Alin Clarifications On Bd/genxxl Issue !

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I have heard from several bros that alin has scammed many times....this whole issue does not make sense.....I dont care what and who posted what...that dont mean shit....time will tell who is lying, who is fake, who is real.....IMO I will step aside and let the bricks fall as they may.....

Alin...this is the only board I have seen you post your rebuttal.......
Andrew Androgen said:
Ok, I'll step in here. Check out some of the posts on some other boards such as Outlawmuscle. The truth is that Alin has been a selective scamming asshole for years. I and 2 friends placed orders with Alin. I didn't receive anything and when I wrote politely to Alin, my email was ignored. Same thing happened to one of my friends. My other mate received his order, but it turned out that he was sent fake gear. Alin will always be a dirty fucking piece of shit in my book. I'd love to get my hands on you Alin, you fucking low life basard! [}:)] [}:)]

Yep. He's one of the longest running sources of all time. He's also, quite possibly, the source with the most amount of complaints of all time.
there were and have been complaints in the past - what each member here reading this needs to do is decide for themselves who to trust or not to trust - I have used the GenXXL site and received what I ordered so I have no argument with them

I have never used Alin so I wont comment on him either - all I will say is that this is not the first time Alin's name has been brought up.
right now it apears that any board where bigA has any say, alin is being praised and defended but on any board where bigA has no say alin is being exposed for what he is, a poor businessman with probably the highest complaint ration of any source who claims to be legit. i have never seen a source with the amount of customers who have come forward with complaints of not receiving their gear or getting only partial orders yet he is praised so much on quite a few boards and all complaints are removed.
i als know for a fact that genxxl was removed from all boards that bigA owns and the excuse at the time was that he supposedly sold all his source advertising space to one new source and all the other sources were going to be removed when theyr current paid advertising space ran out. this was all a lie to get rid of alins competition on all of bigA's boards as there never was a new source buying all the advertising space since bigA added over 9 new sources to promuscle after this message was sent to the owner of genxxl.
the story about genxxl buying the BD website but not the company themselves does not make any sence eoither. why would BD sell a website that supports their company and provides their access to the rest of the world but not the company themselves. Alin was removed from the authorized resellers list on the BD website for a reason and that reason is finally coming out in the open.
Check out this post And go to the british dragon site. Things get more clear!
From Alin:

Quoted from the website:

"British Dragon has always been a procurement company. However, with an aim toward producing licensed products, we formed a partnership in Eastern Europe to manufacture. Before this was finalised, sub-standard products were being produced which were not to the standard nor tradition of British Dragon.

Thus, no genuine British Dragon products (as under the control of the founders) will be produced after December, 2006.

All our regular distributors as listed on the Suppliers list will have sufficient stock until well into the new year (2007).

British Dragon would like to thank its loyal supporters.

Please re-visit this site for further bulletins."
I was under the impression BD was of chinese generic manufactur and proccured or subcontracted by BD. Like most of the other underground pressed tabs. never gave a thought to the injectable line
So let me get this straight....I sit on the fence about what and who to order from and the day I place an order with Alin...after reading some PRO Alin posts on the board....this crap comes out. What the shit?

As of now...I don't know what the fuck to believe. I recieved 2 of 5 10c TE bottles today. Still need the remaining 3 and my dbol to make a determination. Then I guess the question is, "is it real?". I don't know...should I have it tested? I really don't care about the brand as long as the product contains what it is supposed to (someone mentioned generic vs. brand name).

Right now, Alin has maintained good communication with me and fulfilled 40% of my test order.

It's this crap I was trying to avoid by going to a recommended source, but I guess that's what I get for going grey market. I'm going to try to find a lab here in town and see about getting it tested. If anyone knows anything else about Alin or their gear, keep the post active.
realgooddaddy,what brand have you ordered,British Dragon?.I am just finishing up my cycle of his enanthate sachets,1000mg a week,along with some BD deca.Also had some 50mg methanabol.All have been fine.Have been using BD nolvadex as well which i take throughout my cycle and that has been fine.Also bought clomid for a friend which i tried a couple and i know that is okay LOL!!.Felt well upset!!.Hopefully everything turns out okay for you.I used to use him 5 or 6 years ago and always got legit gear.This was the first order since then and came through with no problems so i cannot have a bad word to say about him as he has always been good to me.
pincrusher said:
right now it apears that any board where bigA has any say, alin is being praised and defended but on any board where bigA has no say alin is being exposed for what he is, a poor businessman with probably the highest complaint ration of any source who claims to be legit. i have never seen a source with the amount of customers who have come forward with complaints of not receiving their gear or getting only partial orders yet he is praised so much on quite a few boards and all complaints are removed.
i als know for a fact that genxxl was removed from all boards that bigA owns and the excuse at the time was that he supposedly sold all his source advertising space to one new source and all the other sources were going to be removed when theyr current paid advertising space ran out. this was all a lie to get rid of alins competition on all of bigA's boards as there never was a new source buying all the advertising space since bigA added over 9 new sources to promuscle after this message was sent to the owner of genxxl.
the story about genxxl buying the BD website but not the company themselves does not make any sence eoither. why would BD sell a website that supports their company and provides their access to the rest of the world but not the company themselves. Alin was removed from the authorized resellers list on the BD website for a reason and that reason is finally coming out in the open.

The truest post yet. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, its probably a duck.
I started asking questions on his board and my posts removed and access to site terminated. I accused him of nothing just asked some hard questions.
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The enanth was BD but the dbol was not. I did a little looking on that Genx board and I can't tell what the F is going on. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until I have reason to doubt them. So far in MY case,
  • My order is arriving...quickly (still need 3 more bottles and tabs to make it 100%)
  • I've had good communication from Alin (no unanswered emails so far)
  • Quality? I don't know. The last TE I did was from Steris so don't know BD very well. As long as it contains TE I'm happy. I got some vet TE from Mexico a while back which made my shoulder sore, hot and itchy (infection?). Fortunately I had some heavy antibiotics on hand. I haven't tried it again, but if the TE I got from Alin doesn't do that I'll be pleased.
my order is coming in quickly,
realgooddaddy said:
The enanth was BD but the dbol was not. I did a little looking on that Genx board and I can't tell what the F is going on. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until I have reason to doubt them. So far in MY case,
  • My order is arriving...quickly (still need 3 more bottles and tabs to make it 100%)
  • I've had good communication from Alin (no unanswered emails so far)
  • Quality? I don't know. The last TE I did was from Steris so don't know BD very well. As long as it contains TE I'm happy. I got some vet TE from Mexico a while back which made my shoulder sore, hot and itchy (infection?). Fortunately I had some heavy antibiotics on hand. I haven't tried it again, but if the TE I got from Alin doesn't do that I'll be pleased.
my order is coming in quickly,
You might be waiting a while. I got half my order quickly and now -- three months later -- I'm still waiting for the second half but expecting nothing.

Rip off. Sham.
That is weird then. I went with alin based on the amount of positive comments on the stealth thread. I'll keep watching. When did you place your order?
realgooddaddy said:
That is weird then. I went with alin based on the amount of positive comments on the stealth thread. I'll keep watching. When did you place your order?

Why would you say thats weird if you haven't received your full order yet? These problems happen all the time with Alin including myself and a friend of mine. I was lucky, I got my full order in about 5 weeks but my buddy is still waiting for the other 1/2 about 3 months now.

PS. The messages on Alins board are all pre read before being posted. I had some problems and my posts removed and access to site terminated. Communistic message board over there, They only accept worship and praise. Other wise you cannot post.
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I'm still in the dark on this. I took about a week off the board after my order. When I came back I saw a bunch of posts calling alin a scammer and not-legit. I guess I'm confused as to why or how someone would be a "part-time" scammer. I understand things getting siezed in the mail but it doesn't make sense for someone to selectively rip people off...I mean, why go to the trouble? I am hoping for the best, but I have no idea right now. I have an alternate source in China but I hadn't ever used him before and there was no information online about I went with the other guy that people did I'm wondering if I made the wrong decision. I just think it's weird because people seem to be either hot or cold on Alin. He's GREAT or he SUCKS. I have to go pray to the steroid Gods now that my order comes in.
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