Accidental Steroid use, Trying to figure out the best PCT, HELP

The PH is 1-andro which I haven't used before but I'll give you the typical guide lines for most PH's. If it is liver toxic you will need milk thistle or an on cycle support supplement (and you should have been taking milk thistle before the cycle to prepare). After 4 weeks of use you'll need a PCT consisting of a SERM, natural test booster and on cycle support supplement. Depending on how potent this stuff is and what dose you are taking it can cause shutdown of natural testosterone production, with that comes lethargy and loss of libido. While on cycle you should have already had a plan as to what you are using the PH for whether you are bulking, cutting, or recomp. Since you have just taken it without knowing what you planned to use it for, your results won't be as great and if you don't follow up with a decent PCT you won't keep any of your gains.

Just a quote from a member of that forum about that product
Off topic : If you are all natty with those lifts you are going places my friend :)

Carry on...

Thanks man, I'm a fucking huge eater. I've been chasing 3x body weight deadlift but there's only one way for me to get stronger, is to eat more and gain weight.

This shit is the the only hormonal stuff I've taken and it didn't even contribute to my lifts, on the contrary I've been trying to dial in this pct and I'm weak as shit right now
ingredient list: tribulus terrestris, 3-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-17-one, androst 3 5 dien-7, 17-one

So yeah the ADT shit was a PH
ingredient list: tribulus terrestris, 3-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-17-one, androst 3 5 dien-7, 17-one

So yeah the ADT shit was a PH
You talkin about the androst 1? How many phs was in this stack Jesus. I think I did look up androst 1 and it was one of those that said it really hasn't been proven to work.

Shit apparently does something
Have blood work done. Start from there.

I did.
Estro was high
Prolactin was high.

Goin back to the doc in a couple of days. I'm trying to figure out what pct I should ask for instead of just taking what's been prescribed. I've been on bromocriptine and I think it's working at times and not at times
I'm sure follow up blood work will be in need to dial in your issue's.
Prami or Caber may be in need if your prolactin is in deed high.
Good luck to Ya
This is a general statement to anyone "Quit slamming new products into your body trying to stop something you are being paranoid about because you will do more harm then good....."

These are Not Pro's, The SOTO products and thier ingredients listed are fine, the ATS product not to sure as I would have to research each ingredient.

I know that they (ats) offer PH's epistane and others but it is a serious crime to spike a product with an ingredient not on the label (if that ingredient is classified as a drug) so i dont think they would.

Ok lets look at the ingredients. I'm pulling this from memory so I might be off a little here.

Androsta-5 (arimistane) is a suicide estrogen blocker which means that it intercepts estrogen in the body (It does not change your normal estrogen production but rather stops it from binding in the body. Androsta-5 is also a metabolite of 7-keto-dhea, it is naturally occuring and is DSHEA compliant. It is non toxic. Androsta-5 is used to treat Gyno... It is used as a diet ingredient also...

1-DHEA (3-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-17 one) not to be confused with (3beta-hydroxy linked in this post) is also a DSHEA compliant ingredient. It converts into test in the body and is non toxic.

IGF 10x. If you do the research online you will see that it is Deer antler extract, (some put it at 50:1 ratio) and about 500mg per cap.

Now lets look at Gyno. (Gynecomastia)

Males and Females have glands in the breast tissue. It is possible for males to develop breast cancer but is easily discovered because the size of the glands are relativly small. If any man tries hard enough they will find the glands around and just to the outside of the nipple.

Gyno is condition that is created when large amounts of estrogen are produced by the body for long periods of time. but we are taling about really high levels for really long periods of time.

Now estorgen is not bad, it is required to lubricate the joints and is important for building muscle, but large amounts of estrogen cause your body to store large amounts of fat and can start to swell up your mamory glands. If you have ever had achy joints from a PH such as epistane this is because your body has stopped production of estrogen...

Because fat people (24-30% body fat and higher) tend to be less active, and tend to have much higher levels of estrogen in the body they are prone to developing Gyno. It is possible to develop gyno if you are not fat but highly unlikly since being skinny is a sign that your body is not producing much estrogen...

So lets look at the ingredient effects on the body.

Androsta-5 blocks estrogen. When the body sees a decrease in estrogen, Prolactin is temperately increased. it is 100% temporary, Prolactin is responsible for making the nipples secrete a little more fluid then what you normally see. You see some "lactation" and you are testing high for prolactin, this can be attributed to Androsta-5. Next time you take this ingredient pyramid into and out of it.. easy...

1DHEA converts into test in the body, It is a naturally occuring ingredient, it is not methelated and has been used for many decades with 0 problems reported with correct use. Some companies sell low potency 1DHEA and if you are used to that and start taking a high potency 1DHEA you will see a HUGE difference.

Deer Antler Extract is shown to increase lean muscle mass only when high potency and high amounts of product are taken. I know of a few all natural body builders that are taking the soto 10x, Deer Antler Max pills, or i forget the other one..

In summary, what you are describing is in the relm of what your body would do when you suddenly remove / decrease estrogen in the body..

Next time you or anyone else is looking at taking anything with androsta-5 just slowly move into and out of the product (like 1 cap for 2 days 2 caps for 2 days then 3 for the cycle taporing off at the end...)

To add some deeper though....

as for PCT, Androsta-5 is used as an ingredient for PCT when coming off of PH's