Advice time brothers


New Member
Yo guys I am in need of help. I asked your guys help a while back and ye helped snap my ass back to reality. I’m getting out of a long 8 years with my baby momma. We have a 1y.o together and we have been together since teens. All I know is family life any friends and active life has long been gone. I have 2 days a week I hit the gym and then back to the same shit. I don’t know what to do with myself outside of this. All my adult life has been spent doing this. I’m not sure what advice I need or what I should try take away from this. Y’all gotta help a brother out right now
Very hard to give advice without knowing more. However, you have a 1-year old together, many years invested and it sounds like a desire to make it work. You might try one more time to humble yourself, reach out to your baby momma, list out all your blessings including the child, and tell her you want to give it one more chance. Then, whatever the challenges have been, MAN UP and fix it (not saying you haven't been a man). It's usually worth salvaging if you're both willing to put in the work.
Depends on situation you are in financially, etc. But you are getting struck with a load of free time, which would probably better be filled to distract yourself. Maybe transformation/show if you are into it, really get into new hobby, educate yourself on stuff you didnt have time for.. get yourself in as good position for future as possible basically, have a goal and work for it. And spend as much time as you can with the child
Depends on situation you are in financially, etc. But you are getting struck with a load of free time, which would probably better be filled to distract yourself. Maybe transformation/show if you are into it, really get into new hobby, educate yourself on stuff you didnt have time for.. get yourself in as good position for future as possible basically, have a goal and work for it. And spend as much time as you can with the child
This. If it’s over between y’all neither of you should let that affect the kid, enjoy the newfound extra time and use it to better yourself and have fun, it will reflect well on the kid and like that you will find more balance in your life in general
Men! Thank you. This has helped me a lot, problems aren’t solved over night. But this advice has helped me to start moving in the right direction. Providing a safe happy home for my daughter. Hit the gym a bit more and get the physique that I’ve always said I would achieve. Thanks brothers!