer and eat less and the right foods to have lower igf you can have higher growth homones that give the signaling for repair and when you eat the amount of igf even if lower makes the repairs without being higher than if you would have not fasted.
Or you can just intermittently fast and get higher igf for muscle building.
Or you can do a hybrid of both .
But fat people have higher igf levels on average so losing the weight and the carbs stored in the liver is always better for longevity.
So in part you are right but people who fast really fast are rarely obese if they do it right and for the required amount of time .
There are also other things that happen when fasting not just growth hormone that are good for you and the body will make glucose out of protein also i just try to say this things in the simplest of ways .
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Second time restarting hgh after long lay off, first weeks were fine 2ius mobed to 3ius, some night time wake ups to piss and sock lines but no CTS or other issues. However, I have gained 8#s roughly in one month all other items stable which I think happened last time in a few weeks when I hopped on. Ironically my measurements have barely changed, I guess I'll do a dexa or bodpod to assure its water and not fat mass gains. Its interesting in lipolysis, but unsure a better way to track actual composition than measurements and a dexa.
@Type-IIx just for clarification and idiot-proofing this thing. Does meal timing post cardio have any impact on the FFAs being burned. Ie, will doing 30 min cardio at +2 hour, followed by eating five minutes later, netatively impact burning the FFAs?


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