Accidental Steroid use, Trying to figure out the best PCT, HELP


New Member
Okay, yes guys, this is my second post, i just got done posting my new members post.

This is my story.

For the past year, I have been working in a supplement store called Complete Nutrition. Maybe some of you have heard of it, anyways, I at one point contemplated using some sort of AAS, but realized I am way too young, and stuck to safer things like albuterol, Caffeine, Natty test boosters.

I'm told Im pretty strong for my age/weight. I have a 335 bench, 565 squat and a 605 deadlift at 198-205 lbs. So that gives you guys an idea, I follow more of a powerlifting routine. Anyways on to the problem.

Well at my work, apparently we carry some legal and strong OTC shit. I made the mistake of thinking something otc was safe. Also, i did my fair research on what i was going to take and i didnt see any harm, with a proper pct even if this shit were real.

I Apologize in advance for how lengthy this will be, but i will save you guys the trouble of trying to rewrite all this out, and i will post my original post that i had on another forum, and throw in some extra information as needed. Included will be what i took, and ingredient profiles.

Hey guys I have dilemma here, or maybe not maybe you guys can help me out. First of all let me tell you what I ran. This is all OTC by the way bought from complete nutrition.

SOTO supplements A-D-T stands for arimistane 1dhea and trib. Prop blend:trib terrestris 90% saphonins, 3-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-17 one, androsta 3 5 dien-7,17-dione 300mg 3x a day

SOTO supplements 10xIGF extreme prop blend: deer antler velvet extract source of (igf1, igf2, tgf-a, tgf-b, leutienizing hormone stimulant, epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, nerve growth factor, neurotrophin growth factor 3, fibroblast growth factors, interleukins, bone morphogenetic protein 4, gelatin, silca, and magnesium stearate. 500mg 3x a day

Ats labs alpha cuts prop blend: 5-methyl-7-methoxyisoflavone, Hungarian iproflavone 700mg
6 7-dihydroxybergamottin piperin 40mg
3x a day.

Now I ran this for a month, with honestly some decent results. Gained about 6 lbs of muscle, dropped about 3-4%bf.

Started the pct they recommended, again didn't think anything OTC could be very strong so their pct consists of all the herbs you all probably know to work as a serm and AI. Now I noticed one way I was stretching and I accidentally put some pressure on my nipple and a tiny little wet spot appeared. So I squeezed it, now it does take decent amount of pressure to make anything come out. So this shit made me worry.

Nips don't hurt, aren't sensitive at all. Can still nut just fine, but I think worrying about all this shit makes me paranoid. Like I was in the shower trying to squeeze one out and I couldn't get hard, instantly jumped out of the shower put some porn on and was just fine, damn relief.

I don't feel any lumps, I feel like my right nip is puffy just because I know it's a symptom of gyno and it's messing with me but I know I'm only like 14.8% bf so I carry some fat and it could be just that, I been feeling something to the bottom right of my nipple like a gland, but it's not on my nipple it's part of my chest, so idk if it's anything to worry about. Haven't tried squeezing my nips in a couple days, still feel normal.

I ordered some nolva cause I was freaking out but I read on the forums this kid thought he had gyno and everyone was like dude it doesn't sound like gyno DONT run a serm. So now I'm freaking out on if I should use this nolva or not. Any advice guys? Thanks

This cycle was ran about Dec-Jan, so i have been trying post cycle properly. This is where I am at so far.

As stated, I ran the pct that was recommended at work and it was shit, just herbs and shit. This is where i originally noticed some lactation from my nips, droplets though. Ive never had gyno, so i didnt think i had any lumps, or what these lumps would feel like. Now, i feel, what i would guess are lumps? But are swollen glands. It's weird, my nips flare up randomly, like at times they will be fine, and the next minute im picking up a protein powder tub and the way that i hold it presses against my nip and its a sharp pain like someone poked me with a needle.

Since, i wasnt planning on running any AAS, i had to start from scratch on a proper PCT, long story short i got some nolva(which im sure was bunk) finished it and nada, still the same.

So i dug deeper, and found that there are diff types of gyno, estro and prolactin, so at this point i said you know what fuck this i need to go see a doc for bloods.

Bloods came back with elevated prolactin levels, elevated estro, and i forgot what the last hormone that was elevated. But man this OTC fucked my hormones up. Doc put me on Bromocriptine, I'm nearing the end of the bromo, and its like some days there is lactation, and some days there isn't. Some days nips are sensitive when something presses against the swollen gland, and sometimes there is no sensitivity at all.

Im lost, im not sure if im developing gyno, if its just elevated prolactin and swollen glands, I go back to the doc in 5 days and i dont know what to ask of the doc. I read that caber is better than bromo and ive read that bromo is better than caber. I thought there was something wrong when the doc said i had high estro as well and didnt prescribe anything for it, so maybe the fact that i havent been on an AI, is contributing to there being no progress?

What do you guys think? Again I apologize for the length, I hope someone knowledgeable can get through all this without getting pissed off and help me out here. Again, not having boner troubles, in fact Doc said my Test was fine. So im not exactly sure what im working with here.

If you guys have any additional questions let me know thanks.
Wow. I've never heard of anyone getting gyno from OTC products.
My guess would be the arimistane being the culprit. I don't remember where I saw this but I remember reading about this somewhere where a guy had your exact same symptoms after taking arimistane.

About a solution I'll let a more experienced member take care of that.
I'm ignorant in that subject myself.
Wow. I've never heard of anyone getting gyno from OTC products.
My guess would be the arimistane being the culprit. I don't remember where I saw this but I remember reading about this somewhere where a guy had your exact same symptoms after taking arimistane.

About a solution I'll let a more experienced member take care of that.
I'm ignorant in that subject myself.

It's weird man, from the info I picked up, arimistane should have kept estro, I haven't heard of an estro rebound from arimistane, but who knows.

I'm dealing with multiple elevated hormone levels so I'm curious which chemicals that I listed are the culprits for which hormones and how I can go about treating this properly.

Thanks for the input lol
It's weird man, from the info I picked up, arimistane should have kept estro, I haven't heard of an estro rebound from arimistane, but who knows.

I'm dealing with multiple elevated hormone levels so I'm curious which chemicals that I listed are the culprits for which hormones and how I can go about treating this properly.

Thanks for the input lol
My mistake. You might of been running a PH.
That Alpha Cuts thing might of had some kind of PH since most of the search I do for that product come out with that conclusion
I looked at some of the compounds and I'm honestly not sure as to what would cause that. Did you really pay almost $200 for that igf bottle?
My mistake. You were running a PH.
that alpha cuts shit has A Prohormone that was the culprit

Fuck me, you know I had to do some self education on products and when I looked up the ingredients in the alpha cut, they all came up as "well the claims are that yadda yadda will do this, but there is no real evidence etc"
I looked at some of the compounds and I'm honestly not sure as to what would cause that. Did you really pay almost $200 for that igf bottle?

Well the funny thing is, there's something hiding in one of these supps because this stack is what caused my issues.

Haha and no I didn't pay for this bottle, I actually got it for free at a managers convention for the company.
Run a pct if you feel the need,can't hurt Ya.

I have been, if you get towards the end of the post I listed what I've been doing as far as pct related, going to the doc in a couple of days so I'm trying to figure out what I need to do
That is the problem with any dietary supp! They aren't regulated so its as big of a gamble as buying real gear. Hope someone here can help you out.
I really hope nobody else buy's that crap thinking it's anything comparable to actual real steroid compounds..Lol
The only thing I saw that was a steroid was the 1dhea and that's pretty mild from what I read. Hopefully they didn't sneak some in on you.
I have been, if you get towards the end of the post I listed what I've been doing as far as pct related, going to the doc in a couple of days so I'm trying to figure out what I need to do
Let us know how it goes.