A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

I saw a huge difference in weight loss with just 1.2iu-2.4iu daily. diet was locked-in + training. My cheek bones began to show and my abs were banging. been off hgh for 3 months now.
Supposedly stronger igf1 Intramuscular intravenous vs subq slower release

Personally I inject both intramuscular and subq get the best of both.
I can’t inject subq because of redness and pain in the area injected. So my only way is intra but I want to know the differences
I can’t inject subq because of redness and pain in the area injected. So my only way is intra but I want to know the differences
You shouldn’t get any redness or pain in the area you injected at all

I said above difference is length of time faster acting intramuscular Intravenous

Slower acting peak sub q
You shouldn’t get any redness or pain in the area you injected at all

I said above difference is length of time faster acting intramuscular Intravenous

Slower acting peak sub q
In fairness, it's the most common reported side effect (redness and swelling at the injection site). @lookito intramuscular use is practically the same as subcutaneous. Intramuscular delivery does alter the pharmacokinetics, so you'll reach a higher peak GH more rapidly. With respect to changes to IGF-I, it's virtually identical on a per-dose basis to the s.c. route.

The reason that usage instructions for rhGH provide for subcutaneous use is because adherence to frequent subcutaneous injections (as opposed to intramuscular) is higher for those prescribed rhGH for conditions like short stature & GH deficiency, since it's generally less painful and easier for most.
In fairness, it's the most common reported side effect (redness and swelling at the injection site). @lookito intramuscular use is practically the same as subcutaneous. Intramuscular delivery does alter the pharmacokinetics, so you'll reach a higher peak GH more rapidly. With respect to changes to IGF-I, it's virtually identical on a per-dose basis to the s.c. route.

The reason that usage instructions for rhGH provide for subcutaneous use is because adherence to frequent subcutaneous injections (as opposed to intramuscular) is higher for those prescribed rhGH for conditions like short stature & GH deficiency, since it's generally less painful and easier for most.
Not sure what gh you’ve been using but never had that ever pinning 5 times per day for years..!

Only heard welts pain on the fancy fake ugl kits people buy with the free bac water box it comes in no labs named overpriced.
Not sure what gh you’ve been using but never had that ever pinning 5 times per day for years..!

Only heard welts pain on the fancy fake ugl kits people buy with the free bac water box it comes in no labs named overpriced.
I'm not sure why you quoted Type-IIx, and why would you inject gh 5x a day?
I'm not sure why you quoted Type-IIx, and why would you inject gh 5x a day?

Bunk fake hgh welts swelling pain
he’s said it happens and I’m saying I’ve never experienced it with quality hgh but have heard it from fake bunk or fancy ugl hgh in fancy boxes

Why I do hgh 5x per day
Why do I inject hgh 5x per day injury rehabilitation and I like a routine specific timing

My dosing
I also like doing
pre workout
post workout
pre bed

take advantage of all windows Since gh peaks then drops of and 2-3iu is a max DOSGAE that lipolysis happens so frequent injections more fat oxidation

Inuslin sensitivity
metformin glp1 other things to keep sensitive

Gh fat cell insulin resistance
Great Matt Porter said hgh makes fat cells resistant but can’t find info but makes some sense

All hgh protocols works
now gh works regardlsss bolus dosage or split

My opinion
but I’d rather get benefits fasted with beta-3 beta 2 usage few other things l carintine list goes on

then with insulin for extra igf1 pre workout post workout

Pre bed as your own gh is mildly suppressed so pre bed shot and for sleep recovery

so on so forth combine things has it benefits in my opinion
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Not sure what gh you’ve been using but never had that ever pinning 5 times per day for years..!

Only heard welts pain on the fancy fake ugl kits people buy with the free bac water box it comes in no labs named overpriced.
Shut the fuck up you absolute hillbilly retard.

Nobody gives a fuck that you don't get redness & swelling at the injection site.

Redness & swelling at the injection site is the most common side effect for rhGH from the pharmacy.
Shut the fuck up you absolute hillbilly retard.

Nobody gives a fuck that you don't get redness & swelling at the injection site.

Redness & swelling at the injection site is the most common side effect for rhGH from the pharmacy.

I see stupidity is a trigger for you, so you want to talk about how your feeling?

@Type-IIx, would a 5am bolus, then a intermittent fast till 12:30pm also work to burn off the liberated FFA? Assuming one’s work keeps them on their feet and waking consistently till around 10am (hospital floor). Work days i IF, because eating 4-5 times is almost impossible unless it’s shakes. I just. Eat 75-80g protein and veggies 3x on an IF day, usually 12:30,4:30, 8:30.
I see stupidity is a trigger for you, so you want to talk about how your feeling?

@Type-IIx, would a 5am bolus, then a intermittent fast till 12:30pm also work to burn off the liberated FFA? Assuming one’s work keeps them on their feet and waking consistently till around 10am (hospital floor). Work days i IF, because eating 4-5 times is almost impossible unless it’s shakes. I just. Eat 75-80g protein and veggies 3x on an IF day, usually 12:30,4:30, 8:30.
Yes, that will work. It takes a lot to irritate me, it has to be wanton ignorance from a place of arrogance that I recognize as the person's true core. That'll get to me.
Any word on the book release? Will it still be physical book and not an ebook?

Also, I had a question regarding use of HGH pre-workout that is not a morning workout. My job lately has made morning sessions very difficult most of the week. So that leaves me with 5:30pm.
1) Would it preferable to try to use a bolus of HGH at 2:30-3:00 wit the intent of training around 5:30?
2) Or would it still be preferable to use the same bolus around 5am and fast until lunch time?
He said he’d let everyone know when there’ll be an update for the book.

As far as I’m aware and from my understanding, what you listed 1) would be best for lipolysis. Doesn’t matter if it’s morning or daytime as long as you schedule your workout 2-3hours after bolus.
Yes, that will work. It takes a lot to irritate me, it has to be wanton ignorance from a place of arrogance that I recognize as the person's true core. That'll get to me.

I hope you read that first part tongue in cheek bud.

We don’t get to see you lose your shit often, i laughed out loud reading in.

Looking forward to the book
Sure did!
Thank you for all the very interesting info. I am happy to purchase your book, once it’s ready.

Question: For max lipolysis and min insulin resistance, how would you structure the post-cardio meal (2iu Pharma GH)?
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Would adopting a keto diet or high protein lower carb diet negate the need for insulin/metformin etc to combat insulin resistance while using HGH?
its possible, but obv no one can answer that 100%.. key is not having it in your system when blood sugar is high. u get higher blood sugar from any food, its required for life. all will depend on YOUR individual body. best thing would be get a blood sugar tester.


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