So far the last 2 orders have been dosed closer to the 10ius per vial they advertised. They are still a little under but better than the first shipment based on my blood work and what I'm seeing in my physical appearance.
I will say the quality of the product has been consistent. All the vials are properly vacuum sealed and the pucks are solid and melt pretty much immediately with little swirling needed to reconstitute. No weird coloration of the mixed product and no welts or unusual physical reactions.
My purchase price was $66 per kit when buying 1000uis. That does not include shipping, fees or anything else. I believe after everything I had about $74 in each 100ui kit landed cost.
Here's the link to the MK thread. My latest results are on page 20 and 21. I'm too lazy to dig them out and re-post.