Any Brother Freemasons getting after it with me up in here?

There’s shitty people in every group and organization on the planet. I’ve never seen or heard any “deception” in my time in freemasonry. It’s hardly luciferian when you must believe in God to be a member. My lodge gives a Bible to new members. There are way too many crazy but sometimes hilarious conspiracy theories online.

The mason i know have explained that you need to believe in a higher power. But it's unspecified what/who that power is. People who worship lucifer consider him a higher power. Maybe that isn't how all lodges are though. Just the ones in my area.

They have also told me that to their knowledge most of the guys they know do worship the god from the bible. One particular friend worships/prays to many different gods though and he's a mason.
The mason i know have explained that you need to believe in a higher power. But it's unspecified what/who that power is. People who worship lucifer consider him a higher power. Maybe that isn't how all lodges are though. Just the ones in my area.

They have also told me that to their knowledge most of the guys they know do worship the god from the bible. One particular friend worships/prays to many different gods though and he's a mason.
Let me rephrase. Think about it this way… you can be Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, ect. You can’t be an atheist and you can’t be a satanist.
One of the reason I question the Freemasons true intentions are bc some of the people that belong to it seem like really bad people. For example, Dr. Fauci did the hidden hand and if you look at pictures of past Freemasons doing the hidden hand, its obvious that was what it was. Dr. Fauci is not a good person and I think most people aware of what went on with covid and the vaccines would agree. I just feel that there is a lot of deception involved with freemasonry, which in itself is luciferian.

What happens to a Freemason that shares the secrets?
I don't even know if Fauci is a Mason at all. Sometimes people also just grab another persons hand funny when they shake by accident. I couldn't find this picture you were referring to. The hidden hand is also new to me. I've heard of the "invisible hand" which was an idea put forth by Adam Smith a long time ago, but I don't think this is what you're talking about here. Why would someone perform some type of handshake to another person when they clearly know they are going to be seen my 100,000's of people or more doing it? What would be the purpose?

Also, as @JC Grifter stated, it doesn't matter what organization you come across, there are going to be a few bad apples that do dumb stuff that doesn't reflect well on that organization. I don't ever see headlights with things like "Those Dastardly Freemasons are at it Again! When Will Their Reign of Terror End?" Unless it's a terrorist organization, nazis, or communists, it's very ignorant to base your opinion of a group off a very small number of people. Statistically they are irrelevant.
I don't even know if Fauci is a Mason at all. Sometimes people also just grab another persons hand funny when they shake by accident. I couldn't find this picture you were referring to. The hidden hand is also new to me. I've heard of the "invisible hand" which was an idea put forth by Adam Smith a long time ago, but I don't think this is what you're talking about here. Why would someone perform some type of handshake to another person when they clearly know they are going to be seen my 100,000's of people or more doing it? What would be the purpose?

Also, as @JC Grifter stated, it doesn't matter what organization you come across, there are going to be a few bad apples that do dumb stuff that doesn't reflect well on that organization. I don't ever see headlights with things like "Those Dastardly Freemasons are at it Again! When Will Their Reign of Terror End?" Unless it's a terrorist organization, nazis, or communists, it's very ignorant to base your opinion of a group off a very small number of people. Statistically they are irrelevant.
It wasn't a mason handshake, it was the hidden hand. When a person puts their hand in their suit across their stomach. A pose done by himself. The reason I bring up Fauci is bc there is no way other masons in govt didn't know what he is doing, hes been doing horrible things for decades, and no one stopped him.

Actions speak louder than words, bc words can just be lies and deception. Like if Dr. Fauci kept saying "I love dogs and would never harm one." That contradicts all of the horrific experiments and all the dogs that died in his testing phases. Freemasons say they have nothing to do with lucifer, but some things they do, seem to be luciferian. I watched this documentary about the development of Washington DC and how freemasons were involved with designing the city (George Washington even laid a corner stone in the capital or whitehouse). Why is it when you look at DC from an aerial view, you can see a clear and obvious pentagram? Also, the washington monument was built right in front of the water, so when you stand across and look at it, it creates a reflection, "as above so below" (and if I'm not mistaken, it was built with the dimensions of 666). If you look at a picture of baphomet, its doing the "as above so below" hand sign. Why did they include these things? Or do these maybe have different meanings to freemasons?

Heres a quote from Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason:
'To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.'

He literally used the word lucifer and he is a well known freemason. I don't know why he would use that word if freemasons had nothing to do with Lucifer.

I personally don't think all freemasons worship lucifer, but regardless I am very interested in the subject. The way it was explained to me, was that it was a cult within a cult. The controllers of the cult worship lucifer and the people in the cult don't, but once they get to a certain degree they are told they worship lucifer. This was told to me by multiple people, some who claimed to once be freemasons. I think Pike was reffering to this practice in this quote from him:

'The Blue Degrees are but the outer court...of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretation. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them...The true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd degrees)'

I do have some questions/ How long have you been a freemason? How long does it take to accomplish a degree? Like do you complete them at your own pace? Before you decided you wanted to be a freemason, were you aware of all the conspiracies surrounding it?
It wasn't a mason handshake, it was the hidden hand. When a person puts their hand in their suit across their stomach. A pose done by himself. The reason I bring up Fauci is bc there is no way other masons in govt didn't know what he is doing, hes been doing horrible things for decades, and no one stopped him.

Actions speak louder than words, bc words can just be lies and deception. Like if Dr. Fauci kept saying "I love dogs and would never harm one." That contradicts all of the horrific experiments and all the dogs that died in his testing phases. Freemasons say they have nothing to do with lucifer, but some things they do, seem to be luciferian. I watched this documentary about the development of Washington DC and how freemasons were involved with designing the city (George Washington even laid a corner stone in the capital or whitehouse). Why is it when you look at DC from an aerial view, you can see a clear and obvious pentagram? Also, the washington monument was built right in front of the water, so when you stand across and look at it, it creates a reflection, "as above so below" (and if I'm not mistaken, it was built with the dimensions of 666). If you look at a picture of baphomet, its doing the "as above so below" hand sign. Why did they include these things? Or do these maybe have different meanings to freemasons?

Heres a quote from Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason:
'To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.'

He literally used the word lucifer and he is a well known freemason. I don't know why he would use that word if freemasons had nothing to do with Lucifer.

I personally don't think all freemasons worship lucifer, but regardless I am very interested in the subject. The way it was explained to me, was that it was a cult within a cult. The controllers of the cult worship lucifer and the people in the cult don't, but once they get to a certain degree they are told they worship lucifer. This was told to me by multiple people, some who claimed to once be freemasons. I think Pike was reffering to this practice in this quote from him:

'The Blue Degrees are but the outer court...of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretation. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them...The true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd degrees)'

I do have some questions/ How long have you been a freemason? How long does it take to accomplish a degree? Like do you complete them at your own pace? Before you decided you wanted to be a freemason, were you aware of all the conspiracies surrounding it?
Welp, Fike said he's a 32nd degree so he should be privy to all of this information. Interested to see if he's even going to bother responding. If he doesn't respond, it means it's true. If he does respond and denies it, it's because he's not allowed to talk about it. If he admits it's true, he's probably lying about being a mason :cool:
Welp, Fike said he's a 32nd degree so he should be privy to all of this information. Interested to see if he's even going to bother responding. If he doesn't respond, it means it's true. If he does respond and denies it, it's because he's not allowed to talk about it. If he admits it's true, he's probably lying about being a mason :cool:

Got me, bro. Totally wasn't going for the whole devil worship, illuminati, Fauci talk. :p
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I am truly sorry for how this digressed. I didn't mean for this to be how the conversation went, so I really shall retire from it unless someone is genuinely interested or cares to add anything conducive like what they do outside of strength training for self-improvement. Everyone take care.
I am truly sorry for how this digressed. I didn't mean for this to be how the conversation went, so I really shall retire from it unless someone is genuinely interested or cares to add anything conducive like what they do outside of strength training for self-improvement. Everyone take care.
Eh, there aren't too many topics that can be discussed these days without someone having a conspiracy theory about it. I think the masons sound interesting. Not for me, personally, but I think the idea of it is cool. I don't really do much for self-improvement. I'm a shift worker, so when I'm not at work I'm trying to catch up on sleep, hanging out with my 2 young kids, my 2 cats, and my wife occasionally. If my work schedule wasn't weaksauce I'd probably be able to find more time to work on myself but these days it's just not in the cards. That seems a bit depressing as I type that out but it's really not that bad. Please send help.
Eh, there aren't too many topics that can be discussed these days without someone having a conspiracy theory about it. I think the masons sound interesting. Not for me, personally, but I think the idea of it is cool. I don't really do much for self-improvement. I'm a shift worker, so when I'm not at work I'm trying to catch up on sleep, hanging out with my 2 young kids, my 2 cats, and my wife occasionally. If my work schedule wasn't weaksauce I'd probably be able to find more time to work on myself but these days it's just not in the cards. That seems a bit depressing as I type that out but it's really not that bad. Please send help.

Haha. The only parts that sounds bad is the shirt work. I love my wife and kiddos and they are number two in my life behind God.. We have another on the way right now. I know shift work makes it hard, but it sounds like you are making the most out of it. Your kids will recognize that one day as long as you raise them right and teach them what’s important, and I'm sure you do. You know where your priorities are fortunately. I wish more men would figure that out. Our fathers have failed us. I use that as a generalization, but their generation didn’t really prepare most of us like they should have. Seems like most men are very tall with boys running around like sprayed roaches looking for a clue. Let’s don’t be those “men.” I really feel for the youth of today.
Haha. The only parts that sounds bad is the shirt work. I love my wife and kiddos and they are number two in my life behind God.. We have another on the way right now. I know shift work makes it hard, but it sounds like you are making the most out of it. Your kids will recognize that one day as long as you raise them right and teach them what’s important, and I'm sure you do. You know where your priorities are fortunately. I wish more men would figure that out. Our fathers have failed us. I use that as a generalization, but their generation didn’t really prepare most of us like they should have. Seems like most men are very tall with boys running around like sprayed roaches looking for a clue. Let’s don’t be those “men.” I really feel for the youth of today.
Sprayed roaches. That's a great way to describe it. If I'm on the right track I owe it all to growing up with a very devoted, strict, fair, principled father. I like to think I'm passing that along to my kids as well. I was lucky and I definitely dont take it for granted. I feel for anyone who didn't have good parents growing up.
I am truly sorry for how this digressed. I didn't mean for this to be how the conversation went, so I really shall retire from it unless someone is genuinely interested or cares to add anything conducive like what they do outside of strength training for self-improvement. Everyone take care.
I'm sorry if I upset you by asking these questions, I do genuinely have an interest in this subject, I even have a book by Albert Pike - Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, ISIS Unveiled - Blavatsky and I have some Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner. I do have a hard time believing you had no idea people would ask you questions like this after posting a thread about a secret society like the Freemasons, I just don't know a single person who has heard of Freemasonry and hasn't ran into this stuff.

For the record, I don't think your a luciferian and I believe you when you say you worship God and have a bible on the table. However, there is a huge contradiction on what your telling me and what Albert Pike (and others) said about the luciferian doctrine, and I think its a fair question to ask a Freemason who claims the opposite what the deal is with that. Its like 2 people saying the complete opposite things, its a legitimate question.

Its not everyday that I get to talk to a Freemason. Not going to lie, I'm very disappointed that you don't want to have this conversation, bc I guarantee you that I am genuinely interested in this subject, more so than anyone else here. Once again, sorry to piss you off with the hard questions, I thought they were fair to ask.
I don't judge you guys neither just see it as you have been derailed from your true faith and i understand you can't talk about it or it seems like its the only thing people think about when talking about masons .
Well its the most strange part but thats it we are still brothers in Iron!
Sorry for coming on rude i am still working on this part of my personality .
I'm sorry if I upset you by asking these questions, I do genuinely have an interest in this subject, I even have a book by Albert Pike - Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, ISIS Unveiled - Blavatsky and I have some Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner. I do have a hard time believing you had no idea people would ask you questions like this after posting a thread about a secret society like the Freemasons, I just don't know a single person who has heard of Freemasonry and hasn't ran into this stuff.

For the record, I don't think your a luciferian and I believe you when you say you worship God and have a bible on the table. However, there is a huge contradiction on what your telling me and what Albert Pike (and others) said about the luciferian doctrine, and I think its a fair question to ask a Freemason who claims the opposite what the deal is with that. Its like 2 people saying the complete opposite things, its a legitimate question.

Its not everyday that I get to talk to a Freemason. Not going to lie, I'm very disappointed that you don't want to have this conversation, bc I guarantee you that I am genuinely interested in this subject, more so than anyone else here. Once again, sorry to piss you off with the hard questions, I thought they were fair to ask.

I genuinely wasn’t upset, brother, but I do appreciate you apologizing in case it did. It does bother me that people get go straight to the conspiracy type things though, because faith, hope, and charity are our main objectives. I didn’t post think that people wouldn’t ask some of the conspiracist theory type of stuff. I’ve been a master mason many years and I’ve heard it all. Pike is just very deep and actually very hard to read without a commentary to go along with it. And even the commentaries can be difficult. Thats why we study those texts in class. Morals and Dogma is over 1000 pages of very dense reading spoken in the “queen’s english.”He was Lego philosopher that focused on living a better life. I huh instant though it would bring about the quality aspects of our great organization that cemented in brotherly love, where every man is met on the level as equals no matter what degree you are.

Can you tell me where that quote you said about the lluciferan doctrine came out off? I can’t find it in Morals and Dogma. Also, it’s probably taken out of context because it’s hard to take one small thing like that and run with it. You need what he’s talking about before and after. It’s like people try to use the Bible to justify slavery and other bad things. More than likely he was referring to a duality between Lucifer and God and Oneness. Good and bad. Right and wrong. Etc.

I will say the way you and Pete approached it was from an attack position. I’m always willing to talk about something(, but I’m too old to argue over the internet. There’s just so much taken out of context by people when discussing Masonry. And of course, there are things I can’t talk about. It’s not because I’m they are bad, but some people just aren’t ready on their journey in life or masonry.

The blue degree stuff can’t really be explained to you by me because you’re uninitiated, but those degrees are the basis on which every other degree refers back too. There are only actually three true degree and those are those blue lodge degrees.

I am happy to have this conversation as long it is somewhat intellectual, though. I do appreciate you clarifying more. But if I can’t say something I just can’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s nefarious at all. It would be something that went against a promise I made and my word is my bond. What kind of man am I if I go against my word? And it’s our rituals that are mainly secret. I encourage you to look at some videos from the opposite side of the table. Check out the Scottish Rite southern jurisdiction YouTube channel. It has a lot of great information. I ask you give that side a chance as well[
I don't judge you guys neither just see it as you have been derailed from your true faith and i understand you can't talk about it or it seems like its the only thing people think about when talking about masons .
Well its the most strange part but thats it we are still brothers in Iron!
Sorry for coming on rude i am still working on this part of my personality .

Pete, I accept your apology wholeheartedly,, because we are brothers in iron,, and we all seem to be brother is Christ more importantly. I also apologize if for bringing to lose my cool and become dismissive of what you were saying. I would have just been more receptive if a question of curiosity was asked by you to an actual Freemason. Psalm 133 says, “ “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.”
This is what all of this is all about to me. Brotherly love and helping each other to become better. This included training, Freemasonry, and church to me.

It is very true that some people have caused Freemasonry to have a bad name or cause some strange thoughts about it, but they aren’t true Masons. They are people that fooled other good people to become a Mason or they either changed once they became Masons. Think how often this happens in other groups though. But you can’t blame the organization, you must blame the person. Albert Pike was a good,, Christian man though and must have a
Had an IQ above 150. Super intelligent. I’m working my way through Morals and Dogma very slowly because it’s hard to process. He’s a very deep philosopher to be placed with the likes of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Dostoyevsky, and excerpts of what he says should always be looked at in context with the preceding and proceeding statements so context is taken into account. Also, look into his literature to see if he actually even said what is quoted. I see misquotes from Brother Pike often. You seem intelligent enough to know that people will attribute all kind of stuff to people that never actually said it. Yes, a lot of what is taught is esoteric in nature, but most isn’t. I understand the secrecy thing leaves the mind a lot of room to wonder, but the nature of the knowledge and wisdom isn’t secret. Our rituals and ceremonies most certainly are, so I can’t ever go there. I will say this concerning Masonry, though; there is no ending or ultimate secret to our search for knowledge and wisdom.

Memento mori. If you knew were to die today, would your thoughts, actions, intentions, and motivations be inline with he ultimate Truth and Good, which is God to me?

Amor fati. No matter what happens to you, love that situation. Everything happens as it is supposed to. We will never undergo anything with can’t handle, especially with the help of a Brother.

These are things I tell myself ever single day to keep things in perspective. I encourage to you leave the negative things you have heard about Masonry and seek to find out more about the good things, which you won’t find much of in the internet, because we don’t believe in promoting those things. Thats pride and we don’t do things for recognition. The best way to find out more about the good of Masonry is to ask an actual Mason. Visit scottishrite.og. In case no one has told you today, I love you. Bro.
Pete, I accept your apology wholeheartedly,, because we are brothers in iron,, and we all seem to be brother is Christ more importantly. I also apologize if for bringing to lose my cool and become dismissive of what you were saying. I would have just been more receptive if a question of curiosity was asked by you to an actual Freemason. Psalm 133 says, “ “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.”
This is what all of this is all about to me. Brotherly love and helping each other to become better. This included training, Freemasonry, and church to me.

It is very true that some people have caused Freemasonry to have a bad name or cause some strange thoughts about it, but they aren’t true Masons. They are people that fooled other good people to become a Mason or they either changed once they became Masons. Think how often this happens in other groups though. But you can’t blame the organization, you must blame the person. Albert Pike was a good,, Christian man though and must have a
Had an IQ above 150. Super intelligent. I’m working my way through Morals and Dogma very slowly because it’s hard to process. He’s a very deep philosopher to be placed with the likes of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Dostoyevsky, and excerpts of what he says should always be looked at in context with the preceding and proceeding statements so context is taken into account. Also, look into his literature to see if he actually even said what is quoted. I see misquotes from Brother Pike often. You seem intelligent enough to know that people will attribute all kind of stuff to people that never actually said it. Yes, a lot of what is taught is esoteric in nature, but most isn’t. I understand the secrecy thing leaves the mind a lot of room to wonder, but the nature of the knowledge and wisdom isn’t secret. Our rituals and ceremonies most certainly are, so I can’t ever go there. I will say this concerning Masonry, though; there is no ending or ultimate secret to our search for knowledge and wisdom.

Memento mori. If you knew were to die today, would your thoughts, actions, intentions, and motivations be inline with he ultimate Truth and Good, which is God to me?

Amor fati. No matter what happens to you, love that situation. Everything happens as it is supposed to. We will never undergo anything with can’t handle, especially with the help of a Brother.

These are things I tell myself ever single day to keep things in perspective. I encourage to you leave the negative things you have heard about Masonry and seek to find out more about the good things, which you won’t find much of in the internet, because we don’t believe in promoting those things. Thats pride and we don’t do things for recognition. The best way to find out more about the good of Masonry is to ask an actual Mason. Visit scottishrite.og. In case no one has told you today, I love you. Bro.
Well written brother i don’t have the patience to explain everything in detail nor is english my first language so i am short and to the point and this can be misunderstood easily.
Faith is important and there is a lack of in the times we live.
I was very young when i made my choice to believe and i stuck to it trough good and bad .
In latter years my faith was rewarded by confirmation and since then i don’t fear death as much as the regular folk.
I did at one time have questions about different faiths ,Egypt,Pyramids,Massons,Lucifer,Islam and how they are connected .
So i did some research online , talked to some freemasons but my mind was not at ease with what i kept learning so i prayed for answers .
Following this i saw the video series with Walter Veith from witch i posted a video in this thread .
And it resonated with me and put my mind at ease.
I don’t fully agree with what he says or the Adventist movement but I'm 90% on board .
In the video you also find the answer to your question to why you cant find the quotation .
Its because its that specific release of the book that has it and it was latter changed and is missing some things .
In my neck of the woods brotherhood and church are more like a status and pride thing the opposite of what it should be.
Church going people are only God loving when others are watching so i rather keep to myself and my family and the bible is all the connection to faith i need but also understand that it must feel good to have brothers that are truly of the same faith and morals and help each other improve trough life .
Improving and being the best one can be at all aspects of life is something i resonate with .
God bless you sir and have a good day
I will rephrase to eliminate any confusion. A known pedophile cannot be a Freemason. In fact, if you have a criminal record you cannot be a Mason. If you are a Nasok and commit a felonious crime such as pedophilia, your membership will be revoked. We do believe in second chances and all matters are equally weighed when deciding to terminate a man’s membership, but a Mason isn’t going to keep letting something happen within Masonry that will call our moral and ethical standards or conduct into question by the public. We aren’t about that.

Jesus christ my lord and savior is all I need or will ever need to make me the best man possible.

My 2 grandfathers from both sides were masons not that I care, one a scotish rite and the other a shriner that I think was or had to be 32nd degree.
The second was a convicted bank robber.

Both owned businesses and were alcoholics and by they're deaths after decades of freemasonry, i would not consider them great men by any means.

So that kinda throws a wrench in that no criminal record thing and being a great man thing.