A good one for all the muscle freaks

I'll check it out but man, I've seen that interviewer talk to Broderick before and he's just terrible. Never smiles, never says that's interesting, never really joins in the conversation, he just sits there and stares blankly like he doesn't have a clue in the world until it's time to ask the next question. Man he's rough to watch
I'll check it out but man, I've seen that interviewer talk to Broderick before and he's just terrible. Never smiles, never says that's interesting, never really joins in the conversation, he just sits there and stares blankly like he doesn't have a clue in the world until it's time to ask the next question. Man he's rough to watch

I can't stand roid/biohacker/bodybuilding influencers. They all spend 20 minutes to say some basic common sense shit you could read in 3.
I'll check it out but man, I've seen that interviewer talk to Broderick before and he's just terrible. Never smiles, never says that's interesting, never really joins in the conversation, he just sits there and stares blankly like he doesn't have a clue in the world until it's time to ask the next question. Man he's rough to watch
i don't look at man that way didn't even realize this.
It was interesting, Broderick seems good at explaining and simplifying things. The interviewer wasn't that bad, i think he is just new to this.

He even smiled here once

View: https://youtu.be/VqJJBaOMnYk?si=SnJ_4CxFowE3Pgh4&t=853

After listening to this i understand why some people have high blood sugars on HGH and others don't.

Same reason why some get fat on insulin they are not metabolically fit and slack on cardio.

Also how much HGh people with acromegaly produce

What Growth hormone does for muscle growth before turning to Igf1(in simple terms of course love them analogies)

A lot of things about the cell and how the trio of AAS, HGH and Slin effect it synergistically explained for people like me without much scientific insight.

I understand that people in the know might find it common sense or old news but for me it wa pure gold.
I actually don't have problem with the interviewer but with broderick himself. I just can't stand him... He's like the old granpa telling stories from the war, seems helluva arrogant. Especially after that legendary podcast with fouad, man..i struggled so much to finish it. Never again
Him and Victor are insufferable. I try to watch more of a few minutes just to laugh at them and refute their points but they make me cringe so hard I have to quickly close the video.

Chavez should be teaching middle school earth science or something so he can go on these little diatribes about himself and have a captive audience.

Victor should be doing what he really enjoys, wearing fish nets and high heels at the biggest truck stops in the country

These two midwit narcissists really fool a lot of people

I don't know how people can't see through the act.

Science wise, they aren't objective, everything is filtered through their own personal theories and massive egos. It's like they can never agree they have to add their little spin to it and act like everyone else is wrong cause it wasn't phrased exactly how they have it in their heads.

You could probably quote him verbatim and he would disagree and correct you like a schoolboy
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This made me laugh.There might be some truth behind it.

I listen to the information that is presented, don't really care about the person so much

Ik, i just can't focus on what he's saying if he speaks that way. I'd rather listen to chat gpt or alexa and siri lol
I watched the video. I guess from my experience and research if HGH increase IGF1 and IGF1 acts as insulin then why would insulin need to be introduced. Whenever i check my sugar it's low. My last blood test on 5 units IGF1 came back at 550. Blood sugar at this time was 82
I watched the video. I guess from my experience and research if HGH increase IGF1 and IGF1 acts as insulin then why would insulin need to be introduced. Whenever i check my sugar it's low. My last blood test on 5 units IGF1 came back at 550. Blood sugar at this time was 82
I dont believe its a must, it would help being synergistic and forcing more nutrients in the muscle.

I also have good blood sugars while running HGH and did not use insulin just twice for short periods of time to try it out.

I will give it another go this time around to see what difference it makes.
Honestly I get so sick of listening to Broderick. I'm always excited to hear him talk and then it's a let down. The guys smart and has tons of info to give. But instead insists on talking in circles and not actually giving out any useful actionable info. It's a shame because some of his stuff on YouTube that's 7-8 years old he was much more helpful. Now he just circle jerks everything into oblivion talking for 10 minutes without actually saying anything.