A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

So I decided to add some GH (2 or 3 iu) to my regimen to get off these last percentages of bodyfat. These 2 ways "fit" my schedule best, what would be most beneficial for fat loss.
- Wake up
- Eat a small meal
- Take full gh dose
- Train 30 min - 1hr after
- Post workoutmeal ?? mins after workout

- Wake up
- Take full gh dose
- Train fasted 30 min - 1hr after dosing
- Post workoutmeal ?? mins after workout

Ideal timing for postworkout meal?
So I decided to add some GH (2 or 3 iu) to my regimen to get off these last percentages of bodyfat. These 2 ways "fit" my schedule best, what would be most beneficial for fat loss.
- Wake up
- Eat a small meal
- Take full gh dose
- Train 30 min - 1hr after
- Post workoutmeal ?? mins after workout

- Wake up
- Take full gh dose
- Train fasted 30 min - 1hr after dosing
- Post workoutmeal ?? mins after workout

Ideal timing for postworkout meal?
I'm doing B right now. I hold off my first meal for as long as I can tolerate (about 4 hours)
This protocol is really intresting.

Let me see if I get this right.

Would one be able to, for instance:

Pin 4 iu HGH in the evening at say 18, eat at the same time (or eat an hour before pinning). Do cardio two hours after pinning and eat fifteen minutes after cardio.

Having succesfully burned all the FFA?


So is there something to the guys doing 15-20 iu daily?
There's something to it for this reason (no defined upper limit to lipolysis and other effects on growth and metabolism), but it's highly inadvisable due to risk balancing considerations (very real congestive heart failure risks, cardiomyopathy, etc.)
This protocol is really intresting.

Let me see if I get this right.

Would one be able to, for instance:

Pin 4 iu HGH in the evening at say 18, eat at the same time (or eat an hour before pinning). Do cardio two hours after pinning and eat fifteen minutes after cardio.

Having succesfully burned all the FFA?


This is consistent with the protocol, but I doubt you'll oxidize all the FFAs. Exercise intensity should be kept low (< 70% VO₂max) to preferentially use fat as the primary energy substrate.
This is consistent with the protocol, but I doubt you'll oxidize all the FFAs. Exercise intensity should be kept low (< 70% VO₂max) to preferentially use fat as the primary energy substrate.

Would 20 minutes of bike cardio at a medium level work? Burning about 150 kcl
So if based on my work schedule I have to work out in the afternoon, say 4pm, would I pin my GH at 2pm? My work schedule changes so sometimes I workout in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. Also, I like to have a meal right before my workout, am I supposed to keep it low-carb?
Can't pin hgh in the morning. Makes me fukin letargic
Yeah that's my problem with this protocol, I can't pin HGH during the day I'll be a fucking zombie, that's why despise probably better to pin it in the morning or before training or whatever the fuck you guys came up with.... I'll keep doing it before bed.

It's just not possible for me to fully function on HGH if done during the day :(
Yeah that's my problem with this protocol, I can't pin HGH during the day I'll be a fucking zombie, that's why despise probably better to pin it in the morning or before training or whatever the fuck you guys came up with.... I'll keep doing it before bed.

It's just not possible for me to fully function on HGH if done during the day :(
I was at some point I pinned hgh and went straight again to bed lol

Have you sent in your rhGH for LC/MS testing (e.g., Jano)? While lethargy (by effects on the adrenocortical system, e.g., 11β-HSD1) can certainly be a direct effect of rhGH (via IGF-I); it is apparently far more pronounced with higher dimer content.
Yeah that's my problem with this protocol, I can't pin HGH during the day I'll be a fucking zombie, that's why despise probably better to pin it in the morning or before training or whatever the fuck you guys came up with.... I'll keep doing it before bed.

It's just not possible for me to fully function on HGH if done during the day :(
I can't function during the day if pinned in the am/early day.

Besides, isn't natural production of gh (if taken exogenously) shut down?
If natural growth is presumably released at night seems that's the most natural time to inject?
I can't function during the day if pinned in the am/early day.

Besides, isn't natural production of gh (if taken exogenously) shut down?
If natural growth is presumably released at night seems that's the most natural time to inject?
Should be,I think that hgh participate in sleep induction at this point