Acne on test e


New Member
hey dudes I did a test cycle just started pct today and Iv got some back acne and a little bit on my face anyone else had something like this and anything that got rid of it??
Accutane is the only thing that worked for me. 100% cleared me up. I would just take something for your liver like milk thistle while on it
hey dudes I did a test cycle just started pct today and Iv got some back acne and a little bit on my face anyone else had something like this and anything that got rid of it??
Antibiotics will clear it up right away but a very bad idea
Benzoyl peroxide for spot treatment and a scrubbing cleanser with salycic acid work best for me.
Keep your skin as clean as possible. Try to shower right after the gym. Wash your face often
Antibiotics will clear it up right away but a very bad idea
Benzoyl peroxide for spot treatment and a scrubbing cleanser with salycic acid work best for me.
Keep your skin as clean as possible. Try to shower right after the gym. Wash your face often
Yeah none of this shit has ever worked for me^
Which sucks.
I'll be starting Accutane soon.
Yeah none of this shit has ever worked for me^
Which sucks.
I'll be starting Accutane soon.
You need to stick with it. It doesn't clear it up overnight. You can get higher concentrations of that stuff from the dermatologist.
Topicals don't work for me either. Tried them all. Tried a bunch of prescription stuff from the doctor too. Nothing. Accutane is the only thing that worked.

Start with topicals. If they work, great. If not, move on to anti biotics or accutane.
I don't think milk thistle really works man.
I think just lots of water and moderation with liver toxic drugs is the the only way to keep your liver healthy.

I don't drink alcohol anymore but I would definitely stay away from it if you're on accutane. Just be smart about it
Alrightty thanks guys I don't smoke or drink I'll give the accutane a go. It might be from me drinking 3-4 servings of full cream milk.
did a test cycle ----- got some back acne ---- anyone else had something like this ------ anything that got rid of it??

Unless this is your first cycle you can't be serious!

Regardless try READING the Sticky thread on this subject.

But ACCUTANE is certainly NOT the first drug to "try"!
Take an extra shower a day. That helped me out a lot because you sweat more when your on gear.

What a simple YET effective measure
that is frequently overlooked by "bros"
bc it doesn't call for another pill.

(The fact is only 5-10% of folk with acne warrant the use of ACCUTANE, a drug with a 5% risk of hepatic toxicity, and for that reason is reserved for those with cystic acne non-responsive to conservative measures)

Regardless, I wonder why "back acne" is so common in AAS runners ----- bc it's a more difficult area to reach to remove the dirt, grit, grime and sauna LOTIONS, that clog sebaceous glands and initiates the ACNE inflammatory process.

What most need is a BAR OF SOAP (like Dial) and a long sponge brush (or a gal with long arms :) ) to clean their contaminated back.
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