Actual hepatotoxicity of oxymetholone (anadrol)

In simple terms. What else does using Anadrol aid with except the obvious strength increase and endurance in comparison to using let’s say higher dose testosterone only? Is it also a better muscle builder? Is that the general consensus?
General consensus is find what works for you. What gives you less side effects and more benefits without ruining your health wins, regardless if it's considered better or not. For you it might be shit, for the next guy it might be great.

Testosterone should yield more gains over time because you can take it longer and most people can tolerate it well. If done smartly and with diet dialed in, you can still have acceptable blood work at the end of your cycle.

It will also greatly depend on your genetics as always and your current health, diet and lifestyle.
@Type-IIx - would you mind sharing your dosing protocol? Especially at 25 - 50 mg daily, I am assuming you only get to take it once per day?

I am currently using 50 mg daily w/zero sides, better gym performance, steady improvements in the gym . . . what I found was that taking it w/breakfast made me feel 'off' for some reason. Not sure if it interacts with caffeine similar to what I hear about Anavar. At any rate, taking it at lunch or dinner currently and I feel quite fantastic.

Appreciate your insights and what you give back to the Meso community.
I've shared an illustrative example [here]

If it's helpful to you, great. If you want to benefit from the application of the deep principles behind this, from a rational blast design that's individually tailored to you, that's part and parcel of what I do: Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx
you must have a really bad mood for me, did I write something untrue, the fact is that the toxicity of anadrol is not greater than other 17AA AAS in normal people

I showed you a study whose authors themselves stated that acid metabolites in the case of other drugs are sometimes extremely thearatogenic

Maybe I just used the wrong words, but at the end I mentioned that it was only a hypothesis
Bro, I had been so bogged down with multiple stressors, multifactorial. I need to manage my time on these boards a lot more scrupulously.
In simple terms. What else does using Anadrol aid with except the obvious strength increase and endurance in comparison to using let’s say higher dose testosterone only? Is it also a better muscle builder? Is that the general consensus?
I don't understand this aloof dismissal of clear benefits (endurance, strength).

Your post is like a poor person complaining that investing into a 401K with 5% matching only protects their investment in a nontaxable vehicle that they can retire on.

Ya, yya, who's got time for dat, yo? We be sellin' crack ova hea'.
Damn this provided me a lot of great/hilarious reading. Psychosomatic anadrol pains etc. well done everybody. I can’t wait to try Drol. So strange the gyno, estrogen aspect of it. I’ve been researching it for days now.
Damn this provided me a lot of great/hilarious reading. Psychosomatic anadrol pains etc. well done everybody. I can’t wait to try Drol. So strange the gyno, estrogen aspect of it. I’ve been researching it for days now.
Did I already tell you your handle is master level. Jealous and damn you for making me try to zoom in on your avatar pic then locking your profile. Sadist lol.
In simple terms. What else does using Anadrol aid with except the obvious strength increase and endurance in comparison to using let’s say higher dose testosterone only? Is it also a better muscle builder? Is that the general consensus?

Anadrol is interesting because it has a low binding affinity to the androgen receptor, so it’s doing its witchcraft my other mechanisms (maybe)

It’s always good to use different pathways for anabolism instead of just slamming the androgen receptor as hard as you fucking can and not use anything else.

Like it always confused me on the bro lore….”oh bro, don’t use insulin and GH yet, just up the dose of AAS. Whyyyy??????? You could get better growth from say 500mg AAS + a dash of insulin+rhgh instead of going to 800mg AAS. And probably healthier also,

E2, intra cellular IGF levels, AR activation, glucocorticoid blockade….all good levers to pull for net protein balance.
It seems to be either you like dbol or drol. I'm on dbol's side, but I can tolerate drol, just it's not as feel good drug as dbol is. All in all, they're both similarly potent, I believe.
I’m the exception to the rule. Fucking love DBol mid cycle (test/primo/deca) and hitting the last week of a peaking block before a PL meet on 50mg Drol ED PWO is awesome for those YOLO lifts.
Dr. Scally did a study on patients using Oxymetholone for 3 months @:

50mg per day - 4 weeks
100mg per day - 4 weeks
150mg per day - 4 weeks

The liver toxicity and other markers were not of a concern, while the body composition changes have been phenomenal.
When I first started back on gear in 2015 I used liquid oral anadrol with test. When I started I was 225-230lbs approx 17-18% bf (maybe closer to 19-20% i hide fat well) and hadn't done a cycle in over 15 yrs.

I quickly went to 250lbs in just a few weeks. My legs where so full of water I couldn't put on pants. I was bloated but all muscles were full as fuck. Lost a lot of muscle definition. But I thought I was huge as fuck and couldn't believe how much Mass I put on...haha.

After about 6 weeks I lost appetite and my ankles started swelling. So I dropped the anadrol as well as about 20lbs of water weight
It was insane. This was on 150mg ed.

Once I finish my cut I'm considering taking 50mg ed for a few weeks and see how full my muscles get. I know it'll just be temporary but I'm still tempted.
If you do this plz Let me know id love to follow the progress!
It seems to be either you like dbol or drol. I'm on dbol's side, but I can tolerate drol, just it's not as feel good drug as dbol is. All in all, they're both similarly potent, I believe.
Tried both last year on superset occasions. Pumps/cramps had me on the ground and had to pull the plug.
@Type-IIx just want to thank you for your contributions to this forum and this thread. You are greatly appreciated. To the OP - Regarding hepatotoxicity of anadrol - i have nothing significant to add. In terms of user experience, for me Anadrol "feels like" an equivalent performance uplift to 350mg Tren Ace per week. This is significant for me because while i absolutely loved tren, I could not deal with the mental sides. It was also very bad for my liver markers. Anadrol is easier on my system than tren, but about the same in terms of its effect. This is totally anecdotal and take it with a grain of salt. Anyone who regards Anadrol as presenting "too much risk" should spend less time chasing a good physique and more time digging the dirt out of their back yard to create a doomsday bunker
Last time I did bloodwork I was on 100mg for over a month and my markers were fine. But I’ve done 20mg sdrol for a month with bloodwork showing AST/ALT also fine so maybe I’m not the best reference point.
I have a few vials of 50mg/ml anadrol, should I pin the dose at the same mg or lower than an oral ?
definitely lower than oral, most say injectable is 50% more potent... but who really knows.
I haven't experimented with injectable yet but when I do I will do same dose as oral just to compare sides and benefits
I have a few vials of 50mg/ml anadrol, should I pin the dose at the same mg or lower than an oral ?
In my experience inj anadrol is not any more potent than oral. I know this is strange, as inj stanozolol was on a different level compared to tabs. I'd take the same dose as you would oral.