AAS with no ester - PWO and sex only or effective for building mass?

I've never ran no ester compounds, except a single dose of TNE pre workout once. I liked it a lot, and honestly have thought about grabbing some just for sex, lmao. My girlfriend is incredible.and down for chemical enhancements in the bedroom shy of illegal recreational drugs. ❤️ Cialis+oxytocin is great, but I've been considering grabbing TNE for it too.

But it's also got me thinking, is there any serious use for using no ester gear for building muscle? Say someone wanted specific effects from tren without night sweats, could they use a tren suspension pre workout to get a majority of the nutrient partitioning and anabolism for the couple hours window without hating life at night?

I have no intentions of running anything other than TNE, but I absolutely am curious about the potential for.mass gains non-estered gear has.
I doubt anyone has seriously tried it... the number of injections per day needed to reap the same or better recovery synthesis benefits as you would have from a high and steady serum level of androgens would be way too labor intensive.

There is a reason androgens are treated as a chronic action drug class vice acute.
could they use a tren suspension pre workout to get a majority of the nutrient partitioning and anabolism for the couple hours window without hating life at night?
Meant to address this in my earlier post.

Yes. This does "work" but you aren't "building mass" from the effects of a workout plus 1 to 2 meals. It is a long term system of systems process, not the matter of a few hours.
Meant to address this in my earlier post.

Yes. This does "work" but you aren't "building mass" from the effects of a workout plus 1 to 2 meals. It is a long term system of systems process, not the matter of a few hours.
I didn't mean alone by any means, but as an adjunct to an already running cruise etc.

Would adding in test/tren/boldenone no ester significantly impact muscle gained without the 24/7 side effects of running the compounds?

I'd imagine running tren base pre workout while on 500mg test a week would be a lot more manageable than running tren E/A at 100-200mg a week.
Would adding in test/tren/boldenone no ester significantly impact muscle gained without the 24/7 side effects of running the compounds?
By some percentage sure... but "significant" is a subjective word here.

Muscular gains are asymptotic... The more you have gained the harder it becomes to pack on additional gains....

If a pro who is already at the extreme asymptotic approach curve on steady-state AAS adds in TrNE etc on top would it increase their gains? Almost certainly... Their extremely tiny gains might move WAY up to just being plain old tiny. Nothing to sneeze at when you are at that ultra-elite level.

If an average gym bro adds these in would it make a "significant" difference? Almost certainly a difference yes, but not likely a "significant" one. Not a difference they are likely to notice given that their gains scaling would already be dwarfing the tiny additions.

At no point is a few milligrams of TrNe etc going to come anywhere near the gains made from the steady state hormones (aside from the Elite Pro example).

I'd imagine running tren base pre workout while on 500mg test a week would be a lot more manageable than running tren E/A at 100-200mg a week.

Definitely true. No question about it. You don't get the tren sides but you also don't get much of the tren effect either.

Having run many types of non-estered compounds I will tell anyone that you will notice a larger difference from a shot of B-complex than you likely will from even TrNe.

Likely the most effective "PWO" combo I have used runs something like:

(on waking ED):
5mg Tadalafil orally

Roughly 1 hour before lifting:
1mL B complex injectable
GW1516 injectable (dosage to your risk tolerance)
25 mg TrNe
50 mg TnE
250mg Caffeine (orally)

Works, but that injection fucking HURTS.

It is also pretty damn expensive and the long term effects of the Tren and Test aren't really going to show up in a noticeable way over whatever your cycle levels are as a steady-state under all that.

Take out the non-estered hormones and the GW1516 and you will barely even notice a difference (if you notice at all).

Be interesting to see a study group on the effects on MPS of course, but that isn't likely to ever happen.
Likely the most effective "PWO" combo I have used runs something like:

(on waking ED):
5mg Tadalafil orally

Roughly 1 hour before lifting:
1mL B complex injectable
GW1516 injectable (dosage to your risk tolerance)
25 mg TrNe
50 mg TnE
250mg Caffeine (orally)

I really appreciate the in depth reply! Was just something I was thinking on for curiosity's sake. I still have no intention of running them aside maybe test no ester for the aforementioned scenario above.

Regarding the Cardarine, do you notice a large difference in oral and injectable? I compounded a bunch of injectable sarms/mk/sr9009/9011/Cardarine for a lab back around COVID in early 2020, but Cardarine was one I did not try myself out of the bunch.

And what was your formula for it? I know peg400 and dmso was supposed to be smooth as silk with the stuff I made based off reports from my partner and the people that bought it.

That's one I'm having a hard time staying away from. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2021 that in finally past, and that's obviously a concern; but I also think the risk is vastly overstated, especially if humans keep the dose on the lower end.
Regarding the Cardarine, do you notice a large difference in oral and injectable? I compounded a bunch of injectable sarms/mk/sr9009/9011/Cardarine for a lab back around COVID in early 2020, but Cardarine was one I did not try myself out of the bunch.
I liked the injectable version just fine (though I didn't brew it, PCOM did) but I find the orals to be similarly effective.

And what was your formula for it? I know peg400 and dmso was supposed to be smooth as silk with the stuff I made based off reports from my partner and the people that bought it.
This is why I didn't brew mine... never found a formulation that I felt comfortable trying with cardarine raws.

The PCOM stuff definitely worked, but I think their main solvent must be Demon Urine to judge from the burn.
I've never ran no ester compounds, except a single dose of TNE pre workout once. I liked it a lot, and honestly have thought about grabbing some just for sex, lmao. My girlfriend is incredible.and down for chemical enhancements in the bedroom shy of illegal recreational drugs. ❤️ Cialis+oxytocin is great, but I've been considering grabbing TNE for it too.

But it's also got me thinking, is there any serious use for using no ester gear for building muscle? Say someone wanted specific effects from tren without night sweats, could they use a tren suspension pre workout to get a majority of the nutrient partitioning and anabolism for the couple hours window without hating life at night?

I have no intentions of running anything other than TNE, but I absolutely am curious about the potential for.mass gains non-estered gear has.
Does TNE boost your libido or sex skill?
Does TNE boost your libido or sex skill?
Lol.... no chemicals boost your skills (or apparent lack thereof) :) SMH

Libido is a wired thing.. TnE can spike your E2 levels which SOMETIMES puts you in the libido butter zone and SOMETIMES tanks you libido to nothing and SOMETIMES spikes your libido to the moon while giving you Erectile Dysfunction at the same time.

Have fun with that.
Does TNE boost your libido or sex skill?
The one time I used it I got the best workout of my life in then proceeded to fuck my girlfriend for the next 3 hours straight

Test alone jacks my libido up though. I'm legitimately hypogonadal (My test was like 210 ng/dl as a healthy 17 year old athlete) and have a terrible.libido when I wasn't on and when I had to come off TRT for a few years (cancer). As a teen I wasn't even interested in sex that much, and my girlfriend's were always the ones initiating.

I hop on even a TRT dose of test at 125/wk and it's almost fucking annoying how.much it goes up. If I blast anything like 300+ it's like I get the effects everyone talks about with tren, I could go 5 rounds a day with my girl.