A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

@Type-IIx it’s my first time using hgh and I can’t tolerate subcutaneous injects (redness and pain) only intramuscular ones. I was injecting 5iu before bedtime about 90 minutes after my last meal for 1 month. Now I started the second month with 5iu immediate after I wake up and then I eat breakfast. I changed the protocol because you mentioned that IM injections have faster absorption but the serum is shorter if I understood right. My goal is anabolism because I am bulking. I wanted your opinion on that protocol or I can change something?
@Type-IIx it’s my first time using hgh and I can’t tolerate subcutaneous injects (redness and pain) only intramuscular ones. I was injecting 5iu before bedtime about 90 minutes after my last meal for 1 month. Now I started the second month with 5iu immediate after I wake up and then I eat breakfast. I changed the protocol because you mentioned that IM injections have faster absorption but the serum is shorter if I understood right. My goal is anabolism because I am bulking. I wanted your opinion on that protocol or I can change something?
This is a lipolysis protocol, if your goal is anabolism there is a different logic and protocol as a result. I discuss these protocols in Bolus, which will be released soon.
This is a lipolysis protocol, if your goal is anabolism there is a different logic and protocol as a result. I discuss these protocols in Bolus, which will be released soon.
So both protocols I used are for lipolysis ? You mentioned that after the hgh injection there is insulin resistance for about 1-2 hours. So if I want anabolism results I should not eat during that time I believe.
Can I just idiot proof my understanding of this protocol for fat loss.

If I plan on training in the evening I should:

Eat at roughly 6pm and pin (pinning earlier isnt viable due to work)

Train at 8pm

Eat again at 10pm
Oh, I’m not sure if it makes a difference, but I also take sema once a week.

Should the pin stay at the same time on rest days?
Skimmed through this, also waiting for the book eagerly MY WALLET IS READY.

Where did the idea that eating before a hgh injection or shortly after blunted the hgh’s affect come from?

From what I have grasped, if I want lipolysis

- Wake Up
- Eat
- Inject HGH
- Wait an hour or so prior to exercise
- Eat again 90 minutes post-workout?

What if I wanted to do another shot of HGH throughout the day how would that fit in?
Skimmed through this, also waiting for the book eagerly MY WALLET IS READY.

Where did the idea that eating before a hgh injection or shortly after blunted the hgh’s affect come from?

From what I have grasped, if I want lipolysis

- Wake Up
- Eat
- Inject HGH
- Wait an hour or so prior to exercise
- Eat again 90 minutes post-workout?

What if I wanted to do another shot of HGH throughout the day how would that fit in?
The idea comes from a basic confusion with the secretagogues (efficacy is often reduced by taking around a meal), as well as the fact that natural endogenous GH secretion is stimulated during periods of short-term fasting/starvation, including the overnight fast (during sleep). Natural GH secretion is stimulated by stress, starvation, and during sleep for its anticatabolic effects on metabolism and growth. GH and IGF-I act complementarily, GH functions mainly as a signal that upregulates energy metabolite availability from the liver, reservoirs, and fat cells, whereas IGF-I facilitates their influx into peripheral cells.

Obviously, rhGH ≠ secretagogues and its exogenous use is not subject to identical conditions as endogenous GH; rather we get to inject it when we decide, and do so in a state of positive energy balance.
The idea comes from a basic confusion with the secretagogues (efficacy is often reduced by taking around a meal), as well as the fact that natural endogenous GH secretion is stimulated during periods of short-term fasting/starvation, including the overnight fast (during sleep). Natural GH secretion is stimulated by stress, starvation, and during sleep for its anticatabolic effects on metabolism and growth. GH and IGF-I act complementarily, GH functions mainly as a signal that upregulates energy metabolite availability from the liver, reservoirs, and fat cells, whereas IGF-I facilitates their influx into peripheral cells.

Obviously, rhGH ≠ secretagogues and its exogenous use is not subject to identical conditions as endogenous GH; rather we get to inject it when we decide, and do so in a state of positive energy balance.

So effectively I have been avoiding food prior to my GH shot which is often before I lift purely on the basis of broscience and because people can’t grasp the difference between peptide releasing hgh and rhGH…..Well looking forward to your book got a lot to learn
Can I just idiot proof my understanding of this protocol for fat loss.

If I plan on training in the evening I should:

Eat at roughly 6pm and pin (pinning earlier isnt viable due to work)

Train at 8pm

Eat again at 10pm

Am I on the right track with this? Found this entire thread fascinating. Just want to be sure.
Skimmed through this, also waiting for the book eagerly MY WALLET IS READY.

Where did the idea that eating before a hgh injection or shortly after blunted the hgh’s affect come from?

From what I have grasped, if I want lipolysis

- Wake Up
- Eat
- Inject HGH
- Wait an hour or so prior to exercise
- Eat again 90 minutes post-workout?

What if I wanted to do another shot of HGH throughout the day how would that fit in?
Wait, I thought we should avoid food a a while before our hgh to reduce insulin resistance. Are you using insulin?
Yeah I'm confused.
I thought if we dosed HGH when insulin was high that it lowered HGH levels.
But actually its that endogenous secretion of HGH is lowered while in a state of higher insulin & that it has no bearing with exogenous HGH.
(But it can reduce insulin resistance)...?
Yeah I'm confused.
I thought if we dosed HGH when insulin was high that it lowered HGH levels.
But actually its that endogenous secretion of HGH is lowered while in a state of higher insulin & that it has no bearing with exogenous HGH.
(But it can reduce insulin resistance)...?
RhGH increases insulin secretion in a state of positive energy balance, ~8 - 10 hr post-bolus.
@Type-IIx Can I send you some money for a pdf copy of Bolus?
I promise to get the book released soon, I'm working to have a site launched that'll be my base of operations for books & publications, coaching & consultancy. Meso will be my main forum and I'll write articles for this site primarily.
I promise to get the book released soon, I'm working to have a site launched that'll be my base of operations for books & publications, coaching & consultancy. Meso will be my main forum and I'll write articles for this site primarily.
Have you read Alex Kikels "The Somatropic Bible For Athletics" book & if so what will yours offer that his doesn't?
*not trying to sound like a asshat
Have you read Alex Kikels "The Somatropic Bible For Athletics" book & if so what will yours offer that his doesn't?
*not trying to sound like a asshat
I know enough of Kikel's work to know it's garbage, replete with falsehoods. He claimed that there are hundreds of endogenous GH isoforms in that book. There are exactly 3 (and 1 is exclusive to pregnant women, 22,321Da GH [GH2; GH-V] that is placentally-secreted). The others are 22K-GH (the good shit; somatotropin, to which Somatropin or rhGH is identical) and 20K-GH (marked by ↓GHBP affinity, ↓site 1 binding... ≈ in vitro potency to 22K-GH due to ↓20K clearance and/or maintained dimerization domain with GHR interaction compensating for ↓site, it's a "weak lactogen" & has a tendency to dimerize, decreasing its in vivo potency at the GH receptor at the very least and probably contributing to worse side effects).
I know enough of Kikel's work to know it's garbage, replete with falsehoods. He claimed that there are hundreds of endogenous GH isoforms in that book. There are exactly 3 (and 1 is exclusive to pregnant women, 22,321Da GH [GH2; GH-V] that is placentally-secreted). The others are 22K-GH (the good shit; somatotropin, to which Somatropin or rhGH is identical) and 20K-GH (marked by ↓GHBP affinity, ↓site 1 binding... ≈ in vitro potency to 22K-GH due to ↓20K clearance and/or maintained dimerization domain with GHR interaction compensating for ↓site, it's a "weak lactogen" & has a tendency to dimerize, decreasing its in vivo potency at the GH receptor at the very least and probably contributing to worse side effects).
Thank you for the reply, I didn't expect such a thorough answer.
Will it help us low brows set up a HGH protocol for specific goals ie atrophy, fast-loss, longevity?
Any preview of the table of contents?
(really chomping at the bit for your book)
Thank you for the reply, I didn't expect such a thorough answer.
Will it help us low brows set up a HGH protocol for specific goals ie atrophy, fast-loss, longevity?
Any preview of the table of contents?
(really chomping at the bit for your book)
specific goals ie HYPERtrophy, fast-loss, longevity?