A must for those who use Trenbalone? Neurological health


This tetrapeptide is made of L-alanyl-L-gluthamyl-L-asparagyl-glycine and correspond to the general formula L-Ala-L-Glu-L-Asp-Gly. CAS No. 307297-39-8. Synonymes: Epitalon ; Epithalone, epithalamin.

Epithalon (also known as Epitalon or Epithalone) is the synthetic version of the polypeptide Epithalamin which is naturally produced in humans.

This pineal peptide preparation is secreted in the epithlamium-epiphyseal region of the brain. Its more prominent tasks are: to regulate metabolism in the epiphysis, increase the sensitivity of hypothalamus to its natural hormonal influences, normalize the function of the anterior pituitary, regulate the levels of gonadotropins and melatonin in the body.

Epithalamin increases a person's resistance to emotional stress and also acts as an antioxidant. It is a bio-regulator for the endocrine system, especially for the pineal gland, and has been shown to lengthen telomeres in human cells.

The mechanisms of Epitalon are a lot more complex than just activating telomerase. It reduces lipid oxidation and ROS, along with normalizing T cell function.

It seems to normalize cholesterol and uric acid, along with prolactin levels. It has showed promise in restoring pancreatic hormone function.

Additionally, it restored and normalized melatonin levels in older people who have lost some pineal function due to aging.

Clinical Research

Peptide Geroprotector from the Pituitary Gland Inhibits Rapid Aging of Elderly People: Results of 15-Year Follow-Up

O. V. Korkushko, V. Kh. Khavinson*, V. B. Shatilo, and I. A. Antonyk-Sheglova Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 151, No. 3, pp. 343-347, March, 2011

The paper presents the results of randomized comparative study of the efficiency of peptide geroprotector from the pituitary gland in elderly patients with rapidly aging cardiovascular system.

Over three years 39 coronary patients received, in addition to basic therapy, regular courses of epithalamin (peptide drug), while 40 coronary patients (control group) received basic therapy alone.

Long-term treatment with epithalamin (6 courses over 3 years) decelerated aging of the cardiovascular system, prevented age-associated impairment of physical endurance, normalized circadian rhythm of melatonin production and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

A significantly lower mortality in the group of patients treated with epithalamin in parallel with basic therapy also indicated a geroprotective effect.

This tetrapeptide is made of L-alanyl-L-gluthamyl-L-asparagyl-glycine and correspond to the general formula L-Ala-L-Glu-L-Asp-Gly. CAS No. 307297-39-8. Synonymes: Epitalon ; Epithalone, epithalamin.

Epithalon (also known as Epitalon or Epithalone) is the synthetic version of the polypeptide Epithalamin which is naturally produced in humans.

This pineal peptide preparation is secreted in the epithlamium-epiphyseal region of the brain. Its more prominent tasks are: to regulate metabolism in the epiphysis, increase the sensitivity of hypothalamus to its natural hormonal influences, normalize the function of the anterior pituitary, regulate the levels of gonadotropins and melatonin in the body.

Epithalamin increases a person's resistance to emotional stress and also acts as an antioxidant. It is a bio-regulator for the endocrine system, especially for the pineal gland, and has been shown to lengthen telomeres in human cells.

The mechanisms of Epitalon are a lot more complex than just activating telomerase. It reduces lipid oxidation and ROS, along with normalizing T cell function.

It seems to normalize cholesterol and uric acid, along with prolactin levels. It has showed promise in restoring pancreatic hormone function.

Additionally, it restored and normalized melatonin levels in older people who have lost some pineal function due to aging.

Clinical Research

Peptide Geroprotector from the Pituitary Gland Inhibits Rapid Aging of Elderly People: Results of 15-Year Follow-Up

O. V. Korkushko, V. Kh. Khavinson*, V. B. Shatilo, and I. A. Antonyk-Sheglova Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 151, No. 3, pp. 343-347, March, 2011

The paper presents the results of randomized comparative study of the efficiency of peptide geroprotector from the pituitary gland in elderly patients with rapidly aging cardiovascular system.

Over three years 39 coronary patients received, in addition to basic therapy, regular courses of epithalamin (peptide drug), while 40 coronary patients (control group) received basic therapy alone.

Long-term treatment with epithalamin (6 courses over 3 years) decelerated aging of the cardiovascular system, prevented age-associated impairment of physical endurance, normalized circadian rhythm of melatonin production and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

A significantly lower mortality in the group of patients treated with epithalamin in parallel with basic therapy also indicated a geroprotective effect.

Do you buy from legit chemical sources or ugl? The last peptides i found from some ugl and even amazon (europe) were unsealed vials and crap
From what seems to be a very legitimate company in Canada
CanLab is very much legit and 3rd party tested. I am on about week 3 and sleeping like a baby. Fulvic acid also seems to assist with tau buildup, which affects circadian rhythm in conjunction with renal stress on tren.
Got a source for 10 mg strength Epi powder from a well regarded biochemical company. What's the dosing schedule when on cycle and for how long? I've read wildly varying info on that part. Looking for some real world info from the learned gentlemen here.
Got a source for 10 mg strength Epi powder. What's the dosing schedule when on cycle and for how long?

I'm at 5mg am 5mg pm. Keep in mind it seems to only lessen the sides.

If you were to run it off cycle as well once it will theoretically add years and quality to your life
Yeah I am about to start my Test-EQ-Deca cycle and thought I'd run a course of Epi just for health effects. I've read 10mg per day for 50 days x2 per year seems to be a common protocol.

Will run a Test-Tren-Mast cycle after the first of the year and wondered if I should stick to the 10mg x 50 days or modify it in any way to use as neuro protectant with Tren.

Always lots to learn.
Yeah I am about to start my Test-EQ-Deca cycle and thought I'd run a course of Epi just for health effects. I've read 10mg per day for 50 days x2 per year seems to be a common protocol.

Will run a Test-Tren-Mast cycle after the first of the year and wondered if I should stick to the 10mg x 50 days or modify it in any way to use as neuro protectant with Tren.

Always lots to learn.

I have never seen a human study over 20 days. At day 10 anecdotally I agree with 20 days
Yeah I am about to start my Test-EQ-Deca cycle and thought I'd run a course of Epi just for health effects. I've read 10mg per day for 50 days x2 per year seems to be a common protocol.

Will run a Test-Tren-Mast cycle after the first of the year and wondered if I should stick to the 10mg x 50 days or modify it in any way to use as neuro protectant with Tren.

Always lots to learn.
Waaay too long.

Almost every single reputable study says between 10-20 days at 5mg to 10mg.

It's also got many protective qualities so it will actually theoretically prevent damage.

Run once a year, off cycle run it with thymulin and it supposedly lengthens your life significantly and quality goes up by a large margin. Most studies have been small but they're pretty solid on geriatrics. The creator also suggests running it at lower doses for longer the older you get. (2.5-5mg for a month).
Lol. I read it wrong ... It was 1mg end for 50 days. Lol. It was one of the protocols in their slide show.
So 20 days at 5 to 10 only once per year?

No need to run it during a Tren cycle for the benefits there?
So 20 days at 5 to 10 only once per year?

No need to run it during a Tren cycle for the benefits there?

Yep! Once a year is all you need, any more than that and your telomeres will actually lengthen too much, which can prevent apoptosis of cancer cells among other issues.

I mean I'm running at 2.5-5mg on my tren cycle right now. Not in far enough to have crazy sides but we'll see if it mitigates and if the sides return once the epitalon runs out.
So 20 days at 5 to 10 only once per year?

No need to run it during a Tren cycle for the benefits there?

I'm currently running at 1.5 mg ED during my tren run
it had slowed my.decent into madness and Trensomnia, but not prevented it completely
Aboit hit week 4 of Ace and I'm starting to have issues falling asleep

but fuck me, made it this far with no issues
Since I was a kid I've always had what my neuro doc calls "poly-phasic sleep" patterns. Said some people have it naturally and some try to develop it on purpose. I sleep two or three hours at a time two or three times per day/night. I can be in rem sleep in a 30 minute nap. I just kinda learned to work with it.

So Trensomnia was never a big issue for me. But the tren temper and paranoia was an SOB. :(

Epi may not help with my Tren issues. But the overall health benefits are still very interesting.
Since I was a kid I've always had what my neuro doc calls "poly-phasic sleep" patterns. Said some people have it naturally and some try to develop it on purpose. I sleep two or three hours at a time two or three times per day/night. I can be in rem sleep in a 30 minute nap. I just kinda learned to work with it.

So Trensomnia was never a big issue for me. But the tren temper and paranoia was an SOB. :(

Epi may not help with my Tren issues. But the overall health benefits are still very interesting.
The research on poly-phasic sleep is actually amazing. They believe we all slept that way until the black plague. It is believed that humans slept in phases so they could restore fires or keep guard against predators.

When the plague hit it changed human DNA, and people slept far longer either because they stayed inside all day or they were ill and their body made them.

If you read literature up until that period, people would awake around 3-4am, read or eat with their family then go back to bed.
The research on poly-phasic sleep is actually amazing. They believe we all slept that way until the black plague. It is believed that humans slept in phases so they could restore fires or keep guard against predators.

When the plague hit it changed human DNA, and people slept far longer either because they stayed inside all day or they were ill and their body made them.

If you read literature up until that period, people would awake around 3-4am, read or eat with their family then go back to bed.

Damn that is fucking interesting.

I'm going to have to read up on that