AAS for sciatica pain relief?


New Member
Hi everyone,
Will deca or another AAS help get rid of my sciatica pain?
I know it will not work correctly if the sciatica pain is caused by an herniated disc however im having doubts in case of the contrary...muscle-tendinous neural problem....
Im getting x-rayed tomorrow and that will determine what I do.
I've used deca and tren before for joint pains (we use them in olympic lifting all the time for jointpain) and in a matter of days the pain is gone, however the sciatica its a more complex mechanism.
Thanks for the help, and please do share if you've had this pain before and how you've managed it.
Hi everyone,
Will deca or another AAS help get rid of my sciatica pain?
I know it will not work correctly if the sciatica pain is caused by an herniated disc however im having doubts in case of the contrary...muscle-tendinous neural problem....
Im getting x-rayed tomorrow and that will determine what I do.
I've used deca and tren before for joint pains (we use them in olympic lifting all the time for jointpain) and in a matter of days the pain is gone, however the sciatica its a more complex mechanism.
Thanks for the help, and please do share if you've had this pain before and how you've managed it.
If it's not herniated disc related, appropriate stretching, massage, and rest are usually the route I take.
Hi everyone,
Will deca or another AAS help get rid of my sciatica pain?
I know it will not work correctly if the sciatica pain is caused by an herniated disc however im having doubts in case of the contrary...muscle-tendinous neural problem....
Im getting x-rayed tomorrow and that will determine what I do.
I've used deca and tren before for joint pains (we use them in olympic lifting all the time for jointpain) and in a matter of days the pain is gone, however the sciatica its a more complex mechanism.
Thanks for the help, and please do share if you've had this pain before and how you've managed it.
Mine was real bad a few weeks back. Hit the chiropractor and took corticosteroids for inflammation and was like new in about 4 days or so.
Hi everyone,
Will deca or another AAS help get rid of my sciatica pain?
I know it will not work correctly if the sciatica pain is caused by an herniated disc however im having doubts in case of the contrary...muscle-tendinous neural problem....
Im getting x-rayed tomorrow and that will determine what I do.
I've used deca and tren before for joint pains (we use them in olympic lifting all the time for jointpain) and in a matter of days the pain is gone, however the sciatica its a more complex mechanism.
Thanks for the help, and please do share if you've had this pain before and how you've managed it.
You need an MRI to see herniated discs. X-rays show nothing. I just started deca for the first time so I'll let you know how it goes. I have 4 cervical and 3 lumbar discs herniated.
Cool beans. How do you stretch your hams and glutes? im having a hard effing time
When hams get tight it does get hard to stretch them, the body tends to compensate and relax other msucles making it more difficult.

The best way I can describe is to learn to let our hips hinge without bending your back to make sure your actually stretching the hams. If that's still tough you can lie on the floor and have someone help you stretch. I find that no matter how well I think I've stretched my hams, if my gf helps me stretch them they're still pretty tight.

As for glutes, the problem is more than likely that they aren't strong enough. This happens to most of us bc of the lifestyles we're forced into at early age stuck behind desks. Stand up and squeeze your glutes as hard as possible anytime u get the chance. Start doing lifts in the gym to specifically strengthen the glute. They are a huge source of strength and stability and do wonders for supporting your back and relieving some of the stress regularly lifting can put it under.

Hope this is helpful.
Hi everyone,
Will deca or another AAS help get rid of my sciatica pain?
I know it will not work correctly if the sciatica pain is caused by an herniated disc however im having doubts in case of the contrary...muscle-tendinous neural problem....
Im getting x-rayed tomorrow and that will determine what I do.
I've used deca and tren before for joint pains (we use them in olympic lifting all the time for jointpain) and in a matter of days the pain is gone, however the sciatica its a more complex mechanism.
Thanks for the help, and please do share if you've had this pain before and how you've managed it.
If your back hurts and you have pain going down legs it is a herniated disc. Just tell your doc to give you an MRI it shows everything an X-ray does and more.
Mine was real bad a few weeks back. Hit the chiropractor and took corticosteroids for inflammation and was like new in about 4 days or so.
When hams get tight it does get hard to stretch them, the body tends to compensate and relax other msucles making it more difficult.

The best way I can describe is to learn to let our hips hinge without bending your back to make sure your actually stretching the hams. If that's still tough you can lie on the floor and have someone help you stretch. I find that no matter how well I think I've stretched my hams, if my gf helps me stretch them they're still pretty tight.

As for glutes, the problem is more than likely that they aren't strong enough. This happens to most of us bc of the lifestyles we're forced into at early age stuck behind desks. Stand up and squeeze your glutes as hard as possible anytime u get the chance. Start doing lifts in the gym to specifically strengthen the glute. They are a huge source of strength and stability and do wonders for supporting your back and relieving some of the stress regularly lifting can put it under.

Hope this is helpful.
Wow, thank you so much, no kidding. I've read on different websites not to stretch the hams as much, and to stretch the surrounding muscles and tendons, however it doesnt make much sense to me. Im going to take your advice.
Appreciated man, stretching as of now...!
If your back hurts and you have pain going down legs it is a herniated disc. Just tell your doc to give you an MRI it shows everything an X-ray does and more.
Holy shit, that must be tough. What happened? if I may ask...
And yea, let me know how it goes.
Thanks man
Mine was real bad a few weeks back. Hit the chiropractor and took corticosteroids for inflammation and was like new in about 4 days or so.
For real? that was probably a "false sciatica", ive had those before, where they fade with painkillers and physiotherapy, however this is different. Meaning bad.
What corticoidsteroid did u get?
Holy shit, that must be tough. What happened? if I may ask...
And yea, let me know how it goes.
Thanks man
Motorcycle accident and got hit by a car years latter. Trust me get that shit treated right away. That gives you best chance it will reabsorb
My right sciatica gets aggravated every now than.. lay down on your back and get into a fetal position 5 sets of 10..
If I move to quick I'll hurt it .. I aggravated it by just putting a fork in the dishwasher cause I was in a hurry.. I aggravated it earlier by picking up a dumbell off the rack and swinging it .. if I don't stretch it in the morning it'll come back that day .
Sweet lord. Sorry man. All the best on your recovery. Did you get surgery?
Thanks bro. No, I didn't I've heard way to many horror stories with fusion's. I'm back to working out now for close to a year. Just have to avoid certain things and focus on high volume not heavy weight. No more squats and only deadlift I can do is trap bar deadlifts. I respond better to high volume anyway. Like taco said it's easy to aggravate it again you really have to be careful
If your back hurts and you have pain going down legs it is a herniated disc. Just tell your doc to give you an MRI it shows everything an X-ray does and more.
While this is often true , there are small muscles that can be inflamed and press into the sciatic nerve , such the psoas and piriformis, causing the same radiating pain as a herniated disc typically causes. The mri though, if op takes that route, will show if bulging disc is indeed the problem.
I hope your wrong lol. I'll find out soon though. I've heard from a few guys that said hgh helped with pain from herniated discs. I'm sure it would help it heal faster in early stages but skeptical on older injuries.
I hope your wrong lol. I'll find out soon though. I've heard from a few guys that said hgh helped with pain from herniated discs. I'm sure it would help it heal faster in early stages but skeptical on older injuries.
Dude, im pretty sure it will help. It cant be bad.
While this is often true , there are small muscles that can be inflamed and press into the sciatic nerve , such the psoas and piriformis, causing the same radiating pain as a herniated disc typically causes. The mri though, if op takes that route, will show if bulging disc is indeed the problem.
yeah, everyone is telling me about the psoas. Thanks for all the info. You're one wize dude.