Altered Genetics (New Source)

@retpsd Compared to other ugls. I I'm not going to claim 99 percent purity of our raws, a lot of ugls make claims of the best great on earth and turn out like hammer and phurious.

My raw hasn't been ms/hplc so I'd never make those claims, but what I will say Is that the gear qualifies and 7x and higher Is what we strive for and this is what I mean by quality and superior.

Some may think 7 is low but I think it's very respectable and you'll see solid gains. Bloods should be done this week so that will tell the story.

If anything goes wrong with an order we'll be here to make it right and that's what sets us apart.

@XNooBX we have been local and brewing for a little over two years and have never had a issue with sterility or even a complaint of bad pip. I don't want to post identifying photos of the set up for security reasons, all gear is filtered through a .22 and then baked. We use several filter kits for brewing.
@retpsd Compared to other ugls. I I'm not going to claim 99 percent purity of our raws, a lot of ugls make claims of the best great on earth and turn out like hammer and phurious.

So you were obviously here for the demise of hammer and Phurious so which member are you? This handle was just created on Wednesday. I'm for one fucking tired of members trying to sell their home brew bullshit here.
Careful now this guy has Superior quality products...............:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Shit PIP, if you and I had a fucking penny for every time one of these start up fucks used "sterile" "pharma grade" "superior quality" "clean" "I just wanna provide the brothers with good quality products cause I know how it is" we could buy enough GH to last us a year. lol
True I'm just trying to get a concenus on some labs. I was tryin to find a lab for some oral Dbol I'm a few weeks into my cycle and wanted to give it a little kick but your right I shouldn't be jumping at any lab
heady is right -- you shouldn't just jump on any one lab. You should do your due diligence.

You don't see me begging for orders. If I can get your business that's great if not that's okay too.

I posted here to get the word out online, and I am convinced that if you try the gear you will not be disappointed.