Adipotide (ftpp)

Apologies my autism kicked in and I went on a Cardarine tirade instead of actually responding to the main content of your message. I think FTPP is definitely renal toxic but Bostin Loyd clearly abused this stuff and that’s more than likely why his consequences were so severe. For the average user short term low dose based on the limited studies it’s more than likely not going to have the same outcome but how many dice rolls are we willing to take is what it comes down too. I will always say diet and cardio work 100% of the time, throw in a GLP and all of this shit is completely unnecessary. I think people have this impulse to want results fast, and with less effort and that’s an issue, I’m by no means trying to insult OP but with the popularity of some of these toxic fat burning drugs I can’t help but notice a correlation.

You are right.
Things have significantly advanced, since this drug was trialled, with the introduction of glps as a weightloss tool, to be used within a training regimen.
Taking unnecessary risks seems pointless, when the same or better can be achieved with other means.
Like you, I would not entertain using it, even if a low dose is not necessarily risky. I would end up thinking about it too much, probably.

As for your cardarine experience, the improvements you had in vo2max and run times are fantastic.
I am considering taking it for a month or two.
Sampei is using Tracy's and I may get it from him, too.
I would just like to see if it can make any difference in endurance, really.

Thank you so much for your sharing your personal experiences and such deep insight into it all.
There was another thread similar to this I have forgotten to reply to but when I do I hope you don’t mind me quoting your post over there, too, so more people will see it.
You are right.
Things have significantly advanced, since this drug was trialled, with the introduction of glps as a weightloss tool, to be used within a training regimen.
Taking unnecessary risks seems pointless, when the same or better can be achieved with other means.
Like you, I would not entertain using it, even if a low dose is not necessarily risky. I would end up thinking about it too much, probably.

As for your cardarine experience, the improvements you had in vo2max and run times are fantastic.
I am considering taking it for a month or two.
Sampei is using Tracy's and I may get it from him, too.
I would just like to see if it can make any difference in endurance, really.

Thank you so much for your sharing your personal experiences and such deep insight into it all.
There was another thread similar to this I have forgotten to reply to but when I do I hope you don’t mind me quoting your post over there, too, so more people will see it.
No problem if I have anything to add to a topic I'll gladly do so. Don't have any doubts about the efficacy of Cardarine, it works extremely well. Especially to a trained athlete. For example at 230 it's very hard to run a 6:30 mile. I know myself and what times to expect. On GW I can run a 6 minute mile with seemingly less effort. Short durations are probably fine, I'm just done with it. Tryna get huge and GW is not for that haha