Add HGH and Primo to testosterone

Hi to all,

I'm taking 250 mg/ml of testosterone enanthate per week and I'm not using any other compound since my E2 is fine and I do not have any side effects.

I never used any other compound in the past, however, at the moment, I was able to get access to legit HGH and primobolan, so I was thinking to use them only if this makes sense. I mean: should I get any improvements by adding primo and HGH even at low doses along with testo?
If not, why?

If you have pharma grade
Give a full blood work with incluted igf-1 level for your GH and thyroid before the cycle.

- rHGH 2ui's daily
- Bayer Methenolone E 100mg / week
- Bayer Testosterone E 250mg / week

After 6 weeks give a blood work and see how you are, and depend up your Primo from 100 to 200mg and the GH at 3ui's

With 250mg Test E you have normaly around 1100 to 1300ng so for me it's a good spot.

Actually i use Bayer TE 125mg / week and i feel like awesome + 100mg Primo, after 6/7 weeks i plan surely to up the primo to 200 depend the results of blood work.

Like palifter said I think you are a little confused

When we refer to injectable AAS our dose is mg per week
You stated that you are taking “250mg/ML of Test per week”. That is not a dose. That is the concentration of the product.
Also you mentioned 300mg/ml of Primo. If that’s the product I wouldnt take it lol. That’s too concentrated and will almost definitely give pip, especially for a first time user of Primo. Primo has what is referred to as “virgin pip” meaning that the first time you use it you can experience some pip but after that you probably won’t unless the concentration is high.
But I think you just were confused with how to explain your weekly dose?

So if the Test is 250mg/ml and you are taking 1 ml per week your dose is:
250mg per week
Refer to your doses this way
NOT -1 Ml per week
Or -250mg/ml per week
Both of those are incorrect because they both leave room for interpretation or are just plain wrong

So let’s start over:
How much is your weekly Test dose?
_____mg per week

How much Primo were you planning on taking?
_____mg per week
Hello, sorry for the delay.

So, it is true, I did a mistake.

I take 250 mg of testosterone enanthate per week. Each vial that I use has a concentration of 250mg per 1ml.
About the Primo, each vial I have is 100mg, the concentration is 100mg each 1ml. For this reason, I can take 100, 200 or 300 mg per week in order to avoid to waste the product.
I've read that probably 100mg is too low, should I go with 200mg divided into two injections per week? Is it still too low?

For the GH, is there a specific time to consider for the injection? In the morning or in the evening? Moreover, should I take it after the meal?
Hello, sorry for the delay.

So, it is true, I did a mistake.

I take 250 mg of testosterone enanthate per week. Each vial that I use has a concentration of 250mg per 1ml.
About the Primo, each vial I have is 100mg, the concentration is 100mg each 1ml. For this reason, I can take 100, 200 or 300 mg per week in order to avoid to waste the product.
I've read that probably 100mg is too low, should I go with 200mg divided into two injections per week? Is it still too low?

For the GH, is there a specific time to consider for the injection? In the morning or in the evening? Moreover, should I take it after the meal?
Mike, it would be very helpful to understand your goals. Are you trying to get bigger, get leaner, do you work out, etc. This will guide the advice you receive.
Hello, sorry for the delay.

So, it is true, I did a mistake.

I take 250 mg of testosterone enanthate per week. Each vial that I use has a concentration of 250mg per 1ml.
About the Primo, each vial I have is 100mg, the concentration is 100mg each 1ml. For this reason, I can take 100, 200 or 300 mg per week in order to avoid to waste the product.
I've read that probably 100mg is too low, should I go with 200mg divided into two injections per week? Is it still too low?

For the GH, is there a specific time to consider for the injection? In the morning or in the evening? Moreover, should I take it after the meal?
Yes that all makes perfect sense now
Thank you for taking the time to clarify

Give us a little more information about you and your goals so we can better answer those questions.

One thing with primo is, for some, it can lower e2. So your dose will not only depend on your goals/objectives but also it will be important to take into consideration the ratio of Primo to aromatizing compounds (Testosterone) because of the effects it can have on E2. As mentioned, bloodwork will be important when using Primo.

Tell us a little more about what you are trying to achieve. Bulk/cut?
Thank you guys for your answers.
I work out every day from Monday to Saturday, my current goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible before starting the cut on February. Obviously, I'm paying attention to calories and fats.
However, I do not like to abuse steroids and take large doses. I usually run at 250mg/week testo enanthate, 1000UI hCG and 75ui hMG.
Everything is pharma grade.

The day after the injection, these are my values:
Testosterone: 15ng/ml
Prolactine: 15.39 ng/ml (4-15)
E2: 97.65 pg/ml (<62)
DHT: 152 ng/dl (40-200)

My E2 is high and usually I do not feel well when prolactine and E2 are so high since I have experience low libido.
I could take 6.25 or 12.5mg of aromasin two times per week, but I would like to avoid it.
I read that primo can get the E2 to be low, so it would be interesting to give it a try.
Also, my DHT seems to be a little bit low. Usually, past years, with the same amount of testosterone, I had my DHT over 1000 ng/dl. This is not bad since when my DHT is high, then I get skin problems.

I have 30 x primobolan vials and lot of GH, both with very good quality.

I would like to add both to my current protocol without taking too much. However, I would like to find a dose that give some kind of visible results.

I also have oxandrolone, but I usually get heart pressure problems with it.

Sorry for the long post.
I usually run at 250mg/week testo enanthate, 1000UI hCG and 75ui hMG.
Everything is pharma grade.

The day after the injection, these are my values:
Testosterone: 15ng/ml
Prolactine: 15.39 ng/ml (4-15)
E2: 97.65 pg/ml (<62)
DHT: 152 ng/dl (40-200)
If this was me personally, I would get everything dialed in before adding other compounds. Are you currently trying to get your partner pregnant? If not, it may be worth it to get off the HCG and HMG for your blast, you can always get back on it while cruising with minimal hit to testicle size. I would not rely on primo in your case to manage estrogen as the primary reason for taking it is muscle gain. It has a nice double effect but you never having taken it, don’t know how it will effect you. I would start taking hgh now regardless of primobolan, then bumping your calories up by 500 from carbs if you are looking to grow leaner. If you do add another compound just know that you’ll have to keep raising food higher as weight will stall faster than at 250 test
Hi to all,

I've been outside my country for different months so I could not use Primo.
Now, I can finally start: should I inject 100mg/ml once a week or twice a week? Or this dosage is too low if I'm trying to gain more muscle mass? Should I switch to 200mg/ml twice a week?
Hi to all,

I've been outside my country for different months so I could not use Primo.
Now, I can finally start: should I inject 100mg/ml once a week or twice a week? Or this dosage is too low if I'm trying to gain more muscle mass? Should I switch to 200mg/ml twice a week?

300mg Primo alongside your 250mg Test. You likely will not need an AI once you add the Primo, as Primo can lower estrogen in some people. Just pay attention and adjust as needed.

Add 3-5 IU HGH ED. You can also use an EOD or 3x a week approach (my preference) but ED is more common.

^ very basic, low dose approach.
300mg Primo alongside your 250mg Test. You likely will not need an AI once you add the Primo, as Primo can lower estrogen in some people. Just pay attention and adjust as needed.

Add 3-5 IU HGH ED. You can also use an EOD or 3x a week approach (my preference) but ED is more common.

^ very basic, low dose approach.
Thank you a lot for your help.
do you suggest to do 150 mg primo twice a week? In this way, I would use a total of 4 vials every week since each vial is 100mg/ml.
Duration of cycle is totally individual. Primo E can be ran for a decent amount of time due to its low side effect profile. 18 weeks, 20? 22? The call is yours and it should be dictated predominantly by blood work.

HGH I would run chronically. I’ve been on it 3 years, it only gets better the longer you’re on. Don’t run HGH for 16 weeks and expect much, it’s a long term investment.

I’m a little confused by your comment regarding primo 300mg/ml. Typically primo is 100mg/ml (ace) or 200mg/ml (enanthate). Unless you’re saying you’re running primo at 300mg/wk?

Primo can be injected into any muscle. I rotate glutes, delts and quads personally.
How much hgh do you run
It varies but I’ve been on 1 vial a day of generics (few different sources) for the last 6 months. I pin morning and post workout.
Yes that's what I'm on. 12iu generics everyday. Do you take weekends off hgh or pin it daily?

I've been getting some painful pumps. I ordered taurine, I'm hoping that works. It's good hgh though, it's tested so It's not the's the dosage

Do you see a difference In E12hr pinning with gh?
Yes that's what I'm on. 12iu generics everyday. Do you take weekends off hgh or pin it daily?

I've been getting some painful pumps. I ordered taurine, I'm hoping that works. It's good hgh though, it's tested so It's not the's the dosage

Do you see a difference In E12hr pinning with gh?
I take it ED. I’m a firm believer in just getting the dose in. Sometimes I just do the full vial before bed if im lazy. The timing of it all matters much less. I know on paper that smaller, frequent doses are better for lipolysis but how this transfers to real life results…likely negligible.
I injected 100 mg/ml primo today just to see how it was. I could do 100mg x 3 days a week or 150mg twice a week.
I still can't choose the best solution.
At the moment, I'm evaluating also if I will have any pip tomorrow.
I injected 100 mg/ml primo today just to see how it was. I could do 100mg x 3 days a week or 150mg twice a week.
I still can't choose the best solution.
At the moment, I'm evaluating also if I will have any pip tomorrow.

I assume your primo is enanthate? same as your testosterone?

You can do once a week, 2x, 3x, even ED. Completely up to you.

I would opt for 1x a week, but I am fine with bigger injections and I use 6CC barrels.

2x a week, would have you shooting 2ccs at a time. A bit more reasonable if your new to this.

If your primo is acetate, 3x a week, EOD or ED would be ideal.
I assume your primo is enanthate? same as your testosterone?

You can do once a week, 2x, 3x, even ED. Completely up to you.

I would opt for 1x a week, but I am fine with bigger injections and I use 6CC barrels.

2x a week, would have you shooting 2ccs at a time. A bit more reasonable if your new to this.

If your primo is acetate, 3x a week, EOD or ED would be ideal.
Yes it is enanthate as the testosterone.
I'm not able to define a correct dosage for it.

1.5ml twice a week in order to reach a total of 300mg/week seems ok but in this way I will throw two vials every week.

If I do 400mg per week, I should inject 2ml twice a week in my deltoid and it seems too much for me. I never Injected anything more than 1ml.