A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

Wait...Maybe steroids DO have mental side effects?
They might but this wouldn't be evidence of that with respect to myself. I haven't acted out of character, but when people are backed into a corner, they either eat or be eaten.
Yes I am lucky in that regard. Same with AAS thats why I have always been amazed with some of the dosages thrown around on the boards. I think, in general, users could probably get by with less than they think...but they look at others' cycles and think those high doses are what they themselves need.
That's pretty silly to be honest. In your first sentence you remark that you are "lucky," and continue that people should reason that they are too.
Kurt Havens says IGF-1 is irrelevant. Higher number doesn't mean you will grow more. Someone sedentary might have X IGF-1. They pick up weights and start lifting and the number starts to drop because the body starts to convert it to growth factors in your muscles - the stuff that really matters.
Havens' view is so totally ridiculous that ordinarily I would have laughed, but I'm too disappointed in this thread & board's latest arrivals.
All good bro. Type II believes IGF 1 drops about 40% after 6-9 months if I'm not mistaken, which I think is why he recommends cycling it.

My skepticism is with IGF 1 numbers dropping that low for most people - not something I'm too sure of.

By the way, are you doing twice daily split dosing or once daily? Your numbers are really good for 2-3 iu

Even despite your curmudgeonly extrapolating your n=1 & skepticism to everyone else, I have a pretty large sample, besides this authoritative evidence, of this phenomenon occurring.

Even despite your curmudgeonly extrapolating your n=1 & skepticism to everyone else, I have a pretty large sample, besides this authoritative evidence, of this phenomenon occurring.

You claim it's n=1 yet you continue to disregard a bunch of board members experience with zero reduction in IGF 1 numbers. People even in this very thread.

Twisting and bending the narrative to fit your data?
That's pretty silly to be honest. In your first sentence you remark that you are "lucky," and continue that people should reason that they are too.
No, people shouldn't reason that they are lucky but they also shouldn't reason that they are unlucky. They should start with low doses and ramp up as needed so they KNOW rather than guessing, for harm reduction's sake.
You claim it's n=1 yet you continue to disregard a bunch of board members experience with zero reduction in IGF 1 numbers. People even in this very thread.

Twisting and bending the narrative to fit your data?
I don't disregard anyone's experiences from this board or anywhere.

No, people shouldn't reason that they are lucky but they also shouldn't reason that they are unlucky. They should start with low doses and ramp up as needed so they KNOW rather than guessing, for harm reduction's sake.
I use a different method altogether. I've demonstrated it here:

But you can go on, being combative and arrogant. I may, or may not, engage. It's kind of amusing for now but really and truly you've always been a boring cunt.
How many hours preworkout?
I take it you tried the same dosage pre bed as well to compare?
And how many UI are we talking about?
3/4 hours preworkout, 6/8 iu, i used to split it during day and pre bedtime 4/2 or 6/2 depending if in running 6 or 8 iu, but for sure preworkout is just different
Haven't ignored you either.
Please do so moving forward. I've had my fill.

There are some minds so depraved, and entirely abandoned to wickedness, so dead to all virtuous feelings, that the tenderness and humanity of others, though exerted in their own favour, not only fail to make a proper impression of gratitude upon them, but are not able to restrain them from repaying benevolence with injuries. Moralists, in all ages, have incessantly declaimed against the enormity of this crime, concluding that they who are capable of injuring their benefactors, are not fit to live in a community; being such as the natural ties of parent, friend, or country are too weak to restrain within the bounds of society. Indeed, the sin of ingratitude is so detestable, that none but the basest tempers can be guilty of it. Men of low grovelling minds, who have been rescued from indigence by the hand of benevolence, or of charity, forget their benefactors, as well as their original wretchedness; and as soon as prosperity flows upon them, it too often serves only to rekindle their native rancour and venom, and they hiss and brandish their tongues against those who are so inadvertent or unfortunate as to have served them. But prudent people need not to be admonished on this subject; for they know how much it behoves them to beware of taking a snake into their bosom.

Open invitation...

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Hello guys and @Type-IIx big information here, i have a small question, I'm person with low bodyfat, the problem is when injecting the hgh into the abdomen subq i feel like only inject into the skin, is that a problem and should I do it somewhere else?
Hello guys and @Type-IIx big information here, i have a small question, I'm person with low bodyfat, the problem is when injecting the hgh into the abdomen subq i feel like only inject into the skin, is that a problem and should I do it somewhere else?
Grab the skin pinch/pull and jab it in, you will hit sub q, if you go into the middle of the “tent/TeePee” area if you pull, 1/4 inch-1/2 inch needle is fine. If you look up how thin the layer of skin is in the body, it is like only 1/16 inch. So you are good.
Grab the skin pinch/pull and jab it in, you will hit sub q, if you go into the middle of the “tent/TeePee” area if you pull, 1/4 inch-1/2 inch needle is fine. If you look up how thin the layer of skin is in the body, it is like only 1/16 inch. So you are good.
Ok I understand, i verified that the leg is much better, i have a little more fat. There are no differences between clicking Subq on the abdomen or legs, right?
Ok I understand, i verified that the leg is much better, i have a little more fat. There are no differences between clicking Subq on the abdomen or legs, right?
This might be a bit of a weird one or it might be just plain nonsense, but for a guy like me who knows little more than sweet fuck all about pharmacokinetics(i had to google how to spell that word) it seems like it's worth discussing.
When I was starting to take sub Q injections of semaglutide I read a bunch of stories from people who claimed to have fewer side effects when they injected in their upper leg as opposed to their abdomen. For me, that was good enough and I just injected in my upper leg the whole time just to play it safe.
I have no idea if there's any difference but it would be nice if someone here who knows better could set it all straight.
Does it make a difference where the sub q injection is done? Does it make any scientific sense at all because to me it seems like it shouldn't matter, but I don't know enough to have an opinion on it.
This might be a bit of a weird one or it might be just plain nonsense, but for a guy like me who knows little more than sweet fuck all about pharmacokinetics(i had to google how to spell that word) it seems like it's worth discussing.
When I was starting to take sub Q injections of semaglutide I read a bunch of stories from people who claimed to have fewer side effects when they injected in their upper leg as opposed to their abdomen. For me, that was good enough and I just injected in my upper leg the whole time just to play it safe.
I have no idea if there's any difference but it would be nice if someone here who knows better could set it all straight.
Does it make a difference where the sub q injection is done? Does it make any scientific sense at all because to me it seems like it shouldn't matter, but I don't know enough to have an opinion on it.
In the case of HGH i understand that people inject subq into the abdomen if they are looking to optimize fat loss. I don't know if this is a myth or if there are studies where it is more effective in the abdomen.
This might be a bit of a weird one or it might be just plain nonsense, but for a guy like me who knows little more than sweet fuck all about pharmacokinetics(i had to google how to spell that word) it seems like it's worth discussing.
When I was starting to take sub Q injections of semaglutide I read a bunch of stories from people who claimed to have fewer side effects when they injected in their upper leg as opposed to their abdomen. For me, that was good enough and I just injected in my upper leg the whole time just to play it safe.
I have no idea if there's any difference but it would be nice if someone here who knows better could set it all straight.
Does it make a difference where the sub q injection is done? Does it make any scientific sense at all because to me it seems like it shouldn't matter, but I don't know enough to have an opinion on it.
No it doesnt matter at all
In the case of HGH i understand that people inject subq into the abdomen if they are looking to optimize fat loss. I don't know if this is a myth or if there are studies where it is more effective in the abdomen.
This one too, its systematic so it doesnt matter.