
Thread to discuss age-related plusses and minus with AAS.

To start the conversation, as one gets older, the mental sides get much easier to control. I remember being in my 20's, feeling like every other male was a dipshit (no matter how much of a non-dipshit they were), wanting to "fuck-up" anyone that dared to challenge my Alpha male status (or talk to my girlfriend).

Now, in my 50's, with many lessons learned, including how to correctly respect and use AAS, the AAS experience is actually much more pleasant and satisfying. On the downside, the SIDES and amplified most significantly and mich be monitored so much more closely.
Thread to discuss age-related plusses and minus with AAS.

To start the conversation, as one gets older, the mental sides get much easier to control. I remember being in my 20's, feeling like every other male was a dipshit (no matter how much of a non-dipshit they were), wanting to "fuck-up" anyone that dared to challenge my Alpha male status (or talk to my girlfriend).

Now, in my 50's, with many lessons learned, including how to correctly respect and use AAS, the AAS experience is actually much more pleasant and satisfying. On the downside, the SIDES and amplified most significantly and mich be monitored so much more closely.
I didn't start using peds until my 30's. I never really had many mental sides and used a lot of test and tren during that time.

Fast forward to my 50's now and sides are significantly amplified. I cant really run high doses of anything.

Test up to 250mg. Anything more than that and I have trouble sleeping and shoots up my RBC, hemoglobin and Hematocrit despite drinking a gallon of water a day.

EQ & Primo- Sink my estrogen to the single digits causing my joints to ache. I can't run test any higher than 250mg so what's the point of using them.

Deca &NPP- I really like, no sides for me with a good diet and can dose real low and get results.

Masteron- I want to love masteron but it depletes the water from my body. I piss nonstop. I tested my PSA on a conservative mast dose of 200mg. PSA was 1.2 which is where its been sitting the last 5 years. I don't understand why it flushes water out of me.

Tren- Can only use tren hex which I use sparingly at 100mg a week. Not really any sides.

Anavar- I really like and respond well too at 25mg a week.

HGH- tried all different ius for over a year. Makes my joints hurt and hold too much water weight.

Winny- I really like as well at conservative doses, like 25mg a week.

MK-677 Hated it, terrible sides. BP and HR increases. Hunger uncontrollable. BG levels raise.

A few others out there I can't think of at the moment..
I didn't start using peds until my 30's. I never really had many mental sides and used a lot of test and tren during that time.

Fast forward to my 50's now and sides are significantly amplified. I cant really run high doses of anything.

Test up to 250mg. Anything more than that and I have trouble sleeping and shoots up my RBC, hemoglobin and Hematocrit despite drinking a gallon of water a day.

EQ & Primo- Sink my estrogen to the single digits causing my joints to ache. I can't run test any higher than 250mg so what's the point of using them.

Deca &NPP- I really like, no sides for me with a good diet and can dose real low and get results.

Masteron- I want to love masteron but it depletes the water from my body. I piss nonstop. I tested my PSA on a conservative mast dose of 200mg. PSA was 1.2 which is where its been sitting the last 5 years. I don't understand why it flushes water out of me.

Tren- Can only use tren hex which I use sparingly at 100mg a week. Not really any sides.

Anavar- I really like and respond well too at 25mg a week.

HGH- tried all different ius for over a year. Makes my joints hurt and hold too much water weight.

Winny- I really like as well at conservative doses, like 25mg a week.

MK-677 Hated it, terrible sides. BP and HR increases. Hunger uncontrollable. BG levels raise.

A few others out there I can't think of at the moment..
Great post. Thanks.

Test- my TRT "cruise" is 50 mg every 3rd day year round. Works for me and keeps any sides to a minimum. A few times per year I will bump this to 100mg every 3rd day for my 10-12 week "blasts". Even at this low dose I do get some water and a small BP hit. No AI used. Any artificial reduction in my E2 kills my joints so I just limit the Test to below gyno levels.

Deca - as I said, only 50mg added to my "cruise" for 10 weeks (pinned once per week). No real sides noticed at this dose but also no positives except the joint relief

Var - I occasionally use 12.5mg/twice daily (25mg per day) for 6 weeks only. I get amazing results but lipids take a big hit. Love Var.

Dbol - always wanted to try for nostalgic purposes but I fear the water retention would not be good at my age. Will probably stay away.

Primo - havent used this yet but its the one I would still like to try at low doses to see if my joints do any better and if it reduces my E2 (apparently it does for some and not others).

GH - 2.4iu, 5/2, 5 months on, 1 month off. Have pinned AM and PM and also AM/PM split. No noticeable difference so I pin PM for the sleep benefits.

Tadalafil - 2.5mg once per day, at night.

This approach does the trick for me allowing for visible results with low sides, being in my mid-50's. Diet is extremely important as one gets older so I am focusing on this more these days
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Great post. Thanks.

Test- my TRT "cruise" is 50 mg every 3rd day year round. Works for me and keeps any sides to a minimum. A few times per year I will bump this to 100mg every 3rd day for my 10-12 week "blasts". Even at this low dose I do get some water and a small BP hit. No AI used. Any artificial reduction in my E2 kills my joints so I just limit the Test to below gyno levels.

Deca - as I said, only 50mg added to my "cruise" for 10 weeks (pinned once per week). No real sides noticed at this dose but also no positives except the joint relief

Var - I occasionally use 12.5mg/twice daily (25mg per day) for 6 weeks only. I get amazing results but lipids take a big hit. Love Var.

Dbol - always wanted to try for nostalgic purposes but I fear the water retention would not be good at my age. Will probably stay away.

Primo - havent used this yet but its the one I would still like to try at low doses to see if my joints do any better and if it reduces my E2 (apparently it does for some and not others).

GH - 2.4iu, 5/2, 5 months on, 1 month off. Have pinned AM and PM and also AM/PM split. No noticeable difference so I pin PM for the sleep benefits.

Tadalafil - 2.5mg once per day, at night.

This approach does the trick for me allowing for visible results with low sides, being in my mid-50's. Diet is extremely important as one gets older so I am focusing on this more these days
Sounds like you really have your protocol dialed in and that's great at our age. I've been training for a half marathon and the addition of 50-75mg of deca with my 140mg of test a week has really worked well for my joints.

I'm going to have to restart GH and determine if I can get any benefit from 2ius. Even if it only provides additional sleep benefits, I'd be happy

Thanks for starting this topic @OldGHGuy hopefully more guys in their 50's will post up what works for them.
Great post. Thanks.

Test- my TRT "cruise" is 50 mg every 3rd day year round. Works for me and keeps any sides to a minimum. A few times per year I will bump this to 100mg every 3rd day for my 10-12 week "blasts". Even at this low dose I do get some water and a small BP hit. No AI used. Any artificial reduction in my E2 kills my joints so I just limit the Test to below gyno levels.

Deca - as I said, only 50mg added to my "cruise" for 10 weeks (pinned once per week). No real sides noticed at this dose but also no positives except the joint relief

Var - I occasionally use 12.5mg/twice daily (25mg per day) for 6 weeks only. I get amazing results but lipids take a big hit. Love Var.

Dbol - always wanted to try for nostalgic purposes but I fear the water retention would not be good at my age. Will probably stay away.

Primo - havent used this yet but its the one I would still like to try at low doses to see if my joints do any better and if it reduces my E2 (apparently it does for some and not others).

GH - 2.4iu, 5/2, 5 months on, 1 month off. Have pinned AM and PM and also AM/PM split. No noticeable difference so I pin PM for the sleep benefits.

Tadalafil - 2.5mg once per day, at night.

This approach does the trick for me allowing for visible results with low sides, being in my mid-50's. Diet is extremely important as one gets older so I am focusing on this more these days
Id say this is the true benefit of age and AAS… knowing your body and what works well. Theres no greater teacher than experience.
Thanks for adding your wealth of experiences, gents. As a newbie in to all things AAS and now in my early 50's, I'll be paying close attention to this thread.

The reason I began to lurk, read and then join the forum is because I am hoping to embark on just a TRT dose of testosterone (blood test allowing) and doing in the logical and safe fasion.

What has peaked my interest here is the mention of ways in which you guys have successfully reduced joint pain.

In a quest to get as fit as possible, I began running around a year ago for the first time since being a schoolboy but have found joint pain (hips and knees mainly) to be my biggest obstacle.

I had no idea this pain could possibly be reduced and am very grateful that you are adding what has or hasn't worked for you. The idea of adding something down the line that would feel like oil on rusty joints sounds like heaven to me.

Thanks again for adding information that I know will be of great value to this oldie.
I don’t recommend running over 30 unless you’ve been doing it your whole life. I heard that years ago and sure enough I fuck myself up every time I try. Incline walking, biking, and low rest between sets are great replacements.
I would also add swimming, if you have access. Its amazing how brutal running can be. I know many who have had knee/hip replacements. And the more bodyweight, the worse.
I didn't start using peds until my 30's. I never really had many mental sides and used a lot of test and tren during that time.

Fast forward to my 50's now and sides are significantly amplified. I cant really run high doses of anything.

Test up to 250mg. Anything more than that and I have trouble sleeping and shoots up my RBC, hemoglobin and Hematocrit despite drinking a gallon of water a day.

EQ & Primo- Sink my estrogen to the single digits causing my joints to ache. I can't run test any higher than 250mg so what's the point of using them.

Deca &NPP- I really like, no sides for me with a good diet and can dose real low and get results.

Masteron- I want to love masteron but it depletes the water from my body. I piss nonstop. I tested my PSA on a conservative mast dose of 200mg. PSA was 1.2 which is where its been sitting the last 5 years. I don't understand why it flushes water out of me.

Tren- Can only use tren hex which I use sparingly at 100mg a week. Not really any sides.

Anavar- I really like and respond well too at 25mg a week.

HGH- tried all different ius for over a year. Makes my joints hurt and hold too much water weight.

Winny- I really like as well at conservative doses, like 25mg a week.

MK-677 Hated it, terrible sides. BP and HR increases. Hunger uncontrollable. BG levels raise.

A few others out there I can't think of at the moment..
would dosing be the same for NPP vs Deca? Also, do you do Anavar 25mg per week not per day?
would dosing be the same for NPP vs Deca? Also, do you do Anavar 25mg per week not per day?
sorry, that was a type-o, yeah 25mg of anavar a day. You could use the same dosage for npp, it's a shorter ester so maybe pin 3x a week but I think you could get by with pinning twice a week.

Everyone reacts a bit different, you just have to experiment and find out what works best for you.
In my 20's I never did bloods, used orals and occasionally dnp. Now about to turn 50 I do bloods, no orals at all or dnp. I also keep my total mg around 500/week. I care much more about my health and I'm not trying to fry my organs. I took a very long break from aas so it hasn't been a constant since my youth. And I stick to Test and primo. I may add in low dose NPP if my joints start hurting.
I turn 33 next month. Unlike many people here I never touched gear at all in my youth. My first AAS shot was Test-C and that did not come until age 31. I was never into athletics or working out as a kid, so I guess I am a late bloomer.

What really motivates me to stay as smart as possible to how I approach AAS is our 2 kids, ages 5 and 7. I take far less risks in just about every facet of my life now than I did previously.
I never touched it until 40s

But blood pressure is the biggest issue over 50, at least for me. It is why I stopped competing in bodybuilding.

Check that blood pressure.

Second issue is hematocrit.

Age and hematocrit are already related, add steroids, especially EQ, but others as well, along with age, and watch that hematocrit climb.

Check it and do not let it get too high.

Last recommendation - add cardio. You are not twenty. Get on that cardiovascular fitness.

There are my three recommendations.
I never touched it until 40s

But blood pressure is the biggest issue over 50, at least for me. It is why I stopped competing in bodybuilding.

Check that blood pressure.

Second issue is hematocrit.

Age and hematocrit are already related, add steroids, especially EQ, but others as well, along with age, and watch that hematocrit climb.

Check it and do not let it get too high.

Last recommendation - add cardio. You are not twenty. Get on that cardiovascular fitness.

There are my three recommendations.
That’s the holy trinity right there
I did AAS/PED in the military and a little when I got out. I took a long break until I started TRT at 50. I didn't start a cycle until 55 and believe it or not, all my blood work improved while on cycle.

Not sure if its the more intense workouts, the cardio or the meal tracking and prepping. But surly it cant be the drugs making everything better. Admittedly, I haven't yet pushed the dosages to high (500 mg/week total) or for to long (12 weeks).

About the only negative thing I have had happen was crashing my estrogen. I was taking a AI (.5 mg/week Anastrozole) because the Doc said I should and apparently that wasn't the case.