Alin Clarifications On Bd/genxxl Issue !

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New Member

I would prefer to keep this as a private matter but I am forced to come and explain the situation. Because the real situation is very complicated I will post now a rough draft and Ill corect later for spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes that can make it hard to understand.

Hello my Friend,

You might not have been aware but I am proud to be part owner of British Dragon Pharmaceutical with two other partners. Attached to this email/post is the legal paperwork showing that I own the name and trademark “British Dragon”, everything including the trademark is totally on the up and up. My partners have control of the web site only, ( due of our separation website is a breach in copyright laws.

A couple months ago my two partners expressed their desire for me to take a bigger role in running the business, they wanted to be more of the silent partners only looking after the web site. I would continue looking after all of the production for British Dragon, making sure it is only the top notch products people come to expect from British Dragon. They also told me they were debating about get out of the industry entirely preferring to settle down and focus more on their family.

Having agreed that I would focus on running and building up the British Dragon brand. After spending considerable amount of time and energy I was shocked when my partners decided to sell website ONLY (without manufacturing facilities) to GENXXL company. Beside the fact was not fair for me, selling only website manufacturing facilities could mean maybe problems for next production quality.

Now website transfer is started to GENXXL but they realized that I own the name and trademark “British Dragon” their website is worthless they are threatening to make a lot of problems on the boards against me including trying to ruin my business. He has been saying everything from starting rumors I am selling BD fakes or under dosed products which is total bullshit because the batches are made and sent out to many different suppliers. There would be a wave of complaints from all the different retail sellers if we had any fakes or under dosed products.

This situation started few months ago and I BCC all my emails and conversations to numerous monitors and to following boards owners like,,,,,

Lately problems started, First they removed me from website approved supplier list,
Then they sent email from my behalf and threatened RETABOLIL so he started to fight against me by posting ugly and fake announcements on his website about me ( this issue with RETABOLIL was debated openly on anabolex: , I posted everything openly since I don't have anything to hide)

Seems that BritishDragon "website only" new owners were bothered by all facts and they posted another thread that is based again on fake and totally untrue things. Anyway their accusations are childish and seems that they did not bothered to make something that would look 10% real.

GENXXL are posting that I stolen British Dragon stocks but that is funny since producing facilities were never under their control. I have proofs that all that was BritishDragon product was produced in facilities located here. Also
owners of boards mentioned earlier, received all the time BCC to emails and all proofs, payments and profit spliting between me and former partners that show that nothing was stolen, so I will be backed by board owners I mentioned.

GENXXL are posting that I tried to steal their logo but attached are all paperwork that show that I own BritishDragon brand name and logo in 52 countries.

GENXXL are posting that I sell FAKE Karachi sustanon from IP and Fake DENKAL from IP, but I don't have KARACHI for sale on my list for more than one year, also only DENKALL I ever bought from IP is WINSTROL water based and is clearly mentioned on my site that is a copy that contain active ingredients inside with lab test available on my board, IP never hide that DENKAL is a copy that is made in china but meets all concentration and quality tests.

GENXXL is posting that they have few lab tests performed on products purchased from AlinShop which show that my BritishDragon tablets are fake. Is really funny that they are insisting on this issue since they were already caught lying and making fakes SCRS lab tests PDF not long time ago. Also those emails with their last try to modify SCRS LAB TEST so will look bad to me, were BCC to board owners mentioned so they will back me on those statements.

I will paste here emails exchange on this matter on their last try to post fake lab tests.

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:58 PM
Subject: Alin here

Can you tell me that test attached are real ?
Someone say that bought from my shop those but can not be true

Please let me know


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:50 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: Hi

Alin don't worry,

These are actual reports that were generated by SRCS, but they have been
modified. Pertinent information as to the NATURE of the samples has been
removed from the report and therefore, San Rafael Chemical Services will not
support the claim made in these chemical analysis reports.
Joe Larsen


For my customers all products I have are tested and if anyone have simple problem they should just send gear to SCRS and if comes out negative I ill pay lab testing and replace for double value everything. Last lab test on BritishDragon gear was done few days ago and is on anabolex board.


I would take some posts from threads that are going on this matter and will point some issues that were observed by
forum members:

* Ret's announcement is not a unbiased's the opinion of someone in direct competition with Alin. It's just an opinion coming from a source about other source that doesn't have any relevance or place being aired publicly. this makes Ret look very bad, because he shouldn't be relied on to provide accurate information on other sources. In the end, if Ret's service and products are good, then he wouldn't need to bash other people's. When I did that myself, it was out of insecurity.
What we're seeing now from Ret, with regards to insecurity, is simply bad business. He's attacking the competition, and it's pretty transparent to everyone. It's poor form for a source to do some of the things he's doing (how can we trust a scammer list published by a source on his own website???).

* GENXXL post and their try to make up fake tests are perfectly normal because they own in part (not sure how many associates are there now) BritishDragon website, trashing me they hope to get by force BritishDragon brand name and much more important to destroy my business ( they would better try to take care of their customers because their banners were taken out from boards one by one and their presence on internet is pretty low now. Probably they would better goggle "STEROID SCAMMERS" and fix their delivery problems than producing fake SCRS LAB TESTS. Maybe this time they made some better fakes (or they used same lab tests like last time) but their first failure was BCC to major board owners and administrators that can confirm their low-life try.

Besides fake statements, fake lab tests and fake stories they don't have anything but I have paperwork that can proof everything I have said until now. Also within last months all emails between me and former associates were BCC to major board administrators and they can come out and back everything I have said.

Also I don't post this on my own board/site like GENXXL and RET is doing so they can moderate posts and delete everything they don't like. I post all story on major boards so will have a RELEVANCE.
I could post anything I want on my website and moderate threads so will look great and in my favor but would not have any relevance.

Production facilities were bought by a foreign company that already modernized and opened a pharmaceutical factory licensed by government. Their website will be launched within few days and they will display a license number.

AlinShop is proud to announce that, we will be a major distributor for this brand new company that will offer GMP products at much lower prices than underground companies.
This company is a registered GMP and fully licensed with the government with spot inspections unlike many underground companies you will not have to worry about the hit and miss of different batches. Using the top of the line pharmaceutical machinery and only following the highest quality control protocols will result in consistent high quality batches time and time again.

Overall I would prefer to keep this as a private matter but I was forced to come and explain the situation.

As I hope you already know, I work very hard to offer the best possible customer service and only the best products I can for all of my clients.

I appreciate your help in this matter and look forward to getting passed this ugly situation so I can focus on more positive things in the future.

All the best
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Genxxl Themselfv Imake Fakes Lab Tests In Pdf Format

ON GENXXL BOARD THEY SAY "Just in case Alin tries to say he is producing his own better product, here are a few lab tests performed on products purchased from Alin. These tests were performed by SRCS (I will attach these shortly)"

I just checked the lab tests they displayed today on their board. Are same fake lab tests (plus a extra one) that they sent to someone else on OCTOBER and SCRS confirmed that lab tests are altered.

Funny that GENXXL think people are stupid. I expected at least a better try from their part

Also SCRS will not write FROM ALINSHOP on a lab test if that request doesnt come from the owner. SCRS will never be able to know where is coming that sample. I could sent a fake tablet and ask them to write FROM: BESTSOURCE.COM. With such tests I could soon ruin BESTSORCE.COM reputation.

Attached are tests that SCRS confirmed that were altered on October 14. That email was BCC to admin from anabolex and others so he can confirm everything


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:58 PM
Subject: Alin here

Can you tell me that test attached are real ?
Someone say that bought from my shop those but can not be true

Please let me know


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:50 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: Hi

Alin don't worry,

These are actual reports that were generated by SRCS, but they have been
modified. Pertinent information as to the NATURE of the samples has been
removed from the report and therefore, San Rafael Chemical Services will not
support the claim made in these chemical analysis reports.
Joe Larsen
Genxxl Producing Fake Lab Tests :?>??


ON GENXXL BOARD THEY SAY "Just in case Alin tries to say he is producing his own better product, here are a few lab tests performed on products purchased from Alin. These tests were performed by SRCS (I will attach these shortly)"

I just checked the lab tests they displayed today on their board. Are same fake lab tests (plus a extra one) that they sent to someone else on OCTOBER and SCRS confirmed that lab tests are altered.

Funny that GENXXL think people are stupid. I expected at least a better try from their part

Also SCRS will not write FROM ALINSHOP on a lab test if that request doesnt come from the owner. SCRS will never be able to know where is coming that sample. I could sent a fake tablet and ask them to write FROM: BESTSOURCE.COM. With such tests I could soon ruin BESTSORCE.COM reputation.

Attached are tests that SCRS confirmed that were altered on October 14. That email was BCC to admin from anabolex and others so he can confirm everything


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:58 PM
Subject: Alin here

Can you tell me that test attached are real ?
Someone say that bought from my shop those but can not be true

Please let me know


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:50 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: Hi

Alin don't worry,

These are actual reports that were generated by SRCS, but they have been
modified. Pertinent information as to the NATURE of the samples has been
removed from the report and therefore, San Rafael Chemical Services will not
support the claim made in these chemical analysis reports.
Joe Larsen
I guess I just don't understand why, If you are part owner of BD why arn't you on the official reseller list?????
role model said:
I guess I just don't understand why, If you are part owner of BD why arn't you on the official reseller list?????

website was never under my control
I love BD products! What are your plans from here? I actually use GENXXL and the BD stuff I got from them is crazy good! Im sorry to hear of these problems.
I received recently all my products from alin with a very fast service, the only thing 'm afraid of, is the bd 50 mg d-bol, is real d-bol with correct dosage? This situation get me nervous.
It's a lot to take in. I have been on a few boards checking out all the info. Either way, there will be doubts in a lot of peoples minds and business will be lost. Of course there will always be die hard Alin fans. I used to order from Alin but I now have domestic sources. Even though I was less than pleased with the service I still recommend Alin to newbies that don't have a source because the Stealth line is easy to get through customs. I also stress registered mail with tracking so there are no delivery issues. I'm not sure that I will be recommending him anymore until more info is out.

terrorizer2 said:
Its in the post mate.His partners have kept the website but removed him from the official sellers list.

Thats the lamest thing I ever heard. If you are part owner of BD You should be able to to be on the list unless they hate or distrust you for some reason. I received my gear from Alin but its a 50/50 shot that it was BD in side the bottle and I had to wait 5 weeks to finally get it and I swore I would never ever do it again. I'd rather be without. If you can't get along with your co owners in the Co. its a problem for everyone. A house divided shall fall.
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I only know trhis - I and a few bros ordered a few times from Alin. BD gear. All gear came and was legit. The BD situation is unnerving, but since Alin decided to drop them and continue with a new line, which will apparently even be cheaper, I see no problem in trusting him.
As for lab tests, we are all aware an independent newspaper ordered some BD gear, had it tested, and the gear was legit, where other sources were not. That's a report I'm willing to believe, unlike a lab test done by the competition that's apparently faked, according to San Raphael themselves.
role model said:
Thats the lamest thing I ever heard. If you are part owner of BD You should be able to to be on the list unless they hate or distrust you for some reason. I received my gear from Alin but its a 50/50 shot that it was BD in side the bottle and I had to wait 5 weeks to finally get it and I swore I would never ever do it again. I'd rather be without. If you can't get along with your co owners in the Co. its a problem for everyone. A house divided shall fall.

Mate,no one knows the full story,only what info gets posted.If they have fallen out then Alins partners own the website so can remove him from the aproved sellers list to try and fuck up his buisness.I first used Alin in 1999 and used him for a couple of years.Now i am back in the UK after living in Thailand where gear is for sale in the pharmacys,i have recently used him and recieved 3 packets from him within 3 weeks and all was legit.From my own experience i cannot criticise him as he has always been 100% for me.
bastiaan0740 said:
As for lab tests, we are all aware an independent newspaper ordered some BD gear, had it tested, and the gear was legit, where other sources were not. That's a report I'm willing to believe, unlike a lab test done by the competition that's apparently faked, according to San Raphael themselves.

The problems arose just in the past 2-3 months when he was taken off the list. Somethings up, and theres a whole bunch of lieing and back stabbing going on for some reason. I could take an educated guess but it would just be a guess. Underground lab juice tests legit to, but that dosen't mean it's BD Quality. I know his gear tests out OK I've purchased it.
terrorizer2 said:
Mate,no one knows the full story,only what info gets posted.If they have fallen out then Alins partners own the website so can remove him from the aproved sellers list to try and fuck up his buisness.I first used Alin in 1999 and used him for a couple of years.Now i am back in the UK after living in Thailand where gear is for sale in the pharmacys,i have recently used him and recieved 3 packets from him within 3 weeks and all was legit.From my own experience i cannot criticise him as he has always been 100% for me.

You said above "and remove him from the approved sellers list to try and fuck up his business" How do you know this??? It just doesn't add up to me being an older experienced businessman. Why would you take a chance of tarnishing your own quality company label if you don't have to? Something crooked happened for this to take place, besides Alin sells MASS QUANTITIES of BD, so to cut him off makes no business sense AT ALL, unless.
If I am selling a top of the line, high quality product, but I find out my partner is using my label and putting in a generic substitute to make an extra buck behind my back, I would cut him off ASAP to save the company! This is an example of my point, not fact.
role model said:
You said above "and remove him from the approved sellers list to try and fuck up his business" How do you know this??? It just doesn't add up to me being an older experienced businessman. Why would you take a chance of tarnishing your own quality company label if you don't have to? Something crooked happened for this to take place, besides Alin sells MASS QUANTITIES of BD, so to cut him off makes no business sense AT ALL, unless.
If I am selling a top of the line, high quality product, but I find out my partner is using my label and putting in a generic substitute to make an extra buck behind my back, I would cut him off ASAP to save the company! This is an example of my point, not fact.

Read the info on Anabolex mate and things will become clearer.Peace.
Ok, I'll step in here. Check out some of the posts on some other boards such as Outlawmuscle. The truth is that Alin has been a selective scamming asshole for years. I and 2 friends placed orders with Alin. I didn't receive anything and when I wrote politely to Alin, my email was ignored. Same thing happened to one of my friends. My other mate received his order, but it turned out that he was sent fake gear. Alin will always be a dirty fucking piece of shit in my book. I'd love to get my hands on you Alin, you fucking low life basard! [}:)] [}:)]
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