Actual hepatotoxicity of oxymetholone (anadrol)

It seems like this topic comes up with every oral at some point in time. I think when we’re talking about biomarkers It’s important to remember how many people drink, vape, and do rec drugs with PEDs. I’ve seen guys who party every weekend post their messed up bloodwork and blame it on the gear.

Personally I’ve never had real health issues with orals. Just the expected *slightly* out of range lipids and liver values that go back to normal as soon as I come off.

I’ve only taken anadrol, anavar, and dbol, with anadrol being my favorite by far. Unfortunately it flares my nipples up within 2 weeks of taking it. I’d spend more on the nolva / ralox than the actual anadrol if I ran a full 4-6 weeks with it.
I’ve only taken anadrol, anavar, and dbol, with anadrol being my favorite by far. Unfortunately it flares my nipples up within 2 weeks of taking it. I’d spend more on the nolva / ralox than the actual anadrol if I ran a full 4-6 weeks with it.

In what dosage do you experience flare up, 50? 100? I still haven't searched much about drol but i'm curious since it's the only DHT derivative that aromatizes. If you take AI along with test and drol or another DHT like primo to control e2 i'm assuming you won't flare up, right?

I'm eager to try anadrol since i have a low hematocrit, rbc and blood pressure as well haha! I hope it will stay somewhat low when i start upping the dose since i'm low on just T now but it would be fun if i manage to titrate up to 750 test and 400 primo for example (at somepoint) and be still in normal range.
In what dosage do you experience flare up, 50? 100? I still haven't searched much about drol but i'm curious since it's the only DHT derivative that aromatizes. If you take AI along with test and drol or another DHT like primo to control e2 i'm assuming you won't flare up, right?

I'm eager to try anadrol since i have a low hematocrit, rbc and blood pressure as well haha! I hope it will stay somewhat low when i start upping the dose since i'm low on just T now but it would be fun if i manage to titrate up to 750 test and 400 primo for example (at somepoint) and be still in normal range.

I haven’t gone past 50mg. It’s an awesome oral for me. My lifts went up every week and I was recovering from hard sessions overnight. Appetite suppression does get me too but that’s not always terrible IMO. I’ll probably never take it past 50mg for more than just a couple weeks. As I mentioned, it never gave real me health concerns on bloodwork.

Background - I didn’t have gyno issues for my first ~18 months until I used ment for the first time. Got the lump and shrunk it down. Not visible whatsoever but I know it’s there. I can notice the tiny lump gets “fuller” on certain compounds and anadrol does it quickly.

E2 is usually on the low side 15-20 and prolactin is right in the middle of range (can’t remember the exact number). Overall, adrol is fun for me. I’ll admit im overly paranoid about gyno issues but the last thing I want is to get a great body then have a floppy nipple to ruin it all.
At absolutely tiny volumes. This seems like an odd hill to die on considering everything else we inject at much larger volumes for much longer periods.

Why aren’t you checking CRP regularly? If that isn’t part of your regular bloodwork you’re missing the boat: injectables orals or not.

What blood tests do you get done regularly besides CRP? I want to start checking my bloodwork every 12 weeks I need to be more health conscious.
I wrote this already, but anadrol destroyed my lipids terribly, it is also the only drug that raised my hematocrit to a dangerous level

Dbol was much much healthier
Why even to take a harsh drug which has proven potential to cause liver tumours/adenomas and cholestasis? Why to endanger your own life and health? Lots of studies with patients, bodybuilders dying from hepatic adenomas, ruptures and other ills associated with its use.
Why even to take a harsh drug which has proven potential to cause liver tumours/adenomas and cholestasis? Why to endanger your own life and health? Lots of studies with patients, bodybuilders dying from hepatic adenomas, ruptures and other ills associated with its use.
You must be new here.

All of these drugs we use have potential risks. Produce evidence Anadrol is significantly worse than any other.
You must be new here.

All of these drugs we use have potential risks. Produce evidence Anadrol is significantly worse than any other.

I have never said all of the do not. But chances of deca, primo or test vs Anadrol and other orals causing adenomas, cholestasis and ruptures/haemorrhages is significantly less and much safer. So why risk and take Oxymetholone in the first place? In context of getting bigger. What can’t primo, test and deca not do that Oxy can?

Surely, if you are a strength athlete, might be some merit. But for a bodybuilder, why risk taking Oxy? It won’t build more muscle than the injectables.
Total/free t
Metabolic panel
Comprehensive blood count
Cystatin C
Insulin and A1C
vit D
I order a similar panel for my clients with the exceptions of:
- high sensitivity CRP
- apolipoprotein a
- check homocysteine level at least once as a screen
- urinalysis (proteinuria)
- free t3/t4
- igf-1
- no cortisol (little clinically meaningful information from a random cortisol)
Oxymetholone and other 17-AA oral steroids are notorious for causing hepatic tumours, adenomas and cholestasis + jaundice.

Unless you are a strength athlete peaking for a competition, why would you ever ingest that poison?


Most of these studies you have posted, nothing about Anadrol. The 1st link clearly states that oxymetholone has been associated with jaundice, hepatic enlargement, adenomas and haemorrhages.

Oxandrolone is much safer, and there are lots of studies to prove that. Oxymetholone in contrast, is really toxic and I cannot understand how anyone can put this shit into their mouth and risk own life with liver failure, adenomas, jaundice, bile defects.
You probably same guy who spam PM forum about anadrol toxicity

Its extremly powerful copmound, in my opionion has better anabolic potencial than any other popular drug, also extremly high red blood cells production

Anadrol is also very good studied, one of 3 most popular egzogenic AAS in medicine

Even if it has worse side effects, it also has much greater benefits, and ultimately what matters is the ratio of benefits to risk

-liver toxicity
-bad effect on lipids
-hypothesized estrogenic side effects and toxicity of acidic metabolites

+ high anabolism
+ high red blood cells production
+ strenght gains
+ great full muscles look
Oxandrolone is much safer, and there are lots of studies to prove that. Oxymetholone in contrast, is really toxic and I cannot understand how anyone can put this shit into their mouth and risk own life with liver failure, adenomas, jaundice, bile defects.
You forget that oxandrolone is dosed in 5-10 times smaller doses than anadrol, we have studies on anadrol where even 450mg a day was well tolerated, we also have tons of studies on doses of 150mg a day for many years with good results, find me similar doses of anavar in medicine

200iq discovery that 150mg AAS is more toxic than 20mg AAS
Most of these studies you have posted, nothing about Anadrol. The 1st link clearly states that oxymetholone has been associated with jaundice, hepatic enlargement, adenomas and haemorrhages.

Oxandrolone is much safer, and there are lots of studies to prove that. Oxymetholone in contrast, is really toxic and I cannot understand how anyone can put this shit into their mouth and risk own life with liver failure, adenomas, jaundice, bile defects.
On a mg/kg bodyweight basis, your hypothesis is oxymethylone is more toxic (insert details here) than oxandrolone, stanozolol, other 17-aa AAS?

I am not familiar with any clinical trials addressing this. Anecdotes?
You forget that oxandrolone is dosed in 5-10 times smaller doses than anadrol, we have studies on anadrol where even 450mg a day was well tolerated, we also have tons of studies on doses of 150mg a day for many years with good results, find me similar doses of anavar in medicine

200iq discovery that 150mg AAS is more toxic than 20mg AAS

You probably same guy who spam PM forum about anadrol toxicity

Its extremly powerful copmound, in my opionion has better anabolic potencial than any other popular drug, also extremly high red blood cells production

Anadrol is also very good studied, one of 3 most popular egzogenic AAS in medicine

Even if it has worse side effects, it also has much greater benefits, and ultimately what matters is the ratio of benefits to risk

-liver toxicity
-bad effect on lipids
-hypothesized estrogenic side effects and toxicity of acidic metabolites

+ high anabolism
+ high red blood cells production
+ strenght gains
+ great full muscles look

I am not the same person who you spoke about, and I do not visit PM at all. I am only here.

I absolutely agree that it is a wicked compound. Nothing worked as well as Oxymetholoen, and I did take it, namely Turkish Anapolon. It blows everything out of the water. And I would love to use it. But the cost of taking it is deleterious.

Here are studies related to Oxymetholone causing the issues I mentioned:

Multiple hepatic adenomas caused by long-term administration of androgenic steroids for aplastic anemia in association with familial adenomatous polyposis - Journal of Gastroenterology

Hepatocellular Adenoma Associated with Anabolic Steroid Therapy for Two Patients with Aplastic Anemia

In Japan, two cases ofhepatic tumor have been reported from the National Children's Hospital.93* Both were treated foraplastic anemia by oxymethorone. One patient withaplastic anemia and Fanconi's anemia had beentreated by oxymetholone for five and a half yearsfrom the age of 6 years and, when the liver tumorwas found, neither HBsAg nor alpha-feto proteinwas detected. The bone marrow, however, showedsideroblastic anemia. The liver tumor shrank a little after the cessation of oxymethorone, but the patient died suddenly from a rupture of the hepatictumor two years later. Histologically this case wasconsidered to be one of hepatocellular adenoma,but it was difficult to distinguish it from welldifferentiated HCC. The clinical regression of thehepatic tumor which followed the withdrawal ofoxymetholone suggested the hormone dependence ofthe lesions.The degree of risk of developing liver tumorsamong androgenic-anabolic steroid users is not yetclear. Most patients have had high doses of thehormones for several years at least. Patients withFanconi's anemia seemed to be at higher risk. Thehepatotoxic effects of oxymetholone and the otherC17-alkylated testosterone derivatives are widelyknown to cause abnormalities, such as an elevationin bromosulfophthalein (BSP) excretion andcholestasis. The prolonged use of androgens maycause cell damage or hyperplasia and a predisposition to subsequent malignant transformation. Thetotal number of cases with induced hepatic tumorsseems, however, to be less than a hundred. Riskfactors should be clarified in terms of the ways inwhich dose and duration of androgen therapy arerelated to the occurrence of hepatoma.
