A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

@Type-IIx - thank your for this write up and protocol. As I’m trying to shed 10-ish lbs, I’ve transitioned to your suggested protocol from 2 IUs morning and night and have been surprised at the results in only 5 days - I now take 4 IUs upon waking and 60-90 mins later, I lift then 40-75 mins of Zone 2 cardio.

In addition to 180mg weekly of TestC, I’m planning on taking 75mg VAR (25mg 3x per day) beginning next week to see if it’ll help retain muscle and strength in a roughly 400 - 600 cal deficit.

@Cridi887 - you also take terze? Is there a fat burning component involved with either that or sema? Or is it simply appetite control? I have no issues limiting food, so if it’s just the latter, I think I’m good.

thanks all.
@Type-IIx - thank your for this write up and protocol. As I’m trying to shed 10-ish lbs, I’ve transitioned to your suggested protocol from 2 IUs morning and night and have been surprised at the results in only 5 days - I now take 4 IUs upon waking and 60-90 mins later, I lift then 40-75 mins of Zone 2 cardio.

In addition to 180mg weekly of TestC, I’m planning on taking 75mg VAR (25mg 3x per day) beginning next week to see if it’ll help retain muscle and strength in a roughly 400 - 600 cal deficit.

@Cridi887 - you also take terze? Is there a fat burning component involved with either that or sema? Or is it simply appetite control? I have no issues limiting food, so if it’s just the latter, I think I’m good.

thanks all.
I’ll also point out that this protocol has significantly reduced water retention. I’m talking almost none whatsoever.
Here is a gift for the Holidays from a likely forthcoming book I am considering releasing, titled Bolus: A Science-Based Guide to recombinant human Growth Hormone (rhGH) for the Athlete, Aesthete, and Aging Gym-goer

This protocol is in direct contravention of the commonly touted 3-5x daily injections of rhGH for lipolysis and the use of GH+fasted cardio for fat loss.

rhGH for lipolysis
Author: Type-IIx

Daily exercise:
Morning or daytime bolus ideally 2-3 hr pre-workout
Single large bolus (≥3IU) for lipolysis: [6] showed lipolysis (blood 3-hydroxy-butyrate) was positively correlated to the peak hGH concentration (r=0.65) for the highest dose (6mcg/kg); [40] showed a significant correlation between the peak GH response to exercise and the post-exercise rise in glycerol measured as area under the curve (r= 0.57,p< 0.04). Also, [69] showed that a single s.c. bolus versus two promotes nighttime FFA liberation.

meal post-workout (4-4.5hr post-bolus), see FFA liberation:

View attachment 157904
FFA liberation: FFA liberation follows an oscillating, rhythymic pattern for 24 hr post-bolus (palmitate [glycerol] flux)
- Post-5IU rhGH administration subcutaneous vs. jet-injected

The normal 24-hour pattern of FFAs is characterized by high values prior to a meal and low levels post-meal [68]
[5] Verhagen, A., Ebels, J. T., Jonkman, J. H. G., & Dogterom, A. A. (1995). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a single dose of recombinant human growth hormone after subcutaneous administration by jet-injection: comparison with conventional needle-injection. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 49(1-2). doi:10.1007/bf00192361
[6] Hansen, T. K., Gravholt, C. H., Ørskov, H., Rasmussen, M. H., Christiansen, J. S., & Jørgensen, J. O. L. (2002). Dose Dependency of the Pharmacokinetics and Acute Lipolytic Actions of Growth Hormone. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 87(10), 4691–4698. doi:10.1210/jc.2002-020563
[40] Wee, J., Charlton, C., Simpson, H., Jackson, N. C., Shojaee-Moradie, F., Stolinski, M., … Umpleby, A. M. (2005). GH secretion in acute exercise may result in post-exercise lipolysis. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 15(6), 397–404. doi:10.1016/j.ghir.2005.08.003
[68] Laursen, T., Jergensen, J. O. L., & Chrlstiansen, J. S. (1994). Metabolic effects of growth hormone administered subcutaneously once or twice daily to growth hormone deficient adults. Clinical Endocrinology, 41(3), 337–343. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2265.1994.tb02554.x
[69] Jørgensen, J. O. L., Møller, J., Møller, N., Lauritzen, T., & Christiansen, J. S. (1990). Pharmacological Aspects of Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy: Route, Frequency and Timing of Administration. Hormone Research, 33(4), 77–82. doi:10.1159/000181589
For those interested in the book, its table of contents (so far) is:
- Objective
- Abbreviations
- Research primer: A 'How To' on interpretation of research
- Contraindications
- Skeletal muscle growth and function
- Skeletal muscle: An endocrine organ
- Hypertrophy
- Mechanisms in hypertrophy
- Conclusions regarding skeletal muscle hypertrophy
- Hyperplasia
- Adult myogenesis
- Satellite cells
- Local mIGF-I and Systemic cIGF-I
- Nitrogen balance and reduced AA proteolysis
- Lipolysis
- Mechanisms in lipolytic activity
- Collagen synthesis
- Collagen Type I & Collagen Type III
- Bone density
- Musculotendinous injury recovery and prevention
- Post-immobilization and post-rehabilitation
- Cognitive function
- Anticatabolism
- Cardiorespiratory endurance
- Anaerobic capacity
- Sprint performance
- Metabolic parameters
- LDL reduction
- Anti-aging and rhGH
- Age-related decline in GH
- Studies
- Lipolysis in elderly
- Interindividual variation
- IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio
- Genetic polymorphisms
- d3-GHR
- Women and rhGH
- Plot of IGF-I response to rhGH in adult GHD patients by gender
- Dose-response for women vs men
- Cessation
- Blood pressure
- Pulse pressure
- Intracranial hypertension, i.e., headaches
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Long-term administration
- Strength
- Withdrawal
- Decrement in serum IGF-I
- Effects on thyroid function
- Anthony Roberts' Article "Thyroid Hormone + Growth Hormone – If You Aren’t Using T4 with Your GH, You’re Not Doing It Right"
- Effects on adrenocortical system
- Organ growth
- Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
- SubQ serum GH profile
- IM serum GH profile
- Pulsatile serum GH profile
- GH kinetics
- Effects of estradiol-estrogen, obesity
- Effects of testosterone and aromatizable androgens
- Time-course of changes in response to rhGH administration
- Transient negative feedback inhibition
- cIGF-I changes with administration, withdrawal
- Clinical relevance of cIGF-I
- Practical
- Risk-reward balancing
- Dosages and administration
- Conversion of mcg <=> IU
- General instructions for pharmaceutical rhGH preparations
- Specific products and dosages
- Norditropin
- Genotropin
- Serono Serostim
- Humatrope
- Biodenticals
- Cinnatropin, Jintropin, Kigtropin, Hygetropin
- Generics
- Purity variance within a single batch
- French Testing Group
- Practical protocols
- rhGH for lipolysis
- rhGH for hypertrophy
- Primary RT mode drivers of augmented SC fusion
- combined rhGH and Insulin
- rhGH for musculotendinous healing and post-rehabilitation injury recovery

- combined rhGH and rIGF-I
- rhGH for anti-aging
- Permutations based on limited quantity
- Non-rehabilitative usage
- rhGH for anti-aging
- Testing
- Serum IGF-I
- Analytic laboratory quantitative analysis
- rhGH solutions- What is in the vial or pen?
- Antimicrobial preservative agents
- Considerations
- Theoretical
- Dual Effector Hypothesis supersedes the Somatomedin Hypothesis
- Hyperplasia of skeletal muscle
- Molecular signalling
- AR nongenomic pathway
- Modern theory of 22kDa GH binding at the GHR
- Substrate metabolism
- IGF-I, a myokine promoting a local effort for a global effect
- Pathways and natural pulsatile secretion
- β-adrenergic agonists inhibit GH secretion
- Obesity & rhGH
- Gynecomastia
- Glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
- Hyperglycemia
- Metformin
- Downsides of Metformin
- Insulin
- Rapid-acting, -R type
- Slower-acting, -Log type
- Insulin resistance
- Calcium levels- hypercalcinemia or hypercalciuria
- Edema and water retention
- Tumor growth and risk of carcinogenesis
- Relevant measures
- Natural baseline measures
- GH
- cIGF-I
- Serum T₄
- Monitoring of rhGH course
- HbA1c and blood glucose monitoring
- Interactions with other drugs or exogenous hormones
- AAS Effects on IGFBPs and negative inhibition
- Exogenous Testosterone
- Fluoxymesterone
- Stanozolol
- Oxandrolone
- 5α-DHT
- Metformin
- Estrogen
- Alcohol
- Interactions with endogenous hormones
- Thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, T4
- Testosterone
- Prolactin
- Progesterone
- Health conditions that affect rhGH efficacy
- Related
- Growth hormone secretagogues, i.e. "peptides"
- Secretagogues and obesity
Hey bro. I got some serious questions for you but it's not letting me DM you. Could you possibly try n hit me up. I'm a diabetic in need of knowledge. Definitely no bullshit wasting your time

Read this thread over the last day or so. So much info. Some of it hard to keep up with.

About to try HGH for the first time and came here to find the best protocol only to find out I think there’s no way to have it “the best”.

Main goals: fat loss/improved sleep

Wake at 4:30, pin.
30-40minute LISS at 4:45
At work at 6:30am
First meal (currently no direct carb source) 7:30ish am
Workout at 6pm

No real way to push the first meal farther.

Guessing this isn’t that big of a deal, but missing the magic part where i get to burn fat more effectively during cardio.
Read this thread over the last day or so. So much info. Some of it hard to keep up with.

About to try HGH for the first time and came here to find the best protocol only to find out I think there’s no way to have it “the best”.

Main goals: fat loss/improved sleep

Wake at 4:30, pin.
30-40minute LISS at 4:45
At work at 6:30am
First meal (currently no direct carb source) 7:30ish am
Workout at 6pm

No real way to push the first meal farther.

Guessing this isn’t that big of a deal, but missing the magic part where i get to burn fat more effectively during cardio.
I believe ideally pinning 2-3 hours prior to fasted cardio is best? For fat loss
Last edited:
Here is a gift for the Holidays from a likely forthcoming book I am considering releasing, titled Bolus: A Science-Based Guide to recombinant human Growth Hormone (rhGH) for the Athlete, Aesthete, and Aging Gym-goer

This protocol is in direct contravention of the commonly touted 3-5x daily injections of rhGH for lipolysis and the use of GH+fasted cardio for fat loss.

rhGH for lipolysis
Author: Type-IIx

Daily exercise:
Morning or daytime bolus ideally 2-3 hr pre-workout
Single large bolus (≥3IU) for lipolysis: [6] showed lipolysis (blood 3-hydroxy-butyrate) was positively correlated to the peak hGH concentration (r=0.65) for the highest dose (6mcg/kg); [40] showed a significant correlation between the peak GH response to exercise and the post-exercise rise in glycerol measured as area under the curve (r= 0.57,p< 0.04). Also, [69] showed that a single s.c. bolus versus two promotes nighttime FFA liberation.

meal post-workout (4-4.5hr post-bolus), see FFA liberation:

View attachment 157904
FFA liberation: FFA liberation follows an oscillating, rhythymic pattern for 24 hr post-bolus (palmitate [glycerol] flux)
- Post-5IU rhGH administration subcutaneous vs. jet-injected

The normal 24-hour pattern of FFAs is characterized by high values prior to a meal and low levels post-meal [68]
[5] Verhagen, A., Ebels, J. T., Jonkman, J. H. G., & Dogterom, A. A. (1995). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a single dose of recombinant human growth hormone after subcutaneous administration by jet-injection: comparison with conventional needle-injection. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 49(1-2). doi:10.1007/bf00192361
[6] Hansen, T. K., Gravholt, C. H., Ørskov, H., Rasmussen, M. H., Christiansen, J. S., & Jørgensen, J. O. L. (2002). Dose Dependency of the Pharmacokinetics and Acute Lipolytic Actions of Growth Hormone. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 87(10), 4691–4698. doi:10.1210/jc.2002-020563
[40] Wee, J., Charlton, C., Simpson, H., Jackson, N. C., Shojaee-Moradie, F., Stolinski, M., … Umpleby, A. M. (2005). GH secretion in acute exercise may result in post-exercise lipolysis. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 15(6), 397–404. doi:10.1016/j.ghir.2005.08.003
[68] Laursen, T., Jergensen, J. O. L., & Chrlstiansen, J. S. (1994). Metabolic effects of growth hormone administered subcutaneously once or twice daily to growth hormone deficient adults. Clinical Endocrinology, 41(3), 337–343. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2265.1994.tb02554.x
[69] Jørgensen, J. O. L., Møller, J., Møller, N., Lauritzen, T., & Christiansen, J. S. (1990). Pharmacological Aspects of Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy: Route, Frequency and Timing of Administration. Hormone Research, 33(4), 77–82. doi:10.1159/000181589
For those interested in the book, its table of contents (so far) is:
- Objective
- Abbreviations
- Research primer: A 'How To' on interpretation of research
- Contraindications
- Skeletal muscle growth and function
- Skeletal muscle: An endocrine organ
- Hypertrophy
- Mechanisms in hypertrophy
- Conclusions regarding skeletal muscle hypertrophy
- Hyperplasia
- Adult myogenesis
- Satellite cells
- Local mIGF-I and Systemic cIGF-I
- Nitrogen balance and reduced AA proteolysis
- Lipolysis
- Mechanisms in lipolytic activity
- Collagen synthesis
- Collagen Type I & Collagen Type III
- Bone density
- Musculotendinous injury recovery and prevention
- Post-immobilization and post-rehabilitation
- Cognitive function
- Anticatabolism
- Cardiorespiratory endurance
- Anaerobic capacity
- Sprint performance
- Metabolic parameters
- LDL reduction
- Anti-aging and rhGH
- Age-related decline in GH
- Studies
- Lipolysis in elderly
- Interindividual variation
- IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio
- Genetic polymorphisms
- d3-GHR
- Women and rhGH
- Plot of IGF-I response to rhGH in adult GHD patients by gender
- Dose-response for women vs men
- Cessation
- Blood pressure
- Pulse pressure
- Intracranial hypertension, i.e., headaches
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Long-term administration
- Strength
- Withdrawal
- Decrement in serum IGF-I
- Effects on thyroid function
- Anthony Roberts' Article "Thyroid Hormone + Growth Hormone – If You Aren’t Using T4 with Your GH, You’re Not Doing It Right"
- Effects on adrenocortical system
- Organ growth
- Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
- SubQ serum GH profile
- IM serum GH profile
- Pulsatile serum GH profile
- GH kinetics
- Effects of estradiol-estrogen, obesity
- Effects of testosterone and aromatizable androgens
- Time-course of changes in response to rhGH administration
- Transient negative feedback inhibition
- cIGF-I changes with administration, withdrawal
- Clinical relevance of cIGF-I
- Practical
- Risk-reward balancing
- Dosages and administration
- Conversion of mcg <=> IU
- General instructions for pharmaceutical rhGH preparations
- Specific products and dosages
- Norditropin
- Genotropin
- Serono Serostim
- Humatrope
- Biodenticals
- Cinnatropin, Jintropin, Kigtropin, Hygetropin
- Generics
- Purity variance within a single batch
- French Testing Group
- Practical protocols
- rhGH for lipolysis
- rhGH for hypertrophy
- Primary RT mode drivers of augmented SC fusion
- combined rhGH and Insulin
- rhGH for musculotendinous healing and post-rehabilitation injury recovery

- combined rhGH and rIGF-I
- rhGH for anti-aging
- Permutations based on limited quantity
- Non-rehabilitative usage
- rhGH for anti-aging
- Testing
- Serum IGF-I
- Analytic laboratory quantitative analysis
- rhGH solutions- What is in the vial or pen?
- Antimicrobial preservative agents
- Considerations
- Theoretical
- Dual Effector Hypothesis supersedes the Somatomedin Hypothesis
- Hyperplasia of skeletal muscle
- Molecular signalling
- AR nongenomic pathway
- Modern theory of 22kDa GH binding at the GHR
- Substrate metabolism
- IGF-I, a myokine promoting a local effort for a global effect
- Pathways and natural pulsatile secretion
- β-adrenergic agonists inhibit GH secretion
- Obesity & rhGH
- Gynecomastia
- Glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
- Hyperglycemia
- Metformin
- Downsides of Metformin
- Insulin
- Rapid-acting, -R type
- Slower-acting, -Log type
- Insulin resistance
- Calcium levels- hypercalcinemia or hypercalciuria
- Edema and water retention
- Tumor growth and risk of carcinogenesis
- Relevant measures
- Natural baseline measures
- GH
- cIGF-I
- Serum T₄
- Monitoring of rhGH course
- HbA1c and blood glucose monitoring
- Interactions with other drugs or exogenous hormones
- AAS Effects on IGFBPs and negative inhibition
- Exogenous Testosterone
- Fluoxymesterone
- Stanozolol
- Oxandrolone
- 5α-DHT
- Metformin
- Estrogen
- Alcohol
- Interactions with endogenous hormones
- Thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, T4
- Testosterone
- Prolactin
- Progesterone
- Health conditions that affect rhGH efficacy
- Related
- Growth hormone secretagogues, i.e. "peptides"
- Secretagogues and obesity
Did this book ever get published???
Did this book ever get published???
Not as of yet. While essentially finished, I am still sorting out distribution and an answer to the basic question of whether it's even worth the exposure. While I believe that its net effect would be positive for the world, I am not convinced that everyone would see it that way.
Not as of yet. While essentially finished, I am still sorting out distribution and an answer to the basic question of whether it's even worth the exposure. While I believe that its net effect would be positive for the world, I am not convinced that everyone would see it that way.
Understood. Be great to see it if it does come out
Just wanted to pop this in here. I translated the regimen to about as plain and simple too understand as you possibly can for another thread.

This is the "explain like I'm 5" (ELI5) version:

1. Eat your meal 1-2 hours before, or within 1 hour after pinning your full HGH dose for the day.

2. Workout 2-3 hours after the HGH pin.

3. Eat post workout meal within an hour, maybe 90 mins after you finish your workout. Together this should cause your post workout meal to be approximately 4 hours after your HGH pin.

HGH causes insulin to not work so well. This causes your blood sugar to go up. This happens about an hour or two after taking HGH and lasts 5-8 hours depending on your dosage (possibly longer?).

HGH also causes your body to take fat from your fat reserves and free it up, letting it float around in your blood. This means if you exercise at that time, your body can use that fat, burn it, and thus you are preferentially burning MORE FAT than normal because of the HGH.

Lastly, exercise significantly increases insulin sensitivity and allows the nutrients you eat to be transported directly into your MUSCLES rather than floating around your blood to layer be stored as fat!

So, timing your HGH dose around your meal schedule as outlined above helps in many ways:
1. It minimizes/eliminates food intake when your body is insulin insensitive.
2. This prevents you from having such high blood sugar spikes.
3. You exercise when your body has peak HGH levels. This prevents muscle breakdown and burns the most fat.
4. Then you eat after exercising, which mitigates the insulin insensitivity, again preventing high blood sugar spikes and enabling those yummy nutrients to go into your muscles so you can keep the fat that you just burned OFF!

Hopefully this helps some of the folks who aren't as good at translating science-speak to layperson speak :)

@Type-IIx feel free to copy and use this if you ever want and edit or make changes if desired.
This is for lypolosis right?
So for fat loss pin hgh 8 hours after last meal, pin HGH 90 minutes prior to cardio for fat loss fasted? Correct?
I haven't seen any research about HGH before bed. My experience is that it doesn't really make a difference. You are much better off following the regimen below if you want better fat loss and muscle growth.

I think people need to go back and reach the first post that Type-IIx made in this thread. Then if that isn't ringing the bell, read my "plan English" summary here on page 2 (also pasted below). I translated Type-IIx's HGH regimen recommendation in his original post into layman's terms in an easy-to-read format.

We have gotten off track here and are now into the bioscience realm, which is what the original post tried to dismantle. The original post (and my breakdown) states that you would NOT want to inject HGH 30 mins before working out. You're actually better off injecting it about 2-3 hours before working out, either shortly after or while eating a meal! Then eat another meal post workout (about 4 hours after HGH pin).

This is contrary to broscience which says inject HGH first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then do your cardio, then eat breakfast. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) that is what Halo01 is saying. @Halo01 I strongly recommend you read the original post as well as my breakdown post on page 2, linked above.

The problem with dosing 30-60 mins before working out is that you wind up eating breakfast at the time when your body is at peak insulin resistance--thus your blood sugar is going to go through the roof compared to if you followed Type-IIx's protocol in his original post. Additionally, you also aren't going to be working out when GH is at maximum serum leveles Again, If you want the "normal person" breakdown for easier reading you can click the link above.

Fuck it, I will just copy and paste my breakdown post right here:

Just wanted to pop this in here. I translated the regimen to about as plain and simple too understand as you possibly can for another thread. This is the "explain like I'm 5" (ELI5) version: 1. Eat your meal 1-2 hours before, or within 1 hour after pinning your full HGH dose for the day. 2. Workout 2-3 hours after the HGH pin. 3. Eat post workout meal within an hour, maybe 90 mins after you finish your workout. Together this should cause your post workout meal to be approximately 4 hours after your HGH pin. Facts: HGH causes [URL='https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/insulin/']insulin[/URL] to not work so well. This causes your blood sugar to go up. This happens about an hour or two after taking HGH and lasts 5-8 hours depending on your dosage (possibly longer?). HGH also causes your body to take fat from your fat reserves and free it up, letting it float around in your blood. This means if you exercise at that time, your body can use that fat, burn it, and thus you are preferentially burning MORE FAT than normal because of the HGH. Lastly, exercise significantly increases insulin sensitivity and allows the nutrients you eat to be transported directly into your MUSCLES rather than floating around your blood to layer be stored as fat! So, timing your HGH dose around your meal schedule as outlined above helps in many ways: 1. It minimizes/eliminates food intake when your body is insulin insensitive. 2. This prevents you from having such high blood sugar spikes. 3. You exercise when your body has peak HGH levels. This prevents muscle breakdown and burns the most fat. 4. Then you eat after exercising, which mitigates the insulin insensitivity, again preventing high blood sugar spikes and enabling those yummy nutrients to go into your muscles so you can keep the fat that you just burned OFF!

Hopefully that brings us back on track.
Respect! I tey to simplify things too...

A person wakes up at 5:00 AM. Are you saying this would work:

5:00AM Eat breakfast
6:00AM PIN full daily amount of GH
8:00 AM Workout
10:00 AM Post workout meal
I'll make an announcement re: the book when it's available and more information will follow.

This would be out of sync with the proposed protocol: ideally for maximal lipolysis, administer the a.m. or daytime bolus 1 hr after a meal & 2 - 3 hr pre-workout (1 - 1.5 hr workout that includes LISS/zone 1 - 2 aerobic endurance training for 45 - 60 min), with the post-workout meal 4 - 4.5 post-bolus.

Insulin use in combination with rhGH generally serves several aims: but is generally antilipolytic & adipogenic (suppresses fat loss & enhances fat cell formation). It is generally unnecessary as an antihyperglycemic agent at 6 IU rhGH. I've mentioned a continuum of appropriate agents previously. The book will discuss these in more detail.

Avoid obsessing over transient blood glucose elevations. Be aware of the actual definitions of postprandial (after meal) hyperglycemia (blood glucose > 180 mg/dL or 9.9 mmol/L, 2 h after eating a meal containing carbohydrates). Monitor HbA1C every few months and give more value to that and to your nadir (trough) blood glucose readings.

Bear in mind also that exogenous insulin is not an insulin sensitizing agent (it indeed promotes systemic insulin resistance).
Is black coffee a non-factor when considering meal/bolis timing?
Last question: does estrogen effect GH? I have noticed less effect from GH injections when 1)I am on AAS and 2)when estrogen is elevated (see 1)
Is black coffee a non-factor when considering meal/bolis timing?
Black coffee is perfect as long as its unflavored and true black coffee, and it would help with fatloss and curb hunger.

As there are no calories and no insulin spike
Is black coffee a non-factor when considering meal/bolis timing?
Caffeine causes a bit of insulin resistance so if you time it with a bolus it'll be better than ingesting it during periods where rhGH is not active (resulting in more chronic insulin resistance).
Last question: does estrogen effect GH? I have noticed less effect from GH injections when 1)I am on AAS and 2)when estrogen is elevated (see 1)
Estrogen does lower GH response resulting in reduced serum IGF-I levels, while aromatizable androgen (e.g., Test, Deca, EQ, Dbol) increases GH response resulting in increased serum IGF-I levels.

While the process of in situ aromatization positively regulates IGF-I a la rhGH, the aromatase product (e.g., E2) negatively regulates IGF-I a la rhGH.

Notably, trienes like trenbolone dramatically reduce IGF-I but increase muscle (satellite) cell responsiveness to it. That is, despite low absolute serum IGF-I levels with tren & rhGH, there will be better local tissue utilization of the IGF-I isoforms that GH increases the activity of.
Caffeine causes a bit of insulin resistance so if you time it with a bolus it'll be better than ingesting it during periods where rhGH is not active (resulting in more chronic insulin resistance).
Really? Ok

So using black coffee hgh fasted, ruins the idea?