Actual hepatotoxicity of oxymetholone (anadrol)

Do you generally think that running 50mg for 6-8 weeks is safe for someone who is healthy, not drinking alcohol or taking any other medicines but some testosterone with Hgh?

I am a fan of Oxymetholone, but the scare of hepatic issues is a definite factor affecting the stay away from it.
Longer's fine too, could run it for months or even a year if you're fairly resilient against the effects on transaminases and such, the more pressing consideration is that anabolic effects tend to taper off with the 17AA orals after 3 weeks. Doesn't mean it reduces to zero, but some reduction in protein anabolism occurs.

It's not particularly hepatotoxic among 17AA oral androgens but is average in this effect, meaning fairly hepatotoxic but relatively safe. Less so for kids and women and still used in some parts of the world for conditions that include low red cell mass, i.e., anemia, hereditary angioedema, etc.
Longer's fine too, could run it for months or even a year if you're fairly resilient against the effects on transaminases and such, the more pressing consideration is that anabolic effects tend to taper off with the 17AA orals after 3 weeks. Doesn't mean it reduces to zero, but some reduction in protein anabolism occurs.

It's not particularly hepatotoxic among 17AA oral androgens but is average in this effect, meaning fairly hepatotoxic but relatively safe. Less so for kids and women and still used in some parts of the world for conditions that include low red cell mass, i.e., anemia, hereditary angioedema, etc.
Sir, thank you for your thoughts.
I am now certain I will give it another go. Last time I took it, felt some heaviness on the right side under the ribcage, got scared and went off it. Will start at 50mg ED only.

Hope there won’t be any more heaviness and pains on the right side.
Sir, thank you for your thoughts.
I am now certain I will give it another go. Last time I took it, felt some heaviness on the right side under the ribcage, got scared and went off it. Will start at 50mg ED only.

Hope there won’t be any more heaviness and pains on the right side.
Psychosomatic. Alcoholics that drink themselves into a stupor for decades and become jaundiced and die don't feel any such thing as a heaviness on the right side under the ribcage. They feel sick, confuse it with alcohol withdrawal, ignore the nausea and yellowing of the eyes and skin, and still go on about another half decade or so until they die.
Psychosomatic. Alcoholics that drink themselves into a stupor for decades and become jaundiced and die don't feel any such thing as a heaviness on the right side under the ribcage. They feel sick, confuse it with alcohol withdrawal, ignore the nausea and yellowing of the eyes and skin, and still go on about another half decade or so until they die.

That is the best explanation you can have, thank you. I will give it a go again Sir. Nothing worked like Oxymetholone for me previously. A very powerful compound.
That's not a hypothesis, that's a sneakily halfwitted comment masquerading as a rational though.
you must have a really bad mood for me, did I write something untrue, the fact is that the toxicity of anadrol is not greater than other 17AA AAS in normal people

I showed you a study whose authors themselves stated that acid metabolites in the case of other drugs are sometimes extremely thearatogenic

Maybe I just used the wrong words, but at the end I mentioned that it was only a hypothesis
Why even to take a harsh drug which has proven potential to cause liver tumours/adenomas and cholestasis? Why to endanger your own life and health? Lots of studies with patients, bodybuilders dying from hepatic adenomas, ruptures and other ills associated with its use.

Unless you are a strength athlete peaking for a competition, why would you ever ingest that poison?

Oxandrolone is much safer, and there are lots of studies to prove that. Oxymetholone in contrast, is really toxic and I cannot understand how anyone can put this shit into their mouth and risk own life with liver failure, adenomas, jaundice, bile defects.

Why risk your health and chance of ending up with adenomas?

But why take this risk at all?

I wish I could let it go and just take Anadrol. I have x15 packs of Turkish Anapolon laying there (bought in Istanbul)

Sir, thank you for your thoughts.
I am now certain I will give it another go.

I will give it a go again Sir.

Wow, that didn't take long. Stay strong dude. What happened to your conviction?

Use the Force. Search inside yourself for what you know is true....
Do not criticise me harshly. For me, Oxymetholone was the only AAS that truly worked.

Test - not really much to say about it
Primo - weak
Deca and NPP - never tried
Tren - never tried

Since I never use UGL, my options are only Sustanon (Aspen), Rimobolan (Bayer) and Anapolon (Abdi Ibrahim).

Sustanon, even at 1000mg per week was disappointing. So was Rimobolan.

My first run of Anapolon, lights out. The more you know the worse, since I read all those scary studies and information, it paved me off using Anadrol.
Do not criticise me harshly. For me, Oxymetholone was the only AAS that truly worked.

Test - not really much to say about it
Primo - weak
Deca and NPP - never tried
Tren - never tried

Since I never use UGL, my options are only Sustanon (Aspen), Rimobolan (Bayer) and Anapolon (Abdi Ibrahim).

Sustanon, even at 1000mg per week was disappointing. So was Rimobolan.

My first run of Anapolon, lights out. The more you know the worse, since I read all those scary studies and information, it paved me off using Anadrol.
Why do you use AAS? What's your approach? I wasn't trying to be harsh. I was actually hoping you stuck to your guns and left out the 17aa AAS unless you really needed them for some reason.

My previous shares were trying to reinforce the mg/mg argument and dose makes the poison. How would you run the oxymetholone? What else would you run with it?

I am glad you are looking out for your health and being cautious.
I took this stuff for a week and my appetite went to shit. Leg cramps, and throwing up. If you could fix these issues it would be the perfect roid. No estrogen sides or sleep sides, it’s great only for you can’t bulk on it. I’m not sure if it’s good for mass though, wasn’t on it long enough.
Anadrol is my favorite 17AA. I like it best at 25 mg (when combined with another 17AA) to 50 mg (either combined, or as the solo 17AA) myself. Risk/reward balancing. More people than not can handle it at 150 mg not to mind 100 mg but it's not necessary.
@Type-IIx - would you mind sharing your dosing protocol? Especially at 25 - 50 mg daily, I am assuming you only get to take it once per day?

I am currently using 50 mg daily w/zero sides, better gym performance, steady improvements in the gym . . . what I found was that taking it w/breakfast made me feel 'off' for some reason. Not sure if it interacts with caffeine similar to what I hear about Anavar. At any rate, taking it at lunch or dinner currently and I feel quite fantastic.

Appreciate your insights and what you give back to the Meso community.
In simple terms. What else does using Anadrol aid with except the obvious strength increase and endurance in comparison to using let’s say higher dose testosterone only? Is it also a better muscle builder? Is that the general consensus?