Ace Pharmaceutical Solutions (Canadian Domestic)

Hello MESO!

We wanted to run a SUMMER PROMO -

** Spend $500 and get 2 FREE ITEMS! **

Choose from -
Daily Cialis
Superman's (Limit of 1)
Test Phenylprop
Lady Anavar 5mg

** Spend over $1000 and get 4 FREE ITEMS! **

Choose from -
Daily Cialis 5mg
Superman's (Limit of 2)
Test Phenylprop
Test E or C
Anavar 25mg (Limit of 2)

We can be reached at -

Please mention which free items you would like to add when placing your order. We appreciate all of you! Have a great summer.

I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer!!

I am curious what everyone's favorite summer cycle is?
I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer!!

I am curious what everyone's favorite summer cycle is?
Running a conservative cycle. Test E 250mg and 10mg var. strength gains have been amazing. I see fullness in my muscles and abs are visible.
I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer!!

I am curious what everyone's favorite summer cycle is?
16-18 week summer cycle
test e/mast/primo
- dosages titrate up when getting leaner

Var and winny
- var 6-8 weeks , usually stopped @ wk 12 or 14 of cycle
- winny 4 week, run @ wk 12 or 14 of cycle
- proviron if SHBG is showing mid-high range with bloods @ wk 12

i dont compete, yet but i can down to 6% bf with this cycle (diet/cardio/supps in check). No tren, No gh for this guy.
First time using Ace for a full cycle, everything looking promising so far :)
Not so much a gym rat but I appreciate the feedback bro, my next cycle is only going to be injectable. I took time off so I was trying to get some lost size/strength back on/in me!

But besides me, Ace is a great lab, there test can easily be pushed through a slin pin
Does their test give you pip? Which test are you on?