Adipotide (ftpp)


New Member
Just giving my thought after trying this peptide for a month as i purchased a kit 10mg x 10 from a popular source on here.

Tried looking for alot info on this pep but very little reviews or experiances so i decide to try test myself see how it works.

My stat around 200lbs good shape bf around 14ish guess slight visible mid section but wantef to see if this would help getting more tighter poss around 10% ish.

Dosage 1mg first week subq am shots and found it left lumps the the skin was tender for a day or so but lump would be there fir about a wk. i didnt like that at all so after first week i changed it to IM in quads and just had slight pip no swelling which felt better.

2nd week i moved up to 2mg not much changed re comp i felt so 3rd week i added clen & t3 to help alittle.

3rd & 4th week i bumped it to 3mg daily and didnt notice anything drastic tbh i got alittle leaner but i think that was possible due to adding clen & t3.

End results nothing drastic as i expected with this peptide never felt much sides kidneys etc as most people talked about as stayed hydrated through out.

Would i use again prob not didnt get much out it tbh maybe it didnt work as good for me so just thought for those who was looking into this peptide this may help.

Diet was clean throughout usage but results was nothing i expected i think hgh would prob promote more fat loss from my experiance.
I don't know anything about it, apart from the fact it is not considered amazing or widely used.
Is 4 weeks the amount of time it is usually taken for?
What were you expecting out of it within that time frame?

Also, if you knew it could affect your kidneys, how can you be sure it has not, during that time?
I don't know anything about it, apart from the fact it is not considered amazing or is widely used.
Is 4 weeks the amount of time it is usually taken for?
What were you expecting out of it within that time frame?
2 wks on or wks off or max 4wks run from info i read. I was very curious on how this would work as bostin who passed rated it. My personal experiance was nothing spectaculer unless i use it wrong going IM idk dont think that should matter or it only worked on animal testing no idea.

I though it would have got me alot leaner tighter but nothing clen & t3 cant do tbh i find that works better imo.
After 8 years and tens of millions in research, FDA approval for phase 1 clinical trials. the pharma company informed the FDA they were cancelling any further development of the drug in 2019. They've scrubbed it from their site.

Either they decided there just wasn't a market for a drug offering effortless fat loss, or something very, very bad was discovered.
After 8 years and tens of millions in research, FDA approval for phase 1 clinical trials. the pharma company informed the FDA they were cancelling any further development of the drug in 2019. They've scrubbed it from their site.

Either they decided there just wasn't a market for a drug offering effortless fat loss, or something very, very bad was discovered.
Well all i can say i tried & tested and defo aint all that when it comes down to fatloss. I have bloods to do soon so will see if my kidneys took a beating during this 30days testing it out.
Well all i can say i tried & tested and defo aint all that when it comes down to fatloss. I have bloods to do soon so will see if my kidneys took a beating during this 30days testing it out.

Glad you're ok. IMO it's one of the riskier peptides out there, but of course, one of the most appealing sounding by far. I nearly tried it myself when it first appeared and before the cancellation. Only procrastination stopped me.
you injected intramuscular into your quads
Yeah had to go IM was pretty easy in the quads with insulin syringe tbh.
Subq the stuff gave me swollen lumps under the skin would only go away after a week or so.
Not sure if it was doing due to me mixing it concentrated by only putting 1ml in the powder making every 10 unit = 1mg.
Yeah i think bostin there was alot of other compounds he was abusing that contributed to his kidney issues and this may have just made things worse i guess.

In all seriousness I read somewhere that after too much use, it strips crucial fat from within organs. which makes sense.