Accutane permanent cure?

150mg / kg is the top end of the cumulative dosing prescribed by conservative dermatologists in the US, who are only concerned with facial acne (psychological impact on younger people). Provided you take it with food every time for proper absorption, make sure to continue for two months after FULL clearance, 150mg/kg gives you a very high likelihood of a permanent cure, especially since it's moderate.

However, you brought up large pores. Do you have oily skin / hair or just big pores? Large pores usually indicate large sebaceous glands, lots of oil.
Good to know.

Yes, I have oily skin. No hair since I’m bald and shave it, but my head gets oily and I dislike it. I have been on topical Tretinoin .05% every night before bed for the past year and that seems to have helped shrink pore size somewhat and improved skin quality, but I am still oily and would like them shrunk more. I’ve seen you mention it can permanently shrink the sebaceous glands so wondering what your cumulative dosing suggestion for that is.

Also, say I were to start isotretinoin, do I stop using the topical Tretinoin? Or can I continue to use that for added effect?
Is acne mostly a genetic thing?

I've lucked out where I don't really get acne on cycle, aside from the occasional pimple or two (but i attribute this more to sweating for 2+ hours in the gym everyday than I would hormones)

But then there's some people that run mild cycles, and have horrific breakouts.

I guess some people's body's naturally produce more oil?