A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

Should be,I think that hgh participate in sleep induction at this point
Right. Which is why nighttime injection makes most sense. Besides, who the hell wants to be half asleep all day.. or... napping mid day?

And we're already taking AAS. Why confuse the body further?
Right. Which is why nighttime injection makes most sense. Besides, who the hell wants to be half asleep all day.. or... napping mid day?

And we're already taking AAS. Why confuse the body further?
Yes, I got same letargy that I had when using. Superdrol which I will never touch again for his high side effects
I can't function during the day if pinned in the am/early day.

Besides, isn't natural production of gh (if taken exogenously) shut down?
If natural growth is presumably released at night seems that's the most natural time to inject?
Yes, nighttime administration is the sort of default case. If not using specifically for lipolysis or anabolism (those are distinct use cases), people should just go with nighttime/pre-bed.

Have you sent in your rhGH for LC/MS testing (e.g., Jano)? While lethargy (by effects on the adrenocortical system, e.g., 11β-HSD1) can certainly be a direct effect of rhGH (via IGF-I); it is apparently far more pronounced with higher dimer content.
I don't have any lethargy at the moment, that was my experience on past usage of HGH.

I'm using a different brand at the moment and I haven't experienced any lethargy but I do pin before bed so hard to say ahahah.

In your opinion how much someone lose using HGH before bed compared to the protocol you explained in this thread?
I am using optis, which is highly tested so.
Same, but as stated above I only pin before bed so I don't know if It could work during the day.

I have been always worried of eating the hours after my HGH pin, because I thought it would increase my insulin resistance and hinder the HGH effect, add this to being a zombie during the day if pinning in the morning and that's why I always pin before bed
Yes, nighttime administration is the sort of default case. If not using specifically for lipolysis or anabolism (those are distinct use cases), people should just go with nighttime/pre-bed.
Are you saying that pre-bed administration will not achieve any lipolysis or anabolism?
Are you saying that pre-bed administration will not achieve any lipolysis or anabolism?
It certainly will, it's just a middle-of-the-road sort of effect, not taking advantage of using FFAs as energy substrate/fuel to perform work and not maximizing muscle anabolism.
I don't have any lethargy at the moment, that was my experience on past usage of HGH.

I'm using a different brand at the moment and I haven't experienced any lethargy but I do pin before bed so hard to say ahahah.

In your opinion how much someone lose using HGH before bed compared to the protocol you explained in this thread?
Well, I wouldn't even view it as a loss per se. It's just that you rely on GH's direct lipolytic effects, of which there are several mechanisms, rather than exploiting the availability of circulating fatty acids to fuel efforts/prevent reesterification.
It certainly will, it's just a middle-of-the-road sort of effect, not taking advantage of using FFAs as energy substrate/fuel to perform work and not maximizing muscle anabolism.

Understood, so would I administer my GH dose 2 hours before lifting then? I usually have a meal right before I lift, do you see any issues with this?
Understood, so would I administer my GH dose 2 hours before lifting then? I usually have a meal right before I lift, do you see any issues with this?
No issues, if you need to be fed before training for performance go ahead with this. The concerns with respect to feeding after a bolus relate to blood glucose elevations and really more to secretagogues (where efficacy can be reduced).
If HGH elevates T4 levels, how come some guys are saying to supplement T4 when running growth?
It raises the conversion from t4 to t3.
T3 will be elevated by HGH.
The increased need of t4 is the reason that HGH reduce t4 levels.
It can make sense to supplement t4 while on HGH due to obvious reasons.
This has to be controlled by bloods after some weeks.
If HGH consumption is moderate the thyroid is maybe able to cover the increased demand. Depending on the individual
It raises the conversion from t4 to t3.
T3 will be elevated by HGH.
The increased need of t4 is the reason that HGH reduce t4 levels.
It can make sense to supplement t4 while on HGH due to obvious reasons.
This has to be controlled by bloods after some weeks.
If HGH consumption is moderate the thyroid is maybe able to cover the increased demand. Depending on the individual
So it causes the thyroid to become overactive? Would supplementing t4 prevent this?
Go and do blood work before you supplement T4. I am taking 3* 2IU per day and my T3, T4 and TSH is perfectly fine.
So it causes the thyroid to become overactive? Would supplementing t4 prevent this?
People seem to always be looking for excuses to add drugs. GH increases peripheral/extrathyroidal T4 to T3 conversion. There'll be a slight (still within healthy range) decrease in T4 (with concomitant increase in free T3). This is fine and good. If T4 does fall out of range, it's because you were previously undiagnosed hypothyroid. RhGH does not cause but may reveal preexisting central hypothyroidism.
People seem to always be looking for excuses to add drugs. GH increases peripheral/extrathyroidal T4 to T3 conversion. There'll be a slight (still within healthy range) decrease in T4 (with concomitant increase in free T3). This is fine and good. If T4 does fall out of range, it's because you were previously undiagnosed hypothyroid. RhGH does not cause but may reveal preexisting central hypothyroidism.
Thanks, I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease when I was a teen, but in my most recent bloodwork done last month all my thyroid markers were in range.

Go and do blood work before you supplement T4. I am taking 3* 2IU per day and my T3, T4 and TSH is perfectly fine.

Yeah my most recent bloodwork shows app
My thyroid markers are normal, so I think I’ll just stay the course. Started with 4iu/day, so I’m gonna stay at this for awhile and see how it goes.
By what mechanism does HGH cause gyno? Can a moderate case of gyno resulting from HGH be treated with traditional methods such as raloxifene?
By what mechanism does HGH cause gyno? Can a moderate case of gyno resulting from HGH be treated with traditional methods such as raloxifene?
The GH-IGF-I axis plays a role in the pathogenesis of gynecomastia & estrogens are synergistic (by increasing breast cell expression of IGF-I receptor). IGF-I is directly stimulatory of gynecomastia, while GH receptors have been identified in human breast cell lines, and GH may stimulate growth directly through these, or through lactogenic receptors, as well.

So a SERM/AI may help if estrogens are involved in its pathogenesis for you but this may not hold true universally, as GH & IGF-I (the former probably & the latter definitely) are directly stimulatory as well.